Gutted! Scales tell me I am 3lbs up! Was prepared for little loss as I am in a bit of a plateau, but 3lbs up!! Had a high calorie day this week (conference) but surely that would not have made such a massive difference. Also got a lunch out with a girlfriend is hard to fit in social and family events...!
Measurements are a cm or so down, so taking that as a positive. .Would like to go below 12 stones (168 lbs) and stop there but this had made me wonder how I will ever manage to maintain my weight loss....will i have to log for the rest of my life?
I do have a much better idea of portion size etc and doing more exercise.
Oh well...will weigh again tomorrow and hope that it was a water glitch or something and then have a solid week logging and hope for the best.
I do not want to go back to where I was!
Thank you for listening (!)


  • jandjcassidy
    jandjcassidy Posts: 143
    You really have to think abut the WHY am I doing this?? I'd love to help keep you on track!!
  • mousepaws22
    mousepaws22 Posts: 380 Member
    It's probably just water weight, if you ate out it may have been high in sodium.
  • mustang289
    mustang289 Posts: 299 Member
    It's probably just water weight, if you ate out it may have been high in sodium.

    Thinking the same thing.

    You would have had to consume an extra 10,500 calories ABOVE your daily usual amount to have gained 3 actual pounds.
    Don't sweat it....or maybe DO sweat it, literally LOL. When the water is gone the weight will go back to normal.
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I gained a lb slowly over this week which was really frustrating me - I know I shouldn't, but I weight everyday. Then today I stood on the scales and they said I'd lost 2lbs overnight! Weight fluctuates so much. If you know you're doing all the right things then you just have to be patient. If you're losing cm then maybe you're gaining a bit of muscle?
  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    Oh well...will weigh again tomorrow and hope ...

    Noooo! Don't do that. Avoid the scale! The scale is your enemy. You want to focus on other measurements of fitness - use the tape measure, use your ability (are stairs suddenly easier?) etc. The scale, while it is one useful measurement, is not the final answer.

    Just weigh in once a week. I usually weigh in Saturday mornings, and that way I avoid all of the crazy bumps during the week (I've probably gained and lost 4 lbs in some weeks. It wouldn't surprise me.)
  • 1Daisydixon
    I agree. Scales should be treated with caution and come with the warning "Danger; seriously bad for your mental health"!
    Only use them once a month and always at the same time of day.
    Don't give up!
  • proboho
    proboho Posts: 62 Member
    Dear all thank you for all the helpful comments and ideas. I think I have slacked a bit on the water drinking this week and have felt a bit puffy, so that plus the salty buffet have probably not helped. I will dust myself off and keep on going. I have gone from a tight uk size 18 to a loose size 14 since 1stt Feb so have been feeling pretty pleased with myself, maybe a bit too pleased with myself!
    You are all lovely people
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    Last weekend was my birthday and I splurged. Monday up 3 lbs but didn't panic. By Thursday I was back, and today down even more. Just be patient, stay focused. Water weight from excess sodium, water weight from exercise can be culprits. Focus on those measurements and how your clothes fit.

    Lots caution not to weigh daily. I do, but I only track weekly. I understand lots can affect the what works for you, but if you weigh daily, I suggest only doing that if you can put it in perspective. It takes time to be able to do this. I have been at the fitness thing a bit over a year, and Monday's "gain" was the first time I didn't feel a sense of panic over the higher weight.
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 562 Member
    Don't worry! Day-to-day weight fluctuations are normal. The best advice I can give is to make a weight vs time graph. Whenever you weigh yourself, don't over-analyze the number - just plot that weight at the correct date. Eventually, your graph will show not just minor fluctuations, but the general trend of your weight over time. Is it a downward trend? Good. If your weight doesn't seem to be changing or looks like it's increasing, *that's* when you're allowed to worry.
  • Lithium119
    Lithium119 Posts: 10 Member

    Noooo! Don't do that. Avoid the scale! The scale is your enemy. You want to focus on other measurements of fitness - use the tape measure, use your ability (are stairs suddenly easier?) etc. The scale, while it is one useful measurement, is not the final answer.

    Just weigh in once a week. I usually weigh in Saturday mornings, and that way I avoid all of the crazy bumps during the week (I've probably gained and lost 4 lbs in some weeks. It wouldn't surprise me.)

    This, verbatim :flowerforyou:
  • proboho
    proboho Posts: 62 Member
    Plus I do my 90 mins quad-core Zumba session on a Friday evening, so maybe something to do with that hopefully ...
  • proboho
    proboho Posts: 62 Member
    that should read HARDCORE!
  • proboho
    proboho Posts: 62 Member
    thanks guys! Panic over and lessons learnt. As of today the 3 lbs has gone down the toilet :wink: (!) so NO CHANGE, At 171ibs really looking forward to getting below 170 now.Memo to self - Keep drinking the water...!

  • proboho
    proboho Posts: 62 Member
    PS normally only weigh once a week.
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    I had lost but then went off track last week with camping, etc., and was up 2-1/2 lbs this morning, so I really know how to feel. I completely agree with the other person who wrote to remind yourself why you're doing this. Friend request coming your way!