Looking for more supportive friends...

Hey everyone.
I just went through my hundreds of friends last night and deleted over a hundred of "friends" who haven't logged in over a week, people who didn't ever have kind words to say and those who were not motivated themselves.

I really want to make some friends who feel comfortable commenting on my posts, a friend who has faith in me and my goals and a friend who is willing to talk about not only weight loss but, life.

If you would like a friend like that and also think that you are that supportive in return, please add me and we can talk! :)



  • AnnR999
    AnnR999 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Paige. You are more than welcome to friend me. I have a long way to go in my journey, but I log almost every day (except when I am getting ready to drop off the planet for vacation next week), and I am here to give support to my buddies. I keep my buddy list small for that very reason, so that I can truly get to know my buddies and be a good source of encouragement and support for them. Good luck in your journey!.
  • EFSewell
    EFSewell Posts: 3
    Hi Paige,

    I'm relatively new to myfitnesspal and I have a long way to go. But I log in everyday, and I could also use encouragement and advice.

    Please, feel free to friend me.

  • epie2098
    epie2098 Posts: 224 Member
    You can absolutely add me :) I will be there at every step for you!
  • I am pretty new here and would love to get a strong support system going. It makes it feel so much easier when there is someone else going through the same thing! I will definitely add you :)
  • Holla! I'm very motivational and supportive....I have been on here since 2010, formally as addictedtoaerosmith, but got kicked off the forums, served two photo bans and had someone continuing to harass me and report my avatars...so i just deactivated and created a new one, I'm very sassy and speak my mind...I overpost and love my FL...that is all...ball's in your court lil nugget
  • thanhdle
    thanhdle Posts: 25 Member
    dieting can be a very lonely life when your peers do not have similar goals. Now i only have as much friends as i can count fingers on one hand. =(
  • Feel free to add me. I am looking for friends to interact with on a regular basis as well
  • Feel free to add me :)
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm here a lot.
  • Nijm
    Nijm Posts: 7 Member
    Hey Paige, you can definitely add me. I just joined this week but I began my quest for a healthier lifestyle over a 1 1/2 ago after a ten year struggle with my weight. I know how important it is to have a strong support system and lucky for me I have an awesome cheerleading squad that motivates and inspires me to push through barriers daily. They walk with me, encourage good eating choices and celebrate my small victories (we just celebrated NO MORE TERRIBLE 2's, now I'm in 1DERLAND). :smile: So if support and motivation are what you're looking for I'm TEAM PAIGE!
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    I've been here a while too. Noticed most of the people I had friended in the beginning have kinda faded away. Always happy to support! Feel free to add me.
  • lakatrea4
    lakatrea4 Posts: 1
    Hi everyone.. I downloaded this app back in 2012 and didn't take advantage of what this site has to offer. Now. I'm starting off fresh and could use some help along the way.. I would love new friends and I hope. We can motivate. Each other
  • Britterboo22
    Britterboo22 Posts: 300 Member
    feel free to add me :D
    I log everyday and my lil motivational crew is so supportive!
  • Does any one have any good healthy dinners, and any suggestions for snacking at night?
    Today is my second day and would love to get some advise.
  • AnnelizabethB
    AnnelizabethB Posts: 64 Member
    HI! I sent you a request and a few others on here. I'm rarely in the forums as I'm usually mobile. I had logged for 50 days but had some health issues so now I just hit day 5 :) I love active and supportive friends. I'm doing this all on my own no one around me is actively trying to lose weight (they'd rather complain and eat their junk foods)
  • AnnelizabethB
    AnnelizabethB Posts: 64 Member
    Does any one have any good healthy dinners, and any suggestions for snacking at night?
    Today is my second day and would love to get some advise.

    I like to make salmon or chicken for dinner. A salad or steamed veggies with maybe so couscous to go with. I love the baby bell mini cheese wheels for snacks. the light ones are 50 calories each. Or some fresh fruit, usually berries of some kind.
  • CoachB6
    CoachB6 Posts: 35 Member
    Any of you can feel free to add me!
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    I understand where you're coming from; wishing you the best on your goals. Feel free to add me, I log in daily (750 days in a row so far) and I'm willing to offer encouragement.

    Matter of fact, anyone looking for a friend can add me as well.

  • Parmcat
    Parmcat Posts: 268 Member
    Hi there,

    I am fairly new here, but have 30 days of logged diarys that are open to see.

    If anyone can tolerate my warped and bent sense of humour, but also my surrport and encouragement, please feel free to add me!

    Lets do this journey together!

  • Wow! 45 pounds? That's awesome! I also log in daily. And I love to support and be supported. Feel free to add me...Nancy