100 Pounds To Lose

Mommy2DCD Posts: 44 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone, my name is Shanell. I am trying to lose 100 pounds!! I am a 26 year old married mom with 3 kids, and am sick to death of being over weight. I started dieting on May 23rd and have since lost 17 pounds!! On June 18th I started taking Alli to give me a little boost. I would love to have some other members who are trying to lose weight like I am to keep me on track and motivated! here are my stats:

05/23 230
05/29 218
06/04 216
06/10 215
06/16 216
06/22 215
06/30 213

:happy: Shanell


  • Mommy2DCD
    Mommy2DCD Posts: 44 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Shanell. I am trying to lose 100 pounds!! I am a 26 year old married mom with 3 kids, and am sick to death of being over weight. I started dieting on May 23rd and have since lost 17 pounds!! On June 18th I started taking Alli to give me a little boost. I would love to have some other members who are trying to lose weight like I am to keep me on track and motivated! here are my stats:

    05/23 230
    05/29 218
    06/04 216
    06/10 215
    06/16 216
    06/22 215
    06/30 213

    :happy: Shanell
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Congrats on the weight lose...you can do it!
    There are a few people on this site that have already lost 90-100 pounds and a few that are on there way

    GOOD LUCK and feel free to post/vent about anything...we are all here to support one another

  • Mommy2DCD
    Mommy2DCD Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks Kim :smile:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I love your name!
    Congratulations on the weight you've already lost! And don't worry, you've come to the right place, you'll lose the rest of the weight that you want to, and it'll "almost" be easy doing it!!!
  • Welcome Shanell! You're off to a great start so far and you've come to the right place! MFP is great...whether you've got 10, 100 or even 200 like me to lose, we're all in the same boat. Everyone knows what you're going through. You can do this, and we're all here to help!
  • Mommy2DCD
    Mommy2DCD Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks Bren. My mom's best friend growing up had the middle name Chanel. So my mom changed the spelling and I got Shanell. :) I love it now that I am older, but growing up I hated it lol. No one could spell it, or even pronounce it right. :)

    Thanks Lauri!! :)

    Nice to meet you both.
  • timragan
    timragan Posts: 117 Member
    Hi Shanell. Way to go on your weight loss. Its not easy. Lets help each other live healthier.

    Have a great day.

  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Nice to meet you too! I KNOW you'll do just great here! I can't praise this site enough. It really WILL help you lose the weight you want and you'll feel just great in no time!
    I was just chatting with a neighbor, who's NEVER had a weight problem, while I ALWAYS have. We talked about how much I LOVE this site, and how I KNOW that I can stick with this for life. Other diets would only last so long before I'd start cheating and give up. NOW though, I know that even if I have something "bad", I will get right back on track the next day, cuz it's NOT a diet, it's a "lifestyle change"!
    Before you know it, you'll be as addicted to this site and healthy lifestyle as the rest of us are!
  • Mommy2DCD
    Mommy2DCD Posts: 44 Member
    Hi Tim, Congrats on your loss. Thats Awesome!

    Bren, I know exactly what you mean about the Life Style change aspect. It's been a daily battle to get up and make the choice that today I am going to do good again. I've been up and down since then, but have really been trying to stay strong and continue forward. My friends and family weren't very excited at first. They were supportive, but just kind of luke warm in the aspect that I have started and failed so many times. but now 6 weeks and 17 pounds later they are really being super supportive and it's amazing. I'm actually having fun. Who would ever say they were having fun losing weight?? But I'm liking the weight coming off, and the way I'm feeling about myself and stuff. It's great.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Welcome Shanell and congratulations on your weight loss. This is a great site with wonderful people. You'll do very well here. Good luck to you. :flowerforyou:

  • You're on the right track keep up the good work!!:happy:
  • You're on the right track keep up the good work!!:happy:
  • Mommy2DCD
    Mommy2DCD Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks Diva and Betty. Nice to meet you.
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I know just what you mean about getting a luke warm response when you first started losing weight. My husband loves me dearly, but he was sooo used to ALL my different diets that he'd just say "whatever!" and go with the flo till I'd quit AGAIN! BUT, now he's soooo proud of me, and REALLY thrilled with my progress!
    I also know just what it's like to want to lose weight sooooo badly, but to constantly fail and feel so upset and depressed with myself.
    I swear, the last thing I thought about every single night was how awful I'd been during the day, and how the NEXT day I'd start buckling down and behave myself and start losing. Course, then I'd wake up with good intentions, but, then by bedtime again, I'd be back to kicking myself for ANOTHER awful day of overeating!
    When the teacher I worked with told me about this site, I kinda unwillingly checked it out. But, right away, I discovered that I had a major problem eating way too much protein, and once I saw that, I was able to change my eating habits somewhat and started losing. It's been pretty darned easy too if you want the truth! I'm exercising now too, to get higher numbers for the protein that I can't seem to get enough of!!! LOL.
    I know that in the past, I considered the word "diet" to mean depriving myself of all the "good" stuff that I loved to eat. But, this isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change. I CAN eat "bad" stuff now and then, as long as I work for it with exercise. Most of all, I love the fantastic feeling of finally being in control again!
    Anyway though, this site really is a lifesaver, and I know that you'll discover that too and will do just great here!
  • Mommy2DCD
    Mommy2DCD Posts: 44 Member
    I know exactly what you mean Bren. The first day I logged here I just did a normal day. It was horrible!! I had almost 3500 calories, and 1200 of those were caffineated drinks like Mountain Dew. I considered Mountain Dew a drug now lol. It was the hardest to kick. But after the third day the headaches went away, and I felt great! As of this morning I am down 20 pounds. Just amazes me, that Im still eating what I want to every day, but I'm making better decisions about what those items are. if I want chinese, I get from somewhere like Panda express that cooks it in low oil and fat. If I want pizza, I get a healthier choice. I should've done this a long time ago! :)

    <3 Shanell
  • maggierex
    maggierex Posts: 59
    hey sounds like we are in almost the same situation. i want and need to lose at least 100 lbs. i will still be "overweight," but will at least be a whole lot healthier and smaller!!! i think the problem is that i always thought of it as a diet and not a lifestyle change. when i was telling my best friend about the site, i was talking about how i log my calories and exercise, etc. and she asked me, "so is this just a diet or are you actually making a lifestyle change?" that is when i realized that i had been so wrong all the other times!! i feel so much more hopeful now that i know it is a lifestyle change. before, as soon as i went off track and ate something super fattening and filled with calories, i figured it was over and went back to my old ways. now i find myself looking to see what i can have that fits with my new plan. if i mess up and go a little over, i figure there is always tomorrow to make up for it - when i come on the site it resets me back to zero and it's a whole new day to make good choices. i am the type who needs a site like this to help me keep track, stay accountable, and get motivated!! happy losing!!:flowerforyou:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Yup, this site WILL keep us all accountable and we WILL lose all the weight that we want to!
    I think it's just soooooo unbelievable to "pretty much" eat whatever I want and I'll STILL lose weight!!!
    Before just the word diet made me cringe, cuz I knew it WOULD end, and I'd be back eating way too much, and all the wrong things. Now I "work" for "goodies" with exercise (walking and dancing to fast oldies in my living room) and cut down on my meat portions, and eat slow churned icecream instead of the "real" kind! It's REALLY good too!!!
    It's just so exciting to FINALLY be looking and feeling so great! I can't praise this site enough!
  • aaubrey
    aaubrey Posts: 168 Member
    I love it here. I don't know what has made it different, but it has been different. I have had some good days and some bad in the last month, but I LOST and havent gained any back. When I am feeling fat and get discouraged (like a couple of days ago) I come and my cheerleaders kick me in the butt again! Good luck and keep up the good work everybody!:flