Brand new to this! :)

ktgurl722 Posts: 5
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone! My cousin convinced me to try this out because it was working so well for her! I am very excited to get things rolling and get on track to finally make my goals and lose the weight I have been trying to lose for so long! I just figured out my goal weight and in just 70 pounds (yikes, that is intimidating) I will have reached it! I would appreciate any support I could get and I will definitely be giving support back. I think this is a wonderful thing to try and I am inspired by each and every one of you! Thanks for listening! :)



  • Kt,
    Welcome to MFP! I am sure you are going to love this site! I joined this week and am already addicted to it! The support network is great! Feel free to friend me if you want. Just remember, you are not alone. We are all working towards the same goal of being happy and healthy! Good luck to you!

  • Thanks, Kim! Good luck to you as well!
  • klmmoore
    klmmoore Posts: 98 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I have been here for 2 1/2 weeks now and I love it. My husband says he's never seen me so dedicated to something before. We are all here to support and motivate you. Feel free to add me if you want!
  • amscobra
    amscobra Posts: 73
    WELCOME to MFP! I have been with it for 5 weeks and have already lost 12lbs! I am addicted to this site LOL I log on all the time to put my food/exercise in and to look at recipes people post and encouraging words people offer. It's Great! I wish you the best of luck, I have a long ways to go before i reach my goal weight as well, but remember this isn't a diet, this is a lifestyle change. Add me as a friend!
  • Thanks so much! I am so excited now that I have been exploring the site and realizing how many people are in this together!
  • showers1989
    showers1989 Posts: 63 Member
    good luck big numbers do seem intimidating try breaking it down into smaller amounts to focus on until you reach your goal.
  • KerryB1977
    KerryB1977 Posts: 86 Member
    Hi! I'm new to this site as well.Just started about three weeks ago and am so into this site and the support I receive daily from friends I've met here.Feel free to add me as a friend cause I can use all the friends I can get.:happy:
  • Good luck to you and your goal, My three daughters and I started this last Friday, and we are having such success keeping up with our daily meal calorie goals.

    If you commit yourself to keeping track of all your calories, I think you will reach that 70lb goal soon enough. I do not officially weigh in until tomorrow, but I am already down 5 lbs this week alone, and I have a weightloss goal of about 85lbs. Way exciting.

    Have fun!!!!!

  • fameyjo
    fameyjo Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I'm new too... I've actually been on a couple other sites like this, but this one has a handy app for the ipod, so I thought I'd be able to keep track a little better. One thing is for sure, being on a site like this and being accountable for everything you put in your mouth as well as feeling obligated to log some exercise, really does help the weight come off. Good luck!!!!!! :o)
  • Thank you!! I am so exctied! Everyone is so welcoming and supportive, I have a really good feeling about this!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Hi KT! Welcome to MyFitnessPal! :D I've been a member of this site for a couple of months now. :) It's a great place to get motivation, advice, and encouragement. :D This place has really helped me drop some pounds and I've met some great people here too.

    I see you already added me to your friends list so feel free to drop me a message any time if you have any questions.

  • I knew you were going to love it!



    XO ASH
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