
Hi! I'm new here and I was kind of looking for some online friends just so we can support each other, provide helpful weight loss tips, etc. I am 5'5" (5'4 1/2" if we wanna get technical) and currently 180 pounds. I started out at 185 pounds, and I want to eventually be around 135, 130. I am trying not only to lose weight but to become healthier overall because about three months ago, my mother passed away of complications from diabetes and obesity. I have a lot of cases of diabetes in my family and I want to try my best not to end up like that. After my mother died, I ate and ate and ate and I've finally decided no more. I've had this account for a while but I've finally decided to use it. That being said, I would love to get to know some of you and support each other throughout our weight loss journeys. :)


  • saduliss
    saduliss Posts: 13
    Hello!! I'm so sorry about your mother. I lost my father several years ago and grief is one heck of a thing to deal with. I completely understand about the family history, and making healthy changes sooner rather than later is the best thing you can do. I've got a host of diseases on both sides of my family and I am determined to reduce my risk as much as possible. Good luck!!!
  • Connie5674
    Connie5674 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi JMM1996 - I am new too! And other than an 1.25" difference in height, we're at almost the same place.

    I feel 130-135 is too hard to maintain and after losing the same 50-60# a number of times and ending up bigger every time, I want to be realistic about what I can maintain. My current goal is 155-160. I started my weight loss journey on April 1 and so far have lost 37#

    I need REMINDING why I am on this weight loss journey - TO GET HEALTHY! As a 50something grandmother, I'm not in it for a bikini. My mother, brother, cousin and both grandmothers have diabetes and there is also genetic cholesterol and thyroid issues in my family as well as heart disease. I get STUCK on the NUMBER on the scale and easily lose focus on what matters most.

    After 3 months, I've had great weight loss but am really tried of exercise and food taking up every waking moment. I do feel much better and I don't have near as much pain as I did have but seriously, an hour of exercise every evening is wearing me out - it takes me hours to psyche myself up to do it. I wish I had a friend to exercise with but I don't and I'm growing weary of the elliptical and Richard Simmons.

    So I'm here for encouragement and will endeavor to encourage you too.
  • Kushy8
    Kushy8 Posts: 103 Member
    Hey, I'm on here every day. Always looking to motivate others and be motivated myself. Feel free to add me! Best wishes on your journey!
  • jmm1996
    jmm1996 Posts: 2
    Thanks guys! I think it'll make it much easier to lose the weight with the support of some good friends. :) Good luck to both of you too!