New to FitnessPal

Hi There

Silje from Denmark.
Just started using this great app on iphone and online 3 weeks ago.
Have 50 kgs. to loose. Have given myself a year to do so.
First part goal is to reach 110 kg. before christmas.

I started at 133,5 kg. Now I am 129,5 kg. And I want to way 79 kilos at the most when I am done.



  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member

    Welcome :) This is a wonderful site with many great people! good luck and feel free to add me :)
  • Trudegk
    Trudegk Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there,

    I think you will find this site very helpful. I sure am, but I just started using it 2-3 weeks ago.
    I'm from Norway, 47 years old. Add me as a friend if you like:)
  • merichick
    merichick Posts: 6 Member
    This is a great site and because there is an app it is really to keep track of everything you eat and all exercise. Good luck. I like the little sliding scale that shows how much weight you have lost as it keeps me motivated.