Breakfast Suggestions



  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I have the same breakfast everyday. Coffee and maybe some homemade yogurt before working out, bagel with cream cheese and lox after. Sometimes fruit too. I usually eat about 1/3 -1/2 of my calories in the morning. The whole eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper thing works is really great for me. That way I have lots of energy at the times I need it. I'm going to try homemade bagels after I run out of the package I have. That way I can make them thinner and healthier.
  • Sylvitryinghard
    Sylvitryinghard Posts: 549 Member
    My favorite! Gluten, flour and sugar free pancakes! All you do is mash up a banana and mix in an egg. (Sometimes I add a bit of oats or cinnamon!) Then cook just like you would regular pancakes!

    gotta try sounds yum!!
  • twhite4550
    twhite4550 Posts: 25
    I never get tired of scrambled eggs, with milk, or cheese, or bread. :)
  • mickeymouse38
    mickeymouse38 Posts: 54 Member
    Bump great ideas
  • sarahsedai
    sarahsedai Posts: 273 Member
    i was never really a breakfast person, but now that i'm working out (and actually hungry now, as opposed to just stuffing my face all day long because of boredom or stress or whatever), i've been doing the breakfast thing. my favorite right now is...

    eggy oatmeal.

    1/4 cup rolled oats
    1 tbsp milk (i use vanilla almond milk)
    1 egg
    brown sugar to taste (or agave nectar sometimes too!)

    i stir the first four ingredients together in a big coffee mug up real nice, then toss in a small handful of blueberries.
    pop in the microwave for about... 1:15 seconds.

  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hot oats with peanut butter stirred in.............My favourite!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Or I have fruit with oats/cinnamon/banana
  • NualaTW
    NualaTW Posts: 205 Member
    I like to mix it up for b'fast too.

    Day 1
    1 cup plain non-fat greek yogurt
    1/4 cup blueberries
    1/2 cup strawberries (or sometimes a sliced nectarine)
    2 TBS chopped walnuts
    1 TBS ground flax seed
    1 TBS honey

    Day 2
    1 scrambled egg (w/tsp olive oil)
    1/2 cup egg white
    Diced cherry tomatoes
    1 cup spinach
    1/2 cup sliced mushrooms
    1/4 cup low-fat feta crumbles

    Day 3
    1/2 cup quaker oats
    1/4 cup blueberries
    1/2 sliced banana
    2 TBS chopped walnuts
    1 TBS honey

    Day 4 (on the go sandwich)
    2 hard boiled eggs
    2 slices double fiber bread
    1 tsp low-fat mayo
    pinch of salt/pepper
    1 cup strawberries, or a plum, or a nectarine
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
  • mtnhiker1
    mtnhiker1 Posts: 114 Member
    Try a sort of egg mc-muffin. 1 English muffin toasted with a little butter, 1 fried egg (yolk broke, done light -do not over cook), 4 slices of thin ham (I use Land of Frost - honey ham). Comes to ~ 330 calories
  • jcs56inoregon
  • MissPMorrison
    If you have a Trader Joes or Whole Foods by you, I recommend trying their frozen steel cut oats at TJ's or the frozen Ancient Grains & Oats at Whole Foods. There are two servings that you can microwave for a couple of minutes and it gives you the idea of what they should taste like.
    I now make a pot of steel cut oats on the weekends and soaking the oats overnight can help. I then measure out my servings for the week in Tupperware. During winter months I will make a months worth and freeze some portions in ziplock bags.
    I also like to poach or hard boil a weeks worth of eggs and store them in tupperware or ziploc bags. I can add thick Trader Joes Celebrity Healthy Black Forest Ham or Canadian bacon with English muffins and add sliced tomato and onion for breakfast sandwiches.
    Other days, if I have the time to cook breakfast I like to load up on breakfast burritos.
  • dmarien
    dmarien Posts: 58
    Thanks for the quick responses. I have some steel cut oats but have made them terribly twice so far and they have tasted like glue. Need to figure them out.

    Google because I do not remember the website: Crockpot Steel Oatmeal. There is a site with the word YUMMY in it. I have not tried the receipes on there but I am sure can find some that are awesome. Also the Biggest Loser 6 weeks to a healthier you has one with peaches and steel oatmeal.
  • Equina
    Equina Posts: 59 Member
  • paulasuscas01
    paulasuscas01 Posts: 73 Member
    Some mornings I do an omelet in a Ziplock bag. Put a egg in the bag....squish it around....add whatever you want to it....I add cheese, canadian bacon, (sometimes just bacon bits)...etc.... drop it into a pan of boiling water.....go finish getting ready for work. It slides right out of the bag.... I wrap it up in a papertowel and take it to work......very good and very low carb!!

    Never would have thought of this method, thanks! :happy:
  • KayzieK
    KayzieK Posts: 4
    This is interesting to me as I am currently eating 438 Caleries for breakfast which to me seems high??

    I have a small portion of Strawberry Easiyo yogurt and a handful of berry granola, to me I thought this seemed like a healthy breakfast until I entered it in MFP!!!

    I have to be honest I haven't counted caleries or fats before, the last diet I did was slimming world which was points based... I would like to add that I am not dieting now, just trying to eat more heathily!! Hence my shock at the caleries of my "healthy" breakfast!!!
  • cprieur44
    cprieur44 Posts: 1
    I enjoy Protein Pancakes
    1/3 of each Oats, Cottage Cheese, eggs (or egg whites). Blend it all in a blender until smooth. I like to add things like blueberries or cooked apple slices and cinnamon, sometimes if I want more of a treat one I blend a banana and add chocolate chips. I usually cook a bunch and freeze some then pop them in the toaster.
  • mustang6411
    mustang6411 Posts: 89 Member
    low fat cottage cheese with fresh fruit mixed in
  • eveydunton
    eveydunton Posts: 32 Member
  • tambam69
    tambam69 Posts: 270 Member
  • TrinaGoss
    TrinaGoss Posts: 198 Member