Why eat the extra calories you burn?



  • Actually, if you ate 1242 but burned 500, then your NET intake was 742, which is WAY TOO LOW! Eat those exercise calories!

    That's what I was going to say.

    Keep in mind that the lower your net intake, the more your metabolism slows down. You don't want to end up with such a slow metabolism that you can only eat about 900 calories per day to maintain your goal weight. That's one reason it is a good plan to only lower your calories a modest amount, just enough to start weight loss. Fat2fitradio.com recommends finding out what your maintenance calories would be at your goal weight and start eating that amount or no more than 100 calories below that right now. By the time you reach goal weight, you will already have the habits necessary to maintain it.

    (p.s: my lack of progress is not due to lack of knowledge but lack of consistency; I still eat too much and move too little.)

    I cant actually decrease my calorie intake by 100 per day or so many days, I would never lose weight, nor become disciplined enough to eat the right things. My calorie intake was over 4000 a day! That's a whole bunch for one person, but that was me. Fortunately, I love fruits and veggies, and so have just changed the way I cook or prepare them to make them healthier. I have cut out sugar, but not caffeine yet.

    Despite my depriving myself yesterday, I didn't feel deprived. I was full after my meals, and felt great. I did have that late night hunger pain, ate a few bites of plain popcorn and I was fine.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Stop. Just stop.

    1,200 is the bare minimum you should NET -- if you burn 200 calories walking and you don't eat them back, you are netting 1,000. Long term under eating isn't sustainable and it is completely unnecessary.

    It it SAD that you would even think about those 42 calories. I know you are new and am not trying to be a jerk, but you are unknowingly being restrictive.

    Exactly why I was questioning the whole formula...I was confused about the Net, etc. And no, it isn't sad in my opinion, it is me not knowing. But in my previous posting, I said "Thanks for the clarification", meaning that I understood how net works, food is fuel for exercise, etc.

    I don't think that was directed at you, but at the other poster.

    It was directed at feeling GUILT over 42 calories and also anyone suggesting that somebody only eating 1,200 doesn't need to eat back exercise calories. Because both are nonsense and harmful.

  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Stop. Just stop.

    1,200 is the bare minimum you should NET -- if you burn 200 calories walking and you don't eat them back, you are netting 1,000. Long term under eating isn't sustainable and it is completely unnecessary.

    It it SAD that you would even think about those 42 calories. I know you are new and am not trying to be a jerk, but you are unknowingly being restrictive.

    Exactly why I was questioning the whole formula...I was confused about the Net, etc. And no, it isn't sad in my opinion, it is me not knowing. But in my previous posting, I said "Thanks for the clarification", meaning that I understood how net works, food is fuel for exercise, etc.

    I don't think that was directed at you, but at the other poster.

    It was directed at feeling GUILT over 42 calories and also anyone suggesting that somebody only eating 1,200 doesn't need to eat back exercise calories. Because both are nonsense and harmful.


    Ooops. Sorry.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    You've already had good advice. Regardless, eat at least 1200 calories.

    THEN ... if you are trying to GAIN muscle, eat at least 100+ more (high protein). If you don't work to gain muscle, you will simply be small ... but not toned. Also by building muscle your metabolism will increase ... you'll loose more fat, but need more calories to maintain the muscle.

    Use mfp calories earned from exercise only as a guideline to eating ENOUGH (1200+100is) and as a guideline of what to stay UNDER to maintain the goal you inputted.

    Also, consider going back to the goal setting and change it to reflect your newer activity level.

    Maybe I misread your post but eating 100 calories more (so 1300 calories a day) will not allow for muscle gain. In a calorie deficit, you lose muscle mass unless you have a small deficit, lift heavy and consume enough protein.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Actually, if you ate 1242 but burned 500, then your NET intake was 742, which is WAY TOO LOW! Eat those exercise calories!

    That's what I was going to say.

    Keep in mind that the lower your net intake, the more your metabolism slows down. You don't want to end up with such a slow metabolism that you can only eat about 900 calories per day to maintain your goal weight. That's one reason it is a good plan to only lower your calories a modest amount, just enough to start weight loss. Fat2fitradio.com recommends finding out what your maintenance calories would be at your goal weight and start eating that amount or no more than 100 calories below that right now. By the time you reach goal weight, you will already have the habits necessary to maintain it.

    (p.s: my lack of progress is not due to lack of knowledge but lack of consistency; I still eat too much and move too little.)

    I cant actually decrease my calorie intake by 100 per day or so many days, I would never lose weight, nor become disciplined enough to eat the right things. My calorie intake was over 4000 a day! That's a whole bunch for one person, but that was me. Fortunately, I love fruits and veggies, and so have just changed the way I cook or prepare them to make them healthier. I have cut out sugar, but not caffeine yet.

    Despite my depriving myself yesterday, I didn't feel deprived. I was full after my meals, and felt great. I did have that late night hunger pain, ate a few bites of plain popcorn and I was fine.

    I really don't think you understand what this person was talking about.

    The amount of calories you need to maintain your weight is probably 1,900-2,300 calories depending on size/how active you are. She is talking about decreasing 100 calories from that number, NOT 1,200 which is a lot lower than a lot of people around MFP eat anyway. For instance, I lose weight eating anywhere from 1,400-1,800 net calories per day - the lose is slower at 1,800 but it is a lot easier to sustain long term.
  • 519harley
    519harley Posts: 241 Member
    bump...this has the potential to get really good...
    ^^^ You were right!
    RB, glad you're here. Sometimes these topics get brutal! Keep up the work you've been doing :flowerforyou:
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I didn't read through the thread so forgive me if this has been said already.

    If you are using MFP correctly, it has already given you a deficit to eat at to aid you in your weight loss goals. Eat back the extra calories you burned or else you run the risk of under eating and not getting the proper nutrition and energy requirements your body needs to run efficiently when undergoing weight loss.

    With that said, keep in mind that most people underestimate the calories they eat and overestimate the calories they burn through exercise. So weigh and measure all your food, no guesstimating, and wear a HRM for calorie burn estimates. If you don't have a HRM, generally subtract about a third of the estimates MFP gives you.
  • Just weighed, after breakfast and lost 2lbs since yesterday! No sugar intake really makes a difference!
  • I didn't read through the thread so forgive me if this has been said already.

    If you are using MFP correctly, it has already given you a deficit to eat at to aid you in your weight loss goals. Eat back the extra calories you burned or else you run the risk of under eating and not getting the proper nutrition and energy requirements your body needs to run efficiently when undergoing weight loss.

    With that said, keep in mind that most people underestimate the calories they eat and overestimate the calories they burn through exercise. So weigh and measure all your food, no guesstimating, and wear a HRM for calorie burn estimates. If you don't have a HRM, generally subtract about a third of the estimates MFP gives you.

    HRM? Heart rate monitor?
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I didn't read through the thread so forgive me if this has been said already.

    If you are using MFP correctly, it has already given you a deficit to eat at to aid you in your weight loss goals. Eat back the extra calories you burned or else you run the risk of under eating and not getting the proper nutrition and energy requirements your body needs to run efficiently when undergoing weight loss.

    With that said, keep in mind that most people underestimate the calories they eat and overestimate the calories they burn through exercise. So weigh and measure all your food, no guesstimating, and wear a HRM for calorie burn estimates. If you don't have a HRM, generally subtract about a third of the estimates MFP gives you.

    HRM? Heart rate monitor?

    Yeah, heart rate monitor.
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    Just weighed, after breakfast and lost 2lbs since yesterday! No sugar intake really makes a difference!

    It is more likely water weight loss not from lowering your sugar. I am not saying that you shouldn't watch your sugar, just that when you start changing your diet, especially if you reduce processed food that tend to have added sodium, you will initially lose some water weight. Also if you increased your water intake this will help with water retention. And as an added caveat there is often water retention after exercising as your muscles will retain more water to help repair themselves.

    Welcome to MFP and I wish you success on your weight loss journey :flowerforyou:
  • DirtyHammer
    DirtyHammer Posts: 91 Member
    If I ever find im too low on cals at the end of the day, i just throw back a craft brew or 2. Still gonna enjoy the things I like in life. Ha!

    Also, as hard as it is, keep up with minimizing sugar. In fact, whenever possible, eliminate refined sugar, white flower, and processed foods while eating your required cals. The fat will fall off, and safely fast.
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    Just weighed, after breakfast and lost 2lbs since yesterday! No sugar intake really makes a difference!

    Sorry, but its impossible to lose 2 lbs of fat in one day. You would have had to burn 7000 cals. What you lost was water weight.
    If you keep thinking this, you will be come disenchanted with the process and give up.

    Unless you have more than 100 lbs to lose, you should probably change your goal to 1 lb a week loss and just ride it out. Eat back all or most of your exercise cals and in time, you will lose what you want to lose.

    it really does work and its easier to lose slowly and keep it off than lose a lot being overly restrictive and eventually binging and giving up.
  • Just weighed, after breakfast and lost 2lbs since yesterday! No sugar intake really makes a difference!

    Sorry, but its impossible to lose 2 lbs of fat in one day. You would have had to burn 7000 cals. What you lost was water weight.
    If you keep thinking this, you will be come disenchanted with the process and give up.

    Unless you have more than 100 lbs to lose, you should probably change your goal to 1 lb a week loss and just ride it out. Eat back all or most of your exercise cals and in time, you will lose what you want to lose.

    it really does work and its easier to lose slowly and keep it off than lose a lot being overly restrictive and eventually binging and giving up.

    I can def see that being water weight. My goal is set to 85 lbs to lose, but I can stand to lose more than 100, to get me within my healthy range. My ideal weight, where I am not super skinny is 85 lbs. I have been here before and this is where I would like to be again. I don't feel that I am overly restricting myself, I feel fine. I am eating more of the foods that I like and am turning them into a convenience food. It is just a matter of me setting the time to prepare food in advance. I hope that it makes sense, but this is where I always fail. I am hungry and there is no quick food to grab, so I grab something bad.
  • Dixie2111
    Dixie2111 Posts: 30 Member

    I still see many people that are confused or "question" the idea of eating your exercise calories. I wanted to try (as futile as this may turn out to be) to explain the concept in no uncertain terms. I'll save the question of "eating your exercise calories" for the end because I want people to understand WHY we say to do this.

    NOTE: I'm not going to use a lot of citation in this, but I don't want people thinking this is my opinion, I have put much careful research into it, most of which is very complicated and took a long time for me to sift through and summarize, and thanks to my chemical engineering backgroud I have the tools to read clinical studies and translate them (somewhat) into more human terms. Some of this information comes from sources I can't forward because they are from pay sites (like New England Journal of Medicine), so you can ask for anything, but I may or may not be able to readilly provide it for you (I can always tell you where to go if you want to though).

    I'll break it down into 3 sections.
    Section 1 will be our metabolic lifecycle or what happens when we eat and how our body burns fuel.
    Section 2 will be what happens when we receive too much, too little, or the wrong kind of fuel.
    Section 3 will be the steps needed to bring the body to a healthy state and how the body "thinks" on a sympathetic level (the automatic things our body does like digestion, and energy distribution).

    Section 1:
    Metabolism, in "layman's" terms, is the process of taking in food, breaking it down into it's components, using the food as fuel and building blocks, and the disposal of the poisons and waste that we ingest as part of it. Metabolism has three overall factors, genetics, nutrition, and environment. So who we are, what we eat, and how we live all contribute to how our metabolism works. You can control 2 of these 3 factors (nutrition, environment).
    When you eat food, it is broken down into it's component parts. Protein, vitamins and minerals are transported to the cells that need them to build new cells or repair existing cells. Fats(fatty acid molecules) and carbohydrates are processed (by 2 different means) and either immediately burned or stored for energy. Because the body doesn't store food in a pre-digested state, if you eat more carbs and fat then you need immediately, the body will save them for later in human fat cells (adipose tissue). This is important to realize because even if you eat the correct number of calories in a 24 hour period, if you eat in large quantities infrequently (more then you can burn during the digestion process), your body will still store the extra as fat and eliminate some of the nutrients. (Side note: this is why simple or processed carbs are worse for you compared with complex carbs)

    Section 2:
    The human body has a set metabolic rate (based on the criteria stated above), this rate can be changed by overall nutritional intake over a period of time, or by increasing activity levels also over a period of time (the exact amount of time for sustained increase in metabolic rates is the subject of some debate, but all studies agree that any increase in activity level will increse the metabolism).
    It is important to note that obesity does not drasticly change the level of metabolic process, that means that if you become obese, you don't burn a higher fat percentage just because you have more to burn.
    The balance of incomming fuel vs the amount of fuel the body uses is called maintenance calories, or the amount of calories it takes to run your body during a normal day (not including exercise or an extremely lethargic day). The metabolism is a sympathetic process, this means it will utilize lower brain function to control it's level, it also means it can actively "learn" how a body is fitness wise, and knows approximately how much energy it needs to function correctly. It also means automatic reactions will happen when too much or too little fuel is taken in. Too much fuel triggers fat storage, adipose tissue expands and fat is deposited, also free "fat" cells (triglycerides) will circulate in the blood stream (HDL and LDL cholesterol). Too little fuel (again, over an extended period) triggers a survival mode instinct, where the body recognizes the lack of fuel comming in and attempts to minimize body function (slowing down of non-essential organ function) and the maximization of fat storage. It's important to note that this isn't a "switch", the body does this as an ongoing analysis and will adjust the levels of this as needed (there is no "line" between normal and survival mode.).
    When you're activity level increases, the human body will perform multiple functions, first, readily available carbohydrates and fats are broken down into fuel, oxydized, and sent directly to the areas that need fuel, next adipose (body) fat is retreived, oxydized, and transported to the areas it is needed for additional fuel, 3rd (and this is important), if fat stores are not easilly reachable (as in people with a healthy BMI where adipose fat is much more scarce), muscle is broken down and used for energy. What people must realize is that the metabolism is an efficiency engine, it will take the best available source of energy, if fat stores are too far away from the systems that need them or too dense to break down quickly, then it won't wait for the slower transfer, it will start breaking down muscle (while still breaking down some of that dense fat as well).

    Section 3:
    The wonderful part of the human metabolic system is it's ability to adapt and change. Just because your body has entered a certain state, doesn't mean it will stay that way. The downfall to this is that if organs go unused over a long period, they can lose functionality and can take years to fully recover(and sometimes never).
    As long as there is no permenant damage to organ function, most people can "re-train" their metabolism to be more efficient by essentially showing it (with the intake of the proper levels and nutritional elements) that it will always have the right amount and types of fuel. This is also known as a healthy nutritional intake.
    Going to the extreme one way or the other with fuel consumption will cause the metabolism to react, the more drastic the swing, the more drastic the metabolism reacts to this (for example, a diet that limits fat or cabohydrate intake to very low levels). In general terms, the metabolism will react with predictable results if fuel levels remain in a range it associates with normal fuel levels. If you raise these fuel levels it will react by storing more fat, if you lower these fuel levels, it will react by shutting down processes and storing fat for the "upcomming" famine levels. The most prominent immediate issues (in no particular order) with caloric levels below normal are reduced muscle function, reduction of muscle size and density, liver and kidney failures, increase in LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, and gallstones .

    Now onto the question of "Eating your exercise calories"

    As I have hinted to throughout this summary of metabolic process, the body has a "range" in which it feels it is receiving the right amount of fuel. The range (as most doctors and research scientists agree) is somewhere between 500 calories above your maintenance calories and 1000 calories below your maintenance calories. This means that the metabolism won't drastically change it's functionality in this range, with that said, this is not exact, it is a range based on averages, you may have a larger or smaller range based on the 3 factors of metabolism stated at the top.
    On our website (MyFitnessPal), when you enter your goals, there is a prebuilt deficit designed to keep you in the "normal" metabolic functionality while still burning more calories then you take in. This goal DOES NOT INCLUDE exercise until you enter it. If you enter exercise into your daily plan, the site automatically adjusts your total caloric needs to stay within that normal range (in other words, just put your exercise in, don't worry about doing any additional calculations). Not eating exercise calories can bring you outside that range and (if done over an extended period of days or weeks) will gradually send your body into survival mode, making it harder (but not impossible) to continue to lose weight. The important thing to understand is (and this is REALLY important) the closer you are to your overall healthy weight (again, your metabolism views this a a range, not a specific number) the more prominant the survival mode becomes (remember, we talked about efficiency). This is because as fat becomes scarce, muscle is easier to break down and transport. And thus, the reason why it's harder to lose that "Last 10 pounds".

