Is losing weight hard?

I think "some" people who are either athletic , thin or have reach their weight loss goal.. isn't sympathetic to people working on losing weight.
Everyone must work at their own pace. Yes we need a push or 5..

There is no way, I can start off my workout by trying to run 5 miles.. I'm lying to myself.. or even walk 5 miles.. I can start off my workout walking 2 miles.. knowing that in time I will build to 5.. or make 5 my goal. Goals need incentives. Especially when dealing with the mind.. or else the mind will not want to do it. So now the body doesn't.

Anyone who loses weight.. that's a blessing.. even it it's 1 pound.
This morning I weigh myself.. I gained 1 pound.. and I was a little off for a minute.. but taking responsibly for the 5 snacks I ate yesterday and knowing I was 245 and now 241.. who cares about 1 pound.. I just have to work a little hard tonight.. and do away with something. (3 snacks today)


  • californiajuls
    californiajuls Posts: 201 Member
    A gain here and there is not the end of the world. I used to think that it was. Since using this website I am much more aware of what goes in my mouth and for that I am thankful. You have a great attitude and you are right, it might just be the snacks you had. I am sure that tomorrow that 1 lb. will be gone.
  • Sherry44
    Sherry44 Posts: 26 Member
    If you weigh yourself everyday I would stop. It is better for accuracy & for motivation if you just weigh yourself once a week.
    I see you just started this month. The first few weeks are always an eye opener of what you really put in your mouth. Keep logging and finding better foods. Don't give up snacking altogether, because snacking is important. Just be careful of how much sugar & sodium is in those snacks. As for the exercise, don't injure your knees or anything else. I have found that I liked to be pushed to a state of uncomfortable, but if you're sore for 3 solid days from 1 workout, it's probably too much.
    Surround yourself with people who are positive, but honest.
  • goodsister
    goodsister Posts: 9 Member
    I agree with you KEISHA 79 . I played collegiate sports and my body is still very athletic just with extra weight. And when I would go for help to the docotrs they would look at my body and say you are fine. Just pull back from the table. I don't look my weight, however I know that is not good or healthy. It has been really difficult for me to get this weight off even with running everyday, so I totally understand that is why I had to go to my doctor and insist he help me. Regardless if I am athletic or all musle. I know that I should not weight this much. My first weight watchers meeting everyone was looking at me , like what is she doing in here. But I am determine I am going to do it. SO good LUCk to you and keep me updated.
  • TooFine4MFP
    TooFine4MFP Posts: 134 Member
    I have lost 80 lbs and gained back 25, now I've lost close to 15. Losing weight is tough and I still tend to make bad choices. Its one thing if your family ate healthy your whole life and you have been trained to do it, but alot of us are breaking the bad eating habitsbhat we have been raised with. These last few lbs I've lost have been tough. I've been working out since June, six days a wk and it seemed for a while, the scale wouldnt budge. But I celebrate other victories like not being a slave to fast food and sweets, feeling healthy and strong, watching my stamina increase and seeing changes in my body. Some people tend to judge just because dit seems like they were able to change and drop weight overnight and cant understand why others cant seem to do the same. Everyone's weight story is different and for some, the weight is only part of the battle.
  • sweetbn
    sweetbn Posts: 318
    The pound may only be water weight, especially if your snacks were salty.

    Also, when beginning exercise, it is IMPORTANT to start with reasonable goals. When I first started running (a long time ago), I could barely go 5 minutes without dying (and I was relatively thin back then). But, I stuck with it and can now go over 10 no issue. Just keep up the good work, and remember we didn't gain weght over night we won't lose it overnight either. :)
  • Shaqueta
    Shaqueta Posts: 75
    I've faught weight my whole life. The only thing different this time is this website and I'm older and I see how differernt the world treats me smaller then larger. This weight has affected my job search, health, relationships, opportunities, options, and everything else. So now my mind is into this. It's not easy, nothing worth it ever is. Its not a quick fix, it has to be a lifestyle change. We're all human and make mistakes and backslide every now and then but the important part is that we keep trying.

    Its like the song we fall down, but we get up. I've just been trying to c the best in me and put forth the effort and mindset I need to succeed. Yes its hard but there are too many good things that lie ahead if we succeed. Good health, smaller clothes, more options on the clearance rack, a smile when we look in the mirror, the confiendce, self esteem, reassurance, and a whole new world. The complements, new attention, and that high that you get when you know from where you came to get to where you r now.

    so to answer your question.... hard yes, impossible no, worth it... Absolutely
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    I've lost a bit of weight (10-20 lbs) before (twice), but have never been this big before, and never had to loose the weight with absolutely no help from anyone else.

    My first foray into dieting I took up my sister Diet Dr Pepper diet, and it was easy. Just drink a can of diet dr pepper every time you get hungry, and eat a sensible dinner every evening. That's it, no other food. Easy, affordable when your a 15 year old kid with a full time job and no expenses. Not affordable when your 25, with a disabled hubby who needs a specialized diet and a toddler who's a picky eater.

    My second diet, a book called Fit for Life (really a good plan, just the reasons the author thinks it works are wrong, but it still works). More difficult. More expensive. Affordable when I was 18, with a full time job and no expenses. Not affordable now.

    I think anything can be easy, when its made easy for you. But when you have zero support, when there a road blocks and obstacles (and who over the age of 20 doesn't?), it gets harder and harder as you go. I think everyone has a tendency to think, it'd be easier if I didn't have to deal with (fill in the blank), so it feels like it should be easier for people who don't deal with whatever that difficulty is for them. Its one of those things, the answer is always so simple, but the execution is the hard part. And the answer's so simple, so we feel like it should be easy for everyone else (just not me), and we don't want to admit that we don't really have a handle on things. So if we pretend like we do, maybe no one will notice.....
  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    I have had a weight problem from the age of 12 when I was a teen losing weight was pretty easy I would starve my self or throw up. In my twenties it was fairly easy I danced all day long played loud music and shaked my body down to the ground the the thirties not so easy I had to jog 4 miles in the morning and 4 miles in the evening to fit into my two tight mini skirt now I gave up in the forties this December I turn the big 50 and I don't care what anyone says this is the biggest battle yet. last month I walked almost 2 miles 6 days a week ate every other day only to lose 8 pds in a month gave up early this month and gained back the 8 pds now no more fad diets or exercise I am learning to love my self right where I am. I will exercise 30 minutes a day and eat in moderation and pray for better health and if I lose along the way more Power to ME. It's hard.
  • Rashonne76
    Yes losing weight is very hard and it's not a overnight thing. The most important thing people forget that trying and giving it your all, thats what count. Some people treat it like just add .... and BAM your thin or hey i lost (..) puunds.