goals and rewards?

jamie_savage Posts: 34
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
When I first started I set up my goals and when I reached them a reward. I think it really helped with the first 50lbs. What are your goals and rewards? I need some ideas. Thanks!


  • chelamg12
    chelamg12 Posts: 28 Member
    goals...and rewards...I am currently in the process of setting five...ideas for rewards...manicures, pedicure, a new work out outfit, a night out with friends or significant other, playlist for your MP3 player, new exercise equipment, spa day, new shoes, outfit, purse, anything you wouldn't buy for yourself on a normal basis but something you really like. As far as the goals I am looking to amount lost not amount lost in a specific time. Hope this have been helpful!!!!!!!!! Good luck on your journey!!!!!!!!
    AEROBICVIC Posts: 159 Member
    every time i would lose 10 pounds, i would to a really cool 2nd hand store in our area and buy 1 pair if jeans and setting a goal to not be in them long. i'd set up a shopping day in the near future to shop for a smaller size. when i hit my ultimate goal....i will put our family in a poorhouse because i'm hitting the malls! whole new closet full of clothes!
  • I think chelamg12 named about all the ones I was going to say! Only other one I can add is highlights or hairdo! I think highlights will be my next reward...Oh, I like to go get something I couldn't fit in before too...new jeans, shirt, etc. :-)
  • great ideas

    i think i will have to set myself some rewards too

    I am a belly dancer and love getting new costume bits and pieces, material, DVDs and CDs to do with dancing .... so things like that can be my rewards too

    and of course the things you all listed: spas, pedicure, manicure, hair, clothes, makeup, perfume (i havent bought perfume for ages and dont have much left), a book, a workshop to learn something new (love learning new things) a night out with the girls, out for a nice meal with my kids, see a movie (i havent done that in a long time).
  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    I've needed a vacation for a while - so when I get to my 1/2 way point (40 lbs) I'm taking myself on a road trip to New Orleans!
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    My next Goal is to have lost 24lb altogeather by Haloween and I am making sure I am making goals I need to work at but can bust through. I think knowing myself that if i don't meet my goals I would be upset and proberly think about forgetting the whole thing. When I set realistic goals that I know I can meet then I get to be happy and can have a treat anyway. So my Treat when I reach this goal is a new dress for my granmas birthday in October and lets hope it will be a new dress in a different size! Im 18 Now so maybe a 16????? We can hope!
  • Amy154
    Amy154 Posts: 52
    I am working on my final goal of having my veins done (cosmetic part cost $$$)
    The rest are in my signature!!
  • Thanks everyone! I added some to my signature. I'm going with 10lbs. The biggest one is getting to 199!
  • jamie_savage...you are about the same weight and have the same goals as me! If I ever see 199 again...I swear I will put a bikini on and do cartwheels around the neighborhood!!!
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