    I really hope this puts a lot of questions to bed. I know people struggle with this issue and I want to make sure they have the straight facts of why we all harp on eating your exercise calories.


  • Dixie2111
    Dixie2111 Posts: 30 Member
    Me to I am new to this and found the following posted on here earlier today which explains why we are advised to eat back the calories earned from exercise...Hope this helps :smile:


    I still see many people that are confused or "question" the idea of eating your exercise calories. I wanted to try (as futile as this may turn out to be) to explain the concept in no uncertain terms. I'll save the question of "eating your exercise calories" for the end because I want people to understand WHY we say to do this.

    NOTE: I'm not going to use a lot of citation in this, but I don't want people thinking this is my opinion, I have put much careful research into it, most of which is very complicated and took a long time for me to sift through and summarize, and thanks to my chemical engineering backgroud I have the tools to read clinical studies and translate them (somewhat) into more human terms. Some of this information comes from sources I can't forward because they are from pay sites (like New England Journal of Medicine), so you can ask for anything, but I may or may not be able to readilly provide it for you (I can always tell you where to go if you want to though).

    I'll break it down into 3 sections.
    Section 1 will be our metabolic lifecycle or what happens when we eat and how our body burns fuel.
    Section 2 will be what happens when we receive too much, too little, or the wrong kind of fuel.
    Section 3 will be the steps needed to bring the body to a healthy state and how the body "thinks" on a sympathetic level (the automatic things our body does like digestion, and energy distribution).

    Section 1:
    Metabolism, in "layman's" terms, is the process of taking in food, breaking it down into it's components, using the food as fuel and building blocks, and the disposal of the poisons and waste that we ingest as part of it. Metabolism has three overall factors, genetics, nutrition, and environment. So who we are, what we eat, and how we live all contribute to how our metabolism works. You can control 2 of these 3 factors (nutrition, environment).
    When you eat food, it is broken down into it's component parts. Protein, vitamins and minerals are transported to the cells that need them to build new cells or repair existing cells. Fats(fatty acid molecules) and carbohydrates are processed (by 2 different means) and either immediately burned or stored for energy. Because the body doesn't store food in a pre-digested state, if you eat more carbs and fat then you need immediately, the body will save them for later in human fat cells (adipose tissue). This is important to realize because even if you eat the correct number of calories in a 24 hour period, if you eat in large quantities infrequently (more then you can burn during the digestion process), your body will still store the extra as fat and eliminate some of the nutrients. (Side note: this is why simple or processed carbs are worse for you compared with complex carbs)

    Section 2:
    The human body has a set metabolic rate (based on the criteria stated above), this rate can be changed by overall nutritional intake over a period of time, or by increasing activity levels also over a period of time (the exact amount of time for sustained increase in metabolic rates is the subject of some debate, but all studies agree that any increase in activity level will increse the metabolism).
    It is important to note that obesity does not drasticly change the level of metabolic process, that means that if you become obese, you don't burn a higher fat percentage just because you have more to burn.
    The balance of incomming fuel vs the amount of fuel the body uses is called maintenance calories, or the amount of calories it takes to run your body during a normal day (not including exercise or an extremely lethargic day). The metabolism is a sympathetic process, this means it will utilize lower brain function to control it's level, it also means it can actively "learn" how a body is fitness wise, and knows approximately how much energy it needs to function correctly. It also means automatic reactions will happen when too much or too little fuel is taken in. Too much fuel triggers fat storage, adipose tissue expands and fat is deposited, also free "fat" cells (triglycerides) will circulate in the blood stream (HDL and LDL cholesterol). Too little fuel (again, over an extended period) triggers a survival mode instinct, where the body recognizes the lack of fuel comming in and attempts to minimize body function (slowing down of non-essential organ function) and the maximization of fat storage. It's important to note that this isn't a "switch", the body does this as an ongoing analysis and will adjust the levels of this as needed (there is no "line" between normal and survival mode.).
    When you're activity level increases, the human body will perform multiple functions, first, readily available carbohydrates and fats are broken down into fuel, oxydized, and sent directly to the areas that need fuel, next adipose (body) fat is retreived, oxydized, and transported to the areas it is needed for additional fuel, 3rd (and this is important), if fat stores are not easilly reachable (as in people with a healthy BMI where adipose fat is much more scarce), muscle is broken down and used for energy. What people must realize is that the metabolism is an efficiency engine, it will take the best available source of energy, if fat stores are too far away from the systems that need them or too dense to break down quickly, then it won't wait for the slower transfer, it will start breaking down muscle (while still breaking down some of that dense fat as well).

    Section 3:
    The wonderful part of the human metabolic system is it's ability to adapt and change. Just because your body has entered a certain state, doesn't mean it will stay that way. The downfall to this is that if organs go unused over a long period, they can lose functionality and can take years to fully recover(and sometimes never).
    As long as there is no permenant damage to organ function, most people can "re-train" their metabolism to be more efficient by essentially showing it (with the intake of the proper levels and nutritional elements) that it will always have the right amount and types of fuel. This is also known as a healthy nutritional intake.
    Going to the extreme one way or the other with fuel consumption will cause the metabolism to react, the more drastic the swing, the more drastic the metabolism reacts to this (for example, a diet that limits fat or cabohydrate intake to very low levels). In general terms, the metabolism will react with predictable results if fuel levels remain in a range it associates with normal fuel levels. If you raise these fuel levels it will react by storing more fat, if you lower these fuel levels, it will react by shutting down processes and storing fat for the "upcomming" famine levels. The most prominent immediate issues (in no particular order) with caloric levels below normal are reduced muscle function, reduction of muscle size and density, liver and kidney failures, increase in LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, and gallstones .

    Now onto the question of "Eating your exercise calories"

    As I have hinted to throughout this summary of metabolic process, the body has a "range" in which it feels it is receiving the right amount of fuel. The range (as most doctors and research scientists agree) is somewhere between 500 calories above your maintenance calories and 1000 calories below your maintenance calories. This means that the metabolism won't drastically change it's functionality in this range, with that said, this is not exact, it is a range based on averages, you may have a larger or smaller range based on the 3 factors of metabolism stated at the top.
    On our website (MyFitnessPal), when you enter your goals, there is a prebuilt deficit designed to keep you in the "normal" metabolic functionality while still burning more calories then you take in. This goal DOES NOT INCLUDE exercise until you enter it. If you enter exercise into your daily plan, the site automatically adjusts your total caloric needs to stay within that normal range (in other words, just put your exercise in, don't worry about doing any additional calculations). Not eating exercise calories can bring you outside that range and (if done over an extended period of days or weeks) will gradually send your body into survival mode, making it harder (but not impossible) to continue to lose weight. The important thing to understand is (and this is REALLY important) the closer you are to your overall healthy weight (again, your metabolism views this a a range, not a specific number) the more prominant the survival mode becomes (remember, we talked about efficiency). This is because as fat becomes scarce, muscle is easier to break down and transport. And thus, the reason why it's harder to lose that "Last 10 pounds".

    I really hope this puts a lot of questions to bed. I know people struggle with this issue and I want to make sure they have the straight facts of why we all harp on eating your exercise calories.


  • Just weighed, after breakfast and lost 2lbs since yesterday! No sugar intake really makes a difference!

    Sorry, but its impossible to lose 2 lbs of fat in one day. You would have had to burn 7000 cals. What you lost was water weight.
    If you keep thinking this, you will be come disenchanted with the process and give up.

    Unless you have more than 100 lbs to lose, you should probably change your goal to 1 lb a week loss and just ride it out. Eat back all or most of your exercise cals and in time, you will lose what you want to lose.

    it really does work and its easier to lose slowly and keep it off than lose a lot being overly restrictive and eventually binging and giving up.

    I can def see that being water weight. My goal is set to 85 lbs to lose, but I can stand to lose more than 100, to get me within my healthy range. My ideal weight, where I am not super skinny is 85 lbs. I have been here before and this is where I would like to be again. I don't feel that I am overly restricting myself, I feel fine. I am eating more of the foods that I like and am turning them into a convenience food. It is just a matter of me setting the time to prepare food in advance. I hope that it makes sense, but this is where I always fail. I am hungry and there is no quick food to grab, so I grab something bad.

    Woah! If I read this correctly, this states that your ideal weight is 85lbs??!!!!
    Is this a typo, did you mean you want to LOSE 85 lbs or want to BE 85lbs?
    No woman at your age (unless you are shorter that 4'9) should be that small..! I'm only 5'0 and 34 and struggle to get below 115lbs.
  • SrJoben
    SrJoben Posts: 484 Member
    So I am new at this so I need some clarification here. MFP has mine set for 1200 calories, which I am usually able to do. Yesterday I burned a little over 500, and ate 42 of those. So in total, 1242 was my intake. I feel guilty for those additional 42 calories.

    Why does MFP set you to eat the calories that you burn? To me this makes no sense at all. If I am still hungry and need to eat something additional, it does allow me those extra calories. My point is, I am burning calories to lose weight, I am not burning them to re-eat them. Can someone tell me if my thinking is correct or not? If not, please provide me clarification.

    Because if you're using MFP the in the standard way you deficit is already set up even if you didn't exercise. The goal isn't to take in as few net caloires as possible. It's to set up healthy sustainable fat loss. By eating a little extra you are sticking to the program. It's set up that way because building a deficit with exercise it very inefficient, and it keeps you moving toward your goals every day even if you never leave the desk/couch.

    I don't know why people get hung up on this. There are basically two scenarios:

    Small Workout: The amount you eat back will be something like 100 calories. You won't even be able to detect this in your weekly weight change. Why are we worrying about this either way?

    Big Workout: You're likely to be starving and have trouble NOT eating. And having a nutritious snack may be helpful for proper recovery and fitness gains.
  • So I am new at this so I need some clarification here. MFP has mine set for 1200 calories, which I am usually able to do. Yesterday I burned a little over 500, and ate 42 of those. So in total, 1242 was my intake. I feel guilty for those additional 42 calories.

    Why does MFP set you to eat the calories that you burn? To me this makes no sense at all. If I am still hungry and need to eat something additional, it does allow me those extra calories. My point is, I am burning calories to lose weight, I am not burning them to re-eat them. Can someone tell me if my thinking is correct or not? If not, please provide me clarification.

    I agree with you and never eat back any calories i burn
  • Just weighed, after breakfast and lost 2lbs since yesterday! No sugar intake really makes a difference!

    Sorry, but its impossible to lose 2 lbs of fat in one day. You would have had to burn 7000 cals. What you lost was water weight.
    If you keep thinking this, you will be come disenchanted with the process and give up.

    Unless you have more than 100 lbs to lose, you should probably change your goal to 1 lb a week loss and just ride it out. Eat back all or most of your exercise cals and in time, you will lose what you want to lose.

    it really does work and its easier to lose slowly and keep it off than lose a lot being overly restrictive and eventually binging and giving up.

    I can def see that being water weight. My goal is set to 85 lbs to lose, but I can stand to lose more than 100, to get me within my healthy range. My ideal weight, where I am not super skinny is 85 lbs. I have been here before and this is where I would like to be again. I don't feel that I am overly restricting myself, I feel fine. I am eating more of the foods that I like and am turning them into a convenience food. It is just a matter of me setting the time to prepare food in advance. I hope that it makes sense, but this is where I always fail. I am hungry and there is no quick food to grab, so I grab something bad.

    Woah! If I read this correctly, this states that your ideal weight is 85lbs??!!!!
    Is this a typo, did you mean you want to LOSE 85 lbs or want to BE 85lbs?
    No woman at your age (unless you are shorter that 4'9) should be that small..! I'm only 5'0 and 34 and struggle to get below 115lbs.
    OMG NOOOOO! That is def a typo! Lol, my ideal weight LOSS is 85lbs, but to get into the healthy range, I need to lose about 105.