The Weightloss -Health Challenges Group

Hi Everyone, When I joined I asked if anyone wanted to be a challenge buddy with me, and found someone and we're almost done with our First Week of Challenges.

Our First week Challenges Were/Are
1. Drink 8 glasses of water a day
2. Stay Within our Calorie Goal Range
3. Record EVERYTHING we eat/snack/drink for One Week.

I talked with Lissa and because it was such great motivation and support for each other, asked her about making a group to do weekly challenges with.

If Anyone would like to do weekly challenges with us, we are repeating The Above Challenges this week and adding two more.

The Challenges for this week are.
1. Drink 8 glasses of water a day
2. Stay within our Calorie Goal Range (No going over)
3. Record EVERYTHING we eat snacks/drinks/meals for One Week.
4. Exercise Goal, adding exercise for One week by Our own personal definition and meeting that goal at the weeks end.
(This is not pre-defined by the group/me or Lissa on what you are required to do for the week's exercisebecause most people will be at different levels, but you have to make a goal and try to meet it by the end of the week, whether that is minutes or just a certain exercise example: walking 4 days a week for 45 minutes)
An example would be this week My goal is to walk 6 days this week for 30-45 minutes minimum and do 3 different freeweight for 6 days for my arms with a specific weight/rep each day/evening -You goal could be something entirely different.)

If Anyone would like to Join Lissa and I let's start a group! We'll do weekly challenges that may incorporate previous week challenges or be all together different, however Each of these challenge weeks will be flexible enough to let YOU decide what exercise you want to do. We want to encourage each other too to stay on track and just enjoy getting fitter and healthier.

The Group isn't about doing a certain workout or eating certain foods or following a certain plan, unless you are already doing it and just want the extra support. It's really about keeping ourselves motivated and on track with our improvements in health.

Plus it's always good to have someone to bounce your successes off of, Also NO beating yourself up if you don't meet a goal, just get back on the wagon for the rest of the week, and hit it the following week. But try your best to meet the goals set each week.


  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member

    I would like to join this challenge. How do I join?
  • Keisha79
    Keisha79 Posts: 63
    cut me in...
  • Crystleen
    Crystleen Posts: 81 Member
    How do I join?
  • NewMe80xoxo
    How do I join???
  • xDeannaGarciax
    I do these things already lol so I'm in! Will we be adding to the challenges each week though?!
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    You just join by posting here

    Each week though I haven't talked with Lissa about it yet we'll just post something with Same title it has now, or post here.

    Feel free to add each other as friends too,(but only if you really want that's up to you) We can keep in touch via the mail system here if needed I guess, and I'll also post in My BLOG on this site, because I'm forgetful, The Challenges for Each Week. In case something happens and you can't find the thread you can just look up my name. It is either Saunya or Saunya_ I forgot lol.

    I think that we will be Adding challenges for awhile. With New ones added to the ones we completed the week before. Maybe. I think the basic week one Lissa and I did were a good foundation. So most likely adding to those basic ones, and having new ones after those first three.
    I'm pretty flexible just want us to have some challenges and healthy habits, and repeating any habit for 6 weeks tends to make it a habit that you don't forget to do. (This isn't a 6 week group though - I'd like to have it ongoing.)

    Like I told Lissa one week I would like to find a new healthy recipe to add to each day for just ONE meal. So it will be things that are accomplish-able. Maybe try out a new exercise or train a certain area of our bodies that we haven't before would be another challenge. But that would really be self-defined again.

    Also we'll start Tomorrow 8/26/10 if that is good with Everyone.
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    I'm in - you can count on it - looking forward to the challenge!
  • Lissa170
    Lissa170 Posts: 15
    This is great that we have a bunch of people starting this challenges group. I think we can really help each other. If you have a challenge you want to add..let us all know. Saunya and I have been at it for almost a week and both of us have lost weight plus these challenges keep us more focused on this path to a healthy life foremost in our mind.

    So starting Aug. 26th the following are our one week challenge.

    The Challenges for this week are.
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water a day
    2. Stay within our Calorie Goal Range (No going over)
    3. Record EVERYTHING we eat snacks/drinks/meals for One Week.
    4. Exercise Goal, adding exercise for One week by Our own personal definition and meeting that goal at the weeks end.

    Since I have not been exercising much ..this last challenge will push me..which is great.

    Glad your all aboard,
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    Count me in ...
    I do these things already, but a little extra support is always good. :happy:
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    Count me in ...
    I do these things already, but a little extra support is always good. :happy:
    It sure is :) and if you or anyone else has any ideas for challenges ideas for the future, just post them or if you're hesitant feel free to mail me.
  • NineInchGirl
    IM IN!!!!
  • xDeannaGarciax
    Ok got a portion of my workout done today so far (30min) my youngest has been waking up at 5:15 for the last 2wks, so I might as well. Going to go for a bike ride in about 30min (my mom got us one of those awesome bicycle trailers for our 2yr old) before it get's too hot, and I'll do that for an hour. Drank 3 glasses of water so far!! How's everyone else doing?
    AEROBICVIC Posts: 159 Member
    Count me in! i'm a fitness/aerobic instructor so if you need exercise ideas, i'd be more than happy to help out. i can set up exercise goals for beginners, moderate and advanced athletes if you'd like. just let me know. we're all in this together!
  • Danielle84Duncan
    Danielle84Duncan Posts: 48 Member
    Count me in......... I am on water # 6 so far and 30 minutes of aerobics so far and a walked planned for this evening....... I love having all this helps me so much........ I hope everyone has a wonderful day :)
  • hsquared87
    Count me in.
    Getting and giving support helps me so much with my weight loss journey. I'm always looking for new healthy goals and attitudes to incorperate into my plan.

    I look forward to every new challange!

    Good luck everyone,

    AEROBICVIC I'm looking for a good routine for my arms and abs.
  • Danielle84Duncan
    Danielle84Duncan Posts: 48 Member
    Count me in.
    Getting and giving support helps me so much with my weight loss journey. I'm always looking for new healthy goals and attitudes to incorperate into my plan.

    I look forward to every new challange!

    Good luck everyone,

    AEROBICVIC I'm looking for a good routine for my arms and abs.
  • Crystleen
    Crystleen Posts: 81 Member
    Water is a challenge for me so this will help! 5 glasses of water so far and I've done a 40 min brisk walk before work this morning!
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    You're all doing excellent, I do my exercise in the evenings when it's a bit less chaotic for my day's schedule. I'm up to 3 glasses of water so far, plan on getting the last in between now and sleep time.
  • xDeannaGarciax
    Water is a challenge for me so this will help! 5 glasses of water so far and I've done a 40 min brisk walk before work this morning!

    Good for you! You go girl!!!
  • xDeannaGarciax
    Ok got in my hour bike ride and the rest of my water. I was thinking maybe a good challenge for others to start would be not eating after 7. I already do that and I know it's made a huge difference, just a suggestion for future "challenges" also maybe cutting something out of our diet that we know is bad for us :)