This momma needs some motivation!

Hi everyone!

I'm Chelsie from a little town called Mayo, FL. Needless to say, there's not a whole lot of Zumba classes, yoga studios, gyms, or step classes. Just a whole lot of dirt roads and internal motivation. -__- Let's just say I don't have a whole lot of that, between running after my three kids (twin four year olds and a one year old), my two dogs (bulldogs named Darla and Dante), redecorating the house I just bought with fiancé, school work for my BS in Psychology, working on the yard, constantly cleaning (not only because of a full house, but OCD!), and frequent doctor visits. It's nonstop, but I've GOT to find some time for ME!

I typically have my free time after 7:00pm, which is when the kids lay down and either go to bed or watch a movie. I usually take the time to walk the dogs, clean up the house from the day, check my e-mail and school work, take a shower, and then I'll read. By this time, sure, I have the time to fit in some exercise. But I'm so dang tired, I can barely bring myself to make it to bed sometimes, even though I don't sleep very good at all! I suffer from chronic pain and anemia, and am just now starting visits with a rheumatologist to determine why I hurt all the time. So it's just one more reason to buck up and strengthen my body back up! I'm only 23, for Christ's sake! But it's not only the exercise that is the problem. I never remember to eat, and when I do, it's probably not the healthiest, or I'm sharing it with my kids who never leave my plate alone. Sometimes I won't even realize I'm hungry until my blood sugar plummets and I'm sick!

So, does anyone out there have some ideas, advice, or just want to be motivation buddies?! Come on! I'm a sweetheart! ;)



  • JasmineOravec
    JasmineOravec Posts: 88 Member
    Hey girl! Welcome to an amazingly helpful site. I lost 9lbs before starting and mfp has helped me continue when I very likely would've quit by now. I love my friends I've made over the past six months and it would be great to support you since you seem like a cool momma! :)
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Focus on food first, sounds like you get plenty of exercise already!
  • nilleah
    nilleah Posts: 177
    You sound just like me. Chasing a kiddo around, only have me time after she goes to bed, rarely eat, etc. Have that Rheumatologist check you for Fibromyalgia! I have that and it sucks! Constant all over pain, chronic fatigue, sleep problems, among a few of my symptoms.

    I'd love to help keep you motivated!
  • Anosha
    Anosha Posts: 5
    Welcome! This website is fantastic. I had joined this account years ago and had lost motivation in loosing weight. It wasn't until 3 weeks earlier that I wanted to do something successful in my life and for me that was weight loss. So far I have lost 3 kilos just by counting my calories and 30 minute exercises. This site truly does help those who lack motivation and the people here are so supportive and friendly. I hope you become the best of your potential and goodluck :)
  • Kushy8
    Kushy8 Posts: 103 Member
    Hey Chelsea! I'm Erin. I grew up in South Florida, near Fort Lauderdale. Where about is Mayo (East Coast, West Coast, Panhandle, etc.)? Also, I, too, live in a small town now (Central Ohio.) AND, I have a BA in psychology. So far, we have a lot in common! Oh, and I have 1 dog, a Pekingese (my profile pic.)

    I am on every day, and like to motivate others and be motivated as well. Feel free to add me and best wishes on your journey!