5'9 ladies



  • Tanana66
    Tanana66 Posts: 84 Member
    5' 8.5" and I'd like to be 140. Currently 149.
    Or same weight but less fat and more muscles.
  • AngelJenny74
    AngelJenny74 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5'-11" and my goal is 175. I have a large frame and don't see much less than that being maintainable.
  • kellybelly113
    kellybelly113 Posts: 60 Member
    I would love to be 180 but I can't seem to get below 200. I didn't even know that women 5'9 and above could weigh so low. Good luck to all.

    Myself as well. I also think it depends on your body type. I've always played sports and my legs have always been bigger, not the skinner type ones. I know I can get down below 200, but definitely not the lower numbers some of these ladies are at. Not that I want to short myself, but I think a reasonable goal for me is 170.
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    I'm 5'9.5"

    I started at around 278 pounds. My first goal was to get under 200. When I got there, I thought 175 would be good. When I got there, I thought 165 would be good.

    When I got to 165, I went into maintenance for 4 months, still dropped a little bit, and was maintaining for a few months between 155-157.

    Recently, I've decided I'm still not happy with my belly. The rest of my body looks amazing, especially considering I'm 40 years old, a mother, and have lost over 125 pounds. But that BELLY, argh!

    I'm shooting for 145 now (currently 150.8), but 139 is looking pretty good and possibly doable too. That would put me at exactly half my starting body weight.

    I'm a tad bit obsessive/compulsive, so I would really love to get to 139, but I also have to squash the compulsive tendencies when they come up. So, if I look and feel great at 145, that's where I'll stay.

    Okay, that was really a long, drawn-out answer to a very basic question.
    Opps didnt mean to post that BLANK>
    So Great Job on your Amazing weight loss!
    What are you doing to workouts to tighten that belly?
    I would love to introduce you to a few!

    I do Zumba a couple of times per week at the gym. I have a weighted hula hoop at home, though I'm pretty bad about actually using it. I "try" to use some of the equipment at the gym, but I'm a little intimidated by it. I should also mention, I have a fused lower spine (born that way), and my shoulders dislocate (also born that way), as well as arthritis in my left hip from a skiing accident. I don't use any of those as excuses, and still try to be active, but I DO have limited range of motion and can't do certain exercises because of it. Floor exercises are pretty much out.
  • I am also 5'10" and feel very fit and healthy at your goal weight! Good luck!
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    5'8 and 18-20% body fat... whatever number that equates to on the scale, then so be it. I have a feeling it will be in the range of 145-155lbs.
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    I'm a smidge over 5'9. My goal is 155, currently 164. Starting weight 218.

    I am 55 years old, broad shouldered, narrow hipped. Probably medium to large frame, though wrist measurements say small frame. I'm really liking how my body looks, right now. However my face is another story. If my face suffers too much at 155 I will probably gain a few pounds on purpose.

    At 55 sometimes you have to choose between your *kitten*, and your face.
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    I'm 5'8'', I have met my goal weight of 145 pounds. I want to leave a little meat on my bones :-)
  • I am 5'8 3/4" I am looking to go from 160 to 135.. I am looking to have more definition and a smaller waistline...
  • I'm 5'9", and my goal weight is 140lbs, as that was what I was at in college when I was an athlete. That may change as I start to lose - it's more a goal to get to where I look and feel good. :)
  • kristle_stewart
    kristle_stewart Posts: 11 Member
    5'8 currently 143 lbs. I would like to get to a BMI of 21 current 28. Trying to build muscle and lose fat. :)
  • klight1236
    klight1236 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm 5'9.5" and I'm 144 and would either like to be 135 or 140
  • FallynLeigh
    FallynLeigh Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'10"-5'11" and I'm aiming for 110 by this time next year. I'm currently 135-ish. (I have smaller goals, like in a month I want to be 130, in about six months I'd like to be 120, and then in a year 110)
  • C12254
    C12254 Posts: 198
    im 5'9 and my goal is 170. that would put me at pre pregnancy weight before my first child. from there ill tone (trying to do it alone the way---but just in case i dont...ill take that time to focus on that part) and then go from there. i cant remember a day i was anything below 175-180 so im not sure how i would look or feel at anything lower. and i was never toned when i was 175 so IDK what that looks like either.
  • I'm 5' 7.5" with a goal of 150. I'mI think I'll be good btwn 150-160. I've lost 15 of ~55 lbs in 4 months.
  • iggylove123
    iggylove123 Posts: 302
    I'm 5'9.5" and I'm pretty happy right now at 164! I have a wider frame so that weight doesn't look bad! My next goal after summer might be 160! we will see!
  • frenchfacey
    frenchfacey Posts: 237 Member
    Just under 5'10 and I feel the most comfortable around 125
  • aggieamy05
    aggieamy05 Posts: 11
    I'm 5'11" and my goal is 160.
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    6 ft and goal is 143 pounds...currently 154 pounds
  • UnwrappingCandy
    UnwrappingCandy Posts: 418 Member
    I am 5'9'' and my goal is somewhere between 150 and 180 pounds. It really will be whatever weight at which I look and feel the best. I have used mybodygallery.com to develop my goal range.

    At 155 pounds I could look similar to this:


    At 163 pounds something similar to this:


    At 170 pounds something like this:


    and at 180 pounds something like this:


    Oooh, I hope this photos don't end up HUGE.

    Anyway, you should check out mybodygallery.com. It's pretty amazing.