Here I go again...Maybe I can do it this time??

andeeinevansville Posts: 98
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone,
I just joined this site today and have gotten some much needed motivation and inspiration..
A little about me....I am 40 years old...I have 5 beautiful daughters (ages 22 down to 14 months!) and 6 grandbabies..I work full time from home..I have struggled with my weight since I gave birth to my first daughter. I have lost 50-60 pounds, I don't know how many times over the past 20 years!! I have NO support for my weight loss where I'm at...My husband is a bean pole and can eat whatever he wants..I still have my 3 little ones living at home 6,5 and 14 months..My husband tells me he loves me just the way I am and he doesn't want me to lose weight..BUT I'm stubborn..LOL..I don't feel comfortable in my own skin anymore..I have kinda lost "me" over the years, and I miss ME!! I want to be able to run and play with my kids without getting out of breath..I have high blood pressure. I want to lose at least 75 pounds..I'm hoping to find some people on here to maybe be support buddies...
Good luck to everyone!!!


  • It is achievable with determination. Hopefully we can be here to support you. if i look back now on when i first started i'd have thought i would have gained another 30lbs by August but here i am almost 36lbs lighter. You've just got to stick at it. It won;'t happen overnight and we all have bad days.
  • Thank you for your words of encouragement..And congrats on your weight loss..
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Welcome, I know how you feel, my husband is a bean pole as well. He is a picky eater too. But never has an issue chowing down on some junk food. You can do this. We are all here for support and togethor it becomes easier.
  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    Hello and welcome, this site is packed full of support.
    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • rockinmomto3
    rockinmomto3 Posts: 97 Member
    If you want it, just do it! Remember the key is MODERATION. You can have ANYTHING in moderation. My biggest downfall is sweets. So I went to the store, and I found Drumsticks Lil Drums. They have 130 calories, which is great. With a little hard work and dedication, you can do it!!
  • ebert5150
    ebert5150 Posts: 135 Member
    You can do it! I just started on myfitness pal but I lost 20lbs prior to starting here. The things my wife and I have found most helpful have been:

    1. Exercise!- I saw a great shirt that said "I don't exercise because I like to sweat, I exercise because I like to eat!" When you see the amount of calories you're allowed to eat it can be a little depressing. My wife and I exercise 6 days a week and this allows us to eat nearly 1000 extra calories a day. You can get less or more depending on what type of exercise you choose.

    2. Be careful of the beer and wine...not sure if you drink those but they're loaded with calories.

    3. Watch your portions.

    4. Don't deprive wife and I love a fastfood place called Fatburger.....instead of parking in the lot we park about 2 miles away. We walk down, eat lunch and walk back to the car. We also don't drink the shakes which are 1100 calories :-)

    5. Make realistic changes.

    You can do it!!!! This site is great for support!!!
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Tell your loving Hubby several things:
    1. Find out your BMI. If it is 30 or over, it puts you in an unhealthy weight range. You would have a greater chance for high blood pressure, other heart problems, diabetes, and other health problems that can cause him to lose you earlier than your husband wants.
    2. This will give your children a role model for how someone deals with overeating on a daily basis. They will see how Mom loses weight in a healthy way.
    3. Your grandchildren will have you around much longer if you are healthy.

    Those were my reasons for starting this weight loss in February of this year. I started out at 179 and have lost 36 lbs in almost 7 months (26 lbs on this site.) I am now 143 lbs and in a size 10. My husband, daughter, and Son watched my new ways and two of them joined this site and all three of them have lost weight. We are all looking pretty good! ;)

    You can do this--one day at a time. You can do this for the rest of your life, because you will realize that this is a good way to become and stay healthy.

    My grandson is my exercise coach. Following him around uses about one or more miles of walking per day. Walking is a wonderful exercise.

    Hugs. :drinker: (water)
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    Those skinny hubbys eh? Don'cha just love em? ;-) I got one of those too!
    There are some amazing weight losses on here - hope we'll be joining them soon! Friend request sent!
  • hi Andee

    my name is AnnMarie and i am 46 .... i have a baby girl who is 2
    and i also have 3 sons aged 27, 19 and 14

    i need to lose a lot of weight ... but hey this is a start
    only been on here 2 weeks

    no change on the scales but changes in the tape measure so far showing loss
  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    Hi Andee! Welcome! There is a great forum of 40+ women on here for lots of support. If you are interested, you can do a search for it, or click on my profile and recent posts.

    You can do this! I'm all for the "finding yourself." I think Moms tend to lose ourselves because we get wrapped up in our families, but it's really a shame, because we should be our best selves for our families. (For ourselves too, but I mean the benefit goes to our families as well.)

    Anyway, welcome and good luck on your journey!
  • dale49
    dale49 Posts: 37
    You CAN do it this time. OMG....5 children! You have so much to live for and to have good health while you're at it. BJBerry has it right need to get through to your hubby the importance of losing weight for your health. If you present him with some data on just how bad overweight can be for your health, I can't beleive that he won't jump on the bandwagon as your biggest supporter. That being said, if he doens't then you have to do it first for yourself and then for your kids anyway. They deserve a healthy, engaged parent but mostly...YOU deserve it! Best of luck. Feel free to add me as a friend if it helps. :flowerforyou:
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Hi Andee!!!

    Like MaryAnn said click on the 40+ women link. I joined that group last month and they are a great group of fun, supportive and inspiring women. They keep me motivated and on track!!!

    I am 42 with two sons and I agree you have to take time for yourself. it is too easy to give give give and not take care of yourself. I am finally now learning to give to MYSELF and losing this weight is MY gift.

    Welcome!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • WOW! Thanks everyone for your support and well wishes! This is exactly what I need to stay focused and motivated..
    I wish you all the best of luck on your journey as well :happy:
  • candlegal
    candlegal Posts: 220 Member
    Hi Andee, I'm Julie and your story sounds SOOOOOOO familiar!!!! I would be happy to be your friend. I joined Aug. 9th and I have already lost 11 pds!! I'm thrilled and I was diag with Hypothyroid last Dec. which makes it even harder to lose weight! So I think this site has really been great and everyone is so encouraging and supportive. I have a bean pole Husband too. It's so crazy, he can lose weight without even trying and he doesn't need to lose weight! The kicker is his fav foods are like pickles, watermelon, cottage cheese!
    So welcome!!! I wish you the best of success!
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