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for those who've ever regained..?

ok..so 80% of people who lose weight gain it back within two years. I guess that is the horrible truth. I know I fall into that category.

here's my question: Have any of you regained the weight you lost while weighing yourself everyday during the regain?

I ask..because my thought is that I regained because i stopped weighing myself and it creeped back on little by little. My theory is if I weigh daily after i reach goal.. I'd stop the madness before it ever all came back.

Not weighing durning maintenance is my biggest regret...cause here I am.


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    In my case it was like 12 years ago. I went to a nutritionist and he gave me that crazy diet to follow, you cut a lot of stuff out and reintroduce it little by little. Unfortunately my life situation changed and I wasn't able to follow it anymore, so I pretty much just went back to my old habits... The only way I'll be able to stick to it this time is to keep doing what I'm doing right now, just with letting myself eat more calories.
  • hkmurphy83
    hkmurphy83 Posts: 262 Member
    I quit weighing. Period. I'm a daily weigher, and I am able to handle the fluctuations in my body without freaking out most days. However, when I stop watching what I eat and stop exercising, I also stop weighing. That way, I can allow myself to be "ignorant" of what I'm doing to myself. If I keep weighing, I am more likely to get back on track and stop the gaining spiral. I think I will always have to weigh regularly in order to stay on track.
  • nuts4elephant
    nuts4elephant Posts: 21 Member
    the faster i lose the weight, the faster i gain it back. it helps to lose it slowly so your body doesn't freak out.
  • nuts4elephant
    nuts4elephant Posts: 21 Member
    p.s. i weigh myself every day (but i find that i lose more weight when i'm not constantly weighing myself and get away from a scale for a day or too) :)
  • Eandretta96
    Eandretta96 Posts: 119
    No I didn't regain it because I lost it by following flexible dieting, which made it feel like I wasn't dieting and I have other goals now. Slowly gain weight and muscle.
  • heytherelameman
    heytherelameman Posts: 76 Member
    I lost over 100 lbs in 2008, but my mind never caught up. My self esteem was still crap and I saw a fat girl whenever I looked in the mirror. Other medical issues were present and when depression crept up later on I didn't have a chance. I got comfy, stopped caring and gained it all back, plus more. The less I cared about myself, the more I would gain. Now that I've had the chance to work on myself, I'm going to lose this weight for good! :)
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,164 Member
    here's my question: Have any of you regained the weight you lost while weighing yourself everyday during the regain?

    I ask..because my thought is that I regained because i stopped weighing myself and it creeped back on little by little.

    Your theory is probably sound. I didn't bother to weigh myself after the last time I lost weight. And, I believe that if I had, I would have stopped myself. too.
  • salt160
    salt160 Posts: 44
    This happened with me as well. I reached my goal and was doing well on maintenance. Some things changed in my life that made it more difficult to dedicate the time to it- I know, it sounds lame. I stopped weighing myself, and also stopped logging my food. The weight slowly crept back on. I regained 35 of the 70 pounds I lost.

    Then I stepped back on the scale to see how far I slipped. Oh what a shock! Back on it again, and this time I am not giving up.
  • LeakieChan
    LeakieChan Posts: 31 Member
    I had lost 50lbs 2 years ago and did gradually gain it all back in the last year, I had a lot of emotional and self esteem issues going on and just wanted the comfort of sugar and carbs. i'm back to watching what I eat and moving again and I've 11lbs so far, I really intend to keep it off this time. plus side to losing again? I already have a wardrobe waiting for me when I go down in sizes!
  • vivaldirules
    vivaldirules Posts: 169 Member
    Yes. I lost 66 pounds and regained 31 of it while weighing myself and recording and plotting my weight every single day for the entire period. I was completely aware of what I was doing all the way back up. But I did mostly stop counting calories once I had hit the minimum. Fortunately, I've once again lost all that I had regained plus a few more pounds and am very close to my goal weight. I would hope that if I both weigh myself and count calories every day for the rest of my life, I won't regain ever again. We'll see. Fingers crossed.
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    Hi, just read your profile and this bit hit a chord with me ".i just want to enjoy my food and find how i can eat as much as possible and exercise as little as possible to look as good as I possibly can lol..and that's the truth." :laugh: Sounds like me.

    About 10 years ago I lost weight with Easy Slim - ate hardly anything, exercise twice a day - lost 10 kgs in 18 months. Soon as I ate anything like normal, up went the weight. Like many, I had some issues to deal with (hubby nearly killed in workplace accident and ensuring problems with employer & insurance company PLUS medical issues) and food was my comfort. I gained a lot of weight, got to 98 kg and decided to do something about it. I started using MFP and lost a lot of weight - 25 kilos in about five months. I am now basically in maintenance, altho I want to lose another couple of kilos, it's just not shifting. I haven't lost anything for about six months. I need to exercise more regularly and stop succumbing to temptation of cakes at work.

