Feeling so depressed! :(

xarchie1980x Posts: 36 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I started MFP and P90x about 3 weeks ago, and was doing good for first 2 weeks, and lost 6 lbs!

But all went downhill since last week....hurt my wrist (have a cast now), did not work out (i know i could walk -- but did not), have been eating all unhealthy (no excuse - i am just so miserable -- ahhh-- i hate myself), and then lost my iphone 2 days ago (i know i can log in my calories on a computer, but am so lazy to find time to do that -- i know-- again an excuse-- Geez, i am so pathetic).......

Its August 26th today....exact 8 weeks from now is October 21st....my 30th birtrhday.....I want to lose 3 lbs each week till then...i know all say 2 lbs/week is considered healthy....but i dont care..i just am tired of being fat, flabby, and feeling ugly all the time...

And as i cant do p90x...i plan is to walk outside or on treadmill atleast 3 miles per day... (i hate running...have never been a runner...so plan to just walk)......plus try to do Ab ripper 100 (the old version) every day....and stay within my daily calorie goal...

I am sorry for crying and whining here on this forum...but i really need some support....

I want to change how i look and....most importantly...I want to change the way I feel about myself by the time i turn 30!

This is it..now or never!!!!


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    just an FYI, you should not do ab ripper everyday, your muscles need some time to recover. Try doing Plyometrics one day then ab ripper and walking the next, alternating these workouts will keep you busy every day and allow time for you muscles to recover.
  • xarchie1980x
    xarchie1980x Posts: 36 Member
    thanks erickirb..i will keep that in mind :)
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    ok, so instead of keeping it inside and letting it fester, you've gotten your feelings out. Good job! Now, forgive yourself--no more flogging and get out there walking. do whatever you can for your present to yourself. all you can do is your best. i too am coming off a medical setback with horrible pain so i know it's rough. Take it day by day or hour by hour, make those positive choices for yourself and please let me know how you're doing--i'll be rooting for you!:flowerforyou:
  • Everyone has felt this way! Anyone trying to lose weight will have one of those days/weeks. But you already have planned out what you are going to do which is already a great start! Stick to what you said you were going to do and before you know it you will be out of your funk and feeling yourself again. Walking is great exercise and does help you lose inches. You are here and you are willing to try to lose your weight that is the first and hardest step for anyone to take. Quit eating the junk and get out there and start walking right now...no more excuses and you will feel so much better for it!!

    And you have already lost 6lbs!!! Which is great!! Just keep remembering that.

  • LauraAkaTigger
    LauraAkaTigger Posts: 145 Member
    by making more excuses you will not get where you need to be...

    Start today!! forget yesterday and all the things that are wrong.. you have lost 6lbs.. you can continue and get this, today is a new day. Be positive, this can work for you..

    Good luck!!
  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    anything you do differently will be a step in the right direction. Drink an extra glass of water. Park further from the door. Walk up some steps. try to log your food, and if you can't try to make at least ONE good choice per meal. You don't have to do everything all at once. Baby steps. You may not make your goal weight by your birthday, but you will be closer, happier and healthier. YOU CAN DO THIS!:flowerforyou:
  • bking34
    bking34 Posts: 1
    I too, set big goals, but it is in setting the little goals, that will help to turn things around, seeing the little results, add up....stay positive, and follow the other suggestions posted, they are quite good.....
  • JeanneTops
    JeanneTops Posts: 2,633 Member
    Your last line holds the key:

    I want to change how i look and....most importantly...I want to change the way I feel about myself by the time i turn 30!

    You've set yourself some high goals - nothing wrong with that - but you've set them all at once! You need to dial it down and give yourself some room for success. Start with smaller steps and get some success going in your life. You'll start feeling better about yourself. And feeling better about yourself is the number one thing you need to do to achieve more success.

    Sometimes I think that those of us with weight problems are addicted to failure. All we know is how to feel badly about ourselves. So even when we set out to change, we give ourselves impossible goals. Then when the inevitable failure sets in and the depression follows, it feels kind of normal.

    Big successes are the accumulation of small successes. It takes courage to let yourself have a small success. Read the Success board - we cheer every success, big or small, because we know that each one of them is important.

    As for your 30th birthday - turn 30 feeling better that you're turning your life around - eating better, exercising more, taking control over you and loving yourself! Then next year, turn 31 with the big success of still doing it and having lost the weight you wanted to lose.
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    If your budget can take it (i have a tight budget) go to GNC or similar store and ask about something you can take to help raise your metabolism. That may help too and you will feel better. I use CLA, its more natural and (for certain types of jobs) won't pop you on a drug test. Good Luck :)
  • LauraAkaTigger
    LauraAkaTigger Posts: 145 Member
    anything you do differently will be a step in the right direction. Drink an extra glass of water. Park further from the door. Walk up some steps. try to log your food, and if you can't try to make at least ONE good choice per meal. You don't have to do everything all at once. Baby steps. You may not make your goal weight by your birthday, but you will be closer, happier and healthier. YOU CAN DO THIS!:flowerforyou:

    Great advice and very well put!! couldnt agree more!!
  • xarchie1980x
    xarchie1980x Posts: 36 Member
    thanks everyone for your kind words...i walked 3.9 miles yesterday...at the speed of 3 miles/hr....my boy-friend is a sweetheart..and when i told him how stressed i feel...he offered to walk with me from work to home....which was exact 3.9 miles..and we reached home in 70 minutes.

    even though...i feel that u exert more when u work out in gym or do p90x...coz i did not sweat at all while walking...but it still felt good! Atleast a good start! :)
  • LauraAkaTigger
    LauraAkaTigger Posts: 145 Member
    Great start!! Keep it up!!!
    You'll feel better by doing one thing every day!!
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