Struggling to eat 1200 calories



  • frankp
    frankp Posts: 83
    I've found that drinking your calories is the easy way to pack them on.

    A 8oz. glass of 100% pure apple juice is 120 calories (that's a lot of apples for your day and should keep the Dr. away)

    When I need calories I really like my 'fake' milk shake

    1 frozen banana (remove the peal before freezing, I alway keep a bunch of frozen bananas on hand)
    1 tbsp of Trader Joe's Almond Butter crunchy unsalted (Peanut butter will work also, the all natural no sugar added kind)
    1 cup of skim milk
    .75 scoop of Designer Whey Protein - Chocolate Flavored.
    Blast all that in your blender

    It fills one glass and is cold, creamy and delicious and is 346 calories.

    Add the apple juice to a morning snack and the fake shake to your afternoon snack and and you've added 466 healthy calories to your day.

    I eat about 1800 a day and have no problem getting there. And if you're excercising and lifting weights, don't be afraid of upping the fat in your diet... avacados, peanut butter, nuts, all loaded with calories.
  • krawls33
    krawls33 Posts: 58
    Snowtrend I have a question for you. I am opposite of most people on here. I came on here to gain weight in a healthy way and have a healthy lifestyle. Anyway I am getting impatient with how long it is taking to reach my goal. I am 5'3" and about 105 pounds. My goal weight is 120-125. I am alloted 2000 calories a day. I usually go over that though. Today I went over by 17 calories. I do alot of walking so I do get my exercise. What is the best way for me to gain quicker without doing it the unhealthy way?
  • burley13
    burley13 Posts: 5
    to the trainer guy...

    I have the same problem. I work out 5 to 6 times a week, 6-7 miles a day walking mostly, although I jog for about a half mile to a mile of it (and pushing my son in his jogger) and have been doing so since May. I eat more than the 1200 calories, and am a healthier eater(I am trying to get back into my pre-preggo clothes). I only have 10-15 lbs to go, but I haven't lost a single lb. I am so frustrated and would love some advice! I do some strength training (and lift my 24 lb all day long) but nothing is working!!!
  • burley13
    burley13 Posts: 5
    Krawls33. Have you gotten your thyroid checked? When I was in college I had problems. I am 6 ft tall and always small, but I was about a 100 lbs. I could eat whatever I wanted and my weight fell off of me (mind you I no longer have a thyroid and no longer have this "problem"... but I miss it!!). and it was because I had graves disease...
  • krawls33
    krawls33 Posts: 58
    burley I never thought of that. I will get that checked though. I have always been small. My dad and uncle are very slim also. So it could be just in the genes for me. I hate it though.
  • eHarris
    eHarris Posts: 160
    klikittyklak: Just a couple quick and easy things I've found that could fill out your calorie count.

    1 Zone Meal Replacement Bar (any flavor) about =210 calories
    (and they are a bit larger than a candy bar, I suggest the cinnamon roll its yummylicious)

    1 1/2 packs quaker weight control instant oatmeal w/ 1snack box raisins & 1pat butter = 350 calories
    (if you have this for breakfast its a really good fuel for the day)

    1c. baby lima beans (with lunch/dinner) =216 calories

    1c. pistachio nuts with shells on = 340 calories

    1 pouch (the foil ones not the can) Starkist tuna in water garlic & herb flavor = 225 calories

    none of these things will make you feel overly full, but they are all really good things for you and pretty healthy fillers if thats what your looking for.
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Snowtrend I have a question for you. I am opposite of most people on here. I came on here to gain weight in a healthy way and have a healthy lifestyle. Anyway I am getting impatient with how long it is taking to reach my goal. I am 5'3" and about 105 pounds. My goal weight is 120-125. I am alloted 2000 calories a day. I usually go over that though. Today I went over by 17 calories. I do alot of walking so I do get my exercise. What is the best way for me to gain quicker without doing it the unhealthy way?

    Hey Krawls--

    I just noticed that you said you're eating 2000 calories day--I really think you need to eat more! My Basal Metabolic Rate, given my age/weight/activity level, is almost 2200 a day. That means it would take 2200 calories a day for me not to gain or loss weight. That's why I think 2000 a day is kind of low for you.

    You're a lot lighter then me but your younger, too, with kids--that means your activity level is going to be higher then mine. Meaning--you might need to increase your calories even more to gain weight.

    Do you know what your BMR based upon your activity level?

    And, don't forget to eat your exercise calories!!
  • klikittyklak
    klikittyklak Posts: 144
    Thanks guys. I've been trying to eat more (or drink my calories, thanks for the tip!) and it seems to be working? Yesterday I ate what I felt was a lot, and this morning I had dropped 1 lb.! :happy:
  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    There are alot of protein bars on the market packed with calories, but the calories your body needs. Lots of protein and some have good amounts of fiber. I really like the Kashi go lean protein bars and they are about 150-170 calories a bar. Plus, they are natural.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Start eating more calorie dense foods, like nuts, peanut butter, have some meat if you would like. A common problem is that when people start to "diet" they eat a lot of salads and fruits and veggies and not much else and yes, you have to eat a ton of that stuff to get your calories in. It is about eating healthier and making good choices not being a rabbit.

    Lets face it, if you are overweight you were probably eating well over 1200 calories a day you were just making bad choices. There is nothing wrong with healthy fats (nuts, avocado, peanut butter, oil, etc) and there is nothing wrong with eating some complex carbs (whole grain breads, brown rice, a portion of pasta) and you can eat something besides grilled chicken all the time too (fish, lean cuts of steak, pork) and if you don't like meat add some lentils and beans to your food routine.

    Another thing that people do is to eat the same foods every day, you need to have variety for proper digestion. Plan ahead, take time to prepare meals ahead of time so you can "grab and go" when needed, and no one can say they don't have time to do that because you have time to watch tv or be on the computer take some time to care for yourself.

    Avoid prepackaged meals because the food is already cooked and loaded with sugar or sodium as preservatives. Not to mention that frozen food is over cooked to ensure bacteria is killed, then you pop it in the microwave and cook every last nutrient out of it therefore gaining no nutritional value for what you just ate.

    Less rabbit food and more calorie dense food, it doesn't mean more food, it just means better food!
  • smillermom
    smillermom Posts: 38
    For those who are exercising and not losing weight, instead of focusing on the weight, try taking your measurements and compare. Muscle weighs more than fat and you may just have built your body up with better muscle tone. I know we dwell on weight more. I feel I am 25 pounds overweight and am trying to get to the weight where I am comfortable with myself. However, my BMI is right where it should be for my age and body build. My fat mass is only 1% higher then it should be. I exercise faithfully for 1 hour a day, a mix of aerobic, weight bearing, and resistance weights. It is extremely frustrating that with all the exercise my weight comes off extremely slow. I have to be real with myself, that though the weight loss is very slow, I am eating healthier and doing the right thing for my age, weight, heart, and system. Also, watch the little things you may not be recording. Cream, milk in coffee adds up fast as does other condiments we take for granted. Be healthy, that is the most important consideration. You are great!!!!