Guess I should start using MFP fully :-)

I have only used MFP app to keep track of my calorie and food intake. Adding friends is new to me :-) A little about myself...I am 34. Mother of 11 year twin boys, who keep me running. I am also a military wife (still learning how to be one only been married to my airman for 1.5 years lol). Deployments suck! I am 5'7 currently weight 148. I weighed as much as 175 years ago. I started focusing on my health a year ago and fell off the bandwagon 4 months into. Now I am march I weighed 158. Over the past 2 months I've lost 10 lbs but finally stopped weighing trainer told me hide my scale! Lol. Just noticing the difference in myself. I'm not due for measurement check quite yet but super excited to know the results! I love going to the gym during my lunch hour! Coworkers think I'm crazy but I'm so energized in the afternoon! I workout 5-6 days a week. Cardio and strength :-) Squats are awesome! Hope everyone is having a great day!


  • jaksmom060567
    jaksmom060567 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello. I am new to MFP and with my work schedule & my kids I didn't have time for me. I am at my highest weight ever and finally I am making time for me. I love this site the calorie taker the stories and the motivation I read about seems like it will keep me focused. I think its great that you can go work out during your lunch. I know if I can get a walk in at lunch how much better the afternoon goes.
  • Winston1717
    Winston1717 Posts: 184
    Hi, lost 50 about 3 yrs ago and looking to drop the last 10-12lbs. Tough going on the last leg of the journey! Feel free to add..always like providing and getting motivation. Good luck.
  • amcozy
    amcozy Posts: 70 Member
    I'm new to he friend thing too :) Great job loosing 10lbs!! I'm a mom as well and I think sometimes it gets so hard to focus on yourself when you've got boys running around taking the attention away (in a good way!) :) I have a 12 year-old and a 4 year-old sons who could care less about my desire to loose a little weight - luckily my 10 year-old daughter thinks the "eating healthy" thing is fun! :)
  • Snowwy11
    Snowwy11 Posts: 28
    Hello everyone! Being able to workout during my lunch hour has helped a lot! I hated coming home from work and then going to the gym....taking my time away from my boys. My boys have been supportive but they don't like it that my arms don't jiggle as much (long story behind that).