Compulsive Eater Looking to Control My Weight.

Hi, I'm Erin, I'm a compulsive eater, so I've joined MFP to teach me how to control my portions and myself in general :) looking to drop a few pounds to get into a healthy weight bracket and to drop a dress size.

Any compulsive eaters with me will understand how hard it is so I could really do with some support :)

Hi Everyone! ^.^


  • Hi Erin. I sufferd from compulsive eatig so I totally understand your struggle. Message me when you get a chance
  • I'm definitely a recovering food addict/ compulsive eater. Glad to see you taking steps towards a healthier lifestyle! Add me if you'd like to chat
  • rumplesnat
    rumplesnat Posts: 372
    I"m sitting there on the bench with you. :cry:
  • jenniferft1997
    jenniferft1997 Posts: 40 Member
    Me too. Being on here has helped me a lot! Also, to slow down my eating I have learned to play games while I eat. FB has plenty of games that I play while eating. I take a bite and then play a minute long game. It really has helped. Now I can put my eating utensil down inbetween bites! What used to take literally 3 minutes to eat now takes at least 10 :)

    I am bad to eat when I am tired, stressed, or bored. I am trying to learn to exercise instead of eat. I have also learned to ask myself if I am truly hungry before I go for the food. Sometimes I can get on here and get my mind off the food.

    You can add me as a friend if you want! I am making progress and truly understand how hard it is when food is your comforter :)