    I weigh daily - I never ever want to see it just sneak up again.
  • mangojh2
    mangojh2 Posts: 175 Member
    While I gained it all back.... I Rarely weighed myself. When I did, I was so upset I ate more.
  • jrmc83
    jrmc83 Posts: 77 Member
    I lost almost 30 pounds last year and got comfortable (i.e. stopped working out and making healthier choices), but I continued to weight myself. As the ounces and pounds crept back on, I'd think "Oh one pound isn't bad...I'm still in the 160s...a few more ounces won't hurt...." and then there came a point when I stopped weighing completely. When I finally got back on the scale I was right back where I started. Weighing consistently didn't help motivate me to get back on track-I think it added to my complacency. It's a two-edged sword though because maybe if I hadn't stopped weighing I wouldn't have gotten back up to where I am now!:sad:
  • katygirl66
    katygirl66 Posts: 19 Member
    I lost over 100 lbs in 2008, but my mind never caught up. My self esteem was still crap and I saw a fat girl whenever I looked in the mirror. Other medical issues were present and when depression crept up later on I didn't have a chance. I got comfy, stopped caring and gained it all back, plus more. The less I cared about myself, the more I would gain. Now that I've had the chance to work on myself, I'm going to lose this weight for good! :)

    That happened to me as well. I am struggling now with my eating, and i am finding that the more time I spend caring for myself, the better I do that day when I just get throught the day. I am back on track after a bad weekend, and I plan on taking more time for me!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I love this question! It is something I have been mulling over in my head. I gained all my weight while not weighing myself and in complete denial. If I could stay off the scale and stay out of pictures, I wasn't really fat. What I didn't know wouldn't hurt me. Now that I am at goal, I have been toying with the idea of not weighing again or only weighing once a week or once a month, letting my clothes tell me my progress. I can't quite let go of the daily control so I am not sure I am ready.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I had lost 50lbs 2 years ago and did gradually gain it all back in the last year, I had a lot of emotional and self esteem issues going on and just wanted the comfort of sugar and carbs. i'm back to watching what I eat and moving again and I've 11lbs so far, I really intend to keep it off this time. plus side to losing again? I already have a wardrobe waiting for me when I go down in sizes!

    This! I lost 40lbs two years ago. Then SURPRISE! Last May I got pregnant. We were elated! The week hubby started truck driving, I lost the twins. We wanted nothing more than to have a baby so I stopped focusing on weight loss and started focusing on TTC. Yesh, had 3 more miscarraiges since then and gained ALL the weight back plus a few extra pounds. And what do I have to show for it? Absolutely nothing!
  • tdfarmer
    tdfarmer Posts: 176 Member
    My regain was sudden. I maintained for months , weighing every couple of weeks. Then all the sudden I gained like 5 lb and continued gaining. I've struggled with food and exercise for several months now. I'm trying but not really getting anywhere. I've lost 5lb of my 16lb regain. Food seems to be an issue right now. I just unlinked my bodymediafit, blaming part of my regain on it, giving me extra calories. Going back to just my HRM.
  • milu1f
    milu1f Posts: 21 Member
    I did the same thing.
    Started at 127kg and lost over time till i was 68ish kg.
    Then some stuff happend and i just didnt care, went back up to 107kg.
    After that ive been up 10 down 15, up 20 down 10 and so on....But Im at it again now and I am trying to work out my emotional stuff so I can see y i eat and try to live a normal life where food isnt reward/punishment all the time!
    I really want to change my life and belive thats what i am doing now :)
  • ukredhead19
    ukredhead19 Posts: 176
    While I gained it all back.... I Rarely weighed myself. When I did, I was so upset I ate more.

    Ditto...same thing here, I knew it was creeping back up (plus another baby didn't help)...but when I would occasionally step on the scale, it was so disappointing that I would just go drown my sorrows in some french fries. I wish I could say that I am aware enough to know, but its not so. I don't know if everyday is necessary during maintenence but at least once a week to keep things in check!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    I love this question! It is something I have been mulling over in my head. I gained all my weight while not weighing myself and in complete denial. If I could stay off the scale and stay out of pictures, I wasn't really fat. What I didn't know wouldn't hurt me. Now that I am at goal, I have been toying with the idea of not weighing again or only weighing once a week or once a month, letting my clothes tell me my progress. I can't quite let go of the daily control so I am not sure I am ready.

    If I were you.. i'd weigh daily..or at least once a week to make sure your don't regain. I can't wait to be in your shoes! Congrats on getting to goal.