Why am I not losing any weight?

Hello all,

I just started using the iPhone app to track calories and I really like it. It helps keep me in check when I want to eat some junk, but doing so will put me over my caloric intake.

I have been using the tool for just over a week and in looking at the numbers, have been doing well. I'm a big guy, 5'9 225 so I set myself up to lose a pound and a half per week. I have been riding bike a lot and over the past 9 days have had my Calories Remaining of positive 5200. I would think with the goal set plus the fact that with the exercise putting me at plus 5200, I would have lost about 3 pounds and so far have lost NONE! Am I missing something?

Any insight would be helpful.


  • aatul
    aatul Posts: 23
    hang in there .... it takes a while to start. Make sure that you are recording the calories correctly ?? I have been at it for almost 10 weeks now but have only managed 7 pounds though the calorie chart should be singing a different song ???
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Kind of difficult to give our opinion on the info you have given. If you open your food and exercise journal for public reading we would be better able to help you. Just a guess, but it sounds like either your goals need tweeking or you may not be eatting enough if you have more than 5200 cals left at the end of the day.

    Good Luck!
  • angebean
    angebean Posts: 195 Member
    My personal experience is that it took me 3 weeks to start seeing the scale move. From what I have read, if you were not eating healthy and not exercising, it's going to take your body's metabolism some time to stabilize. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water and stay as close to the guidelines for carbs/fats/proteins as MFP gives you and try not to look soley on calorie count. Once I finally lined up everything that I just mentioned, that's when I started to lose weight. One other thing is that I "thought" I was eating a certain amount (1oz, 4 oz, 1/2 cup etc), but when I finally measured it out, I was way over what I thought it was.

    Keep it up and you're already doing great by exercising and being on MFP!

    Good luck!
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    are you eating to many calories:noway: are you building muscles:smile: i have been working really hard for a week thay ssay it takes two weeks for muscles to build up enough to help when you do cardio:yawn: one more week for me than the weight should start falling off
  • AshPolette717
    " Life is a journey, not a destination"

    My opinion, keep working and watch what you eat, my first few weeks weren't that great either. I don't like biking because it doesn't do that much for the whole body. walking and eplicile helped me the most. and set you goals to 2 pounds a week. It worked for me.


  • tim_fitbuilt4life
    tim_fitbuilt4life Posts: 301 Member
    Don't measure weight but measure inches. By gaining muscle you weight may stay the same but muscle makes you appear thinner.
  • goirishgorebels
    It is now Public
  • angebean
    angebean Posts: 195 Member
    goirishgorebels-- i am not an expert, but i took a quick look at your diary.

    I would definitely add more whole foods and lose more of the processed foods. This will get you all of the right carbs in and you'll get more fiber that way too. I would make the milk, skim milk. I have found that once I started limiting the white foods (pasta, white rice, tortillas, bread, potatoes) is when I really started to see the scale move, but that's just me.

    Looks like you have a sweet tooth - maybe try yogurt with fruit or Jello (sugar free) or something like that as a dessert instead of high carb, high fat foods.

    You're staying within the calorie guidelines, which is good. It's gonna take some time for your body to adjust, so be patient.

    Try to think of this is a lifestyle change, not just a diet.

    Keep up the good work and in no time you'll start seeing the inches and lbs come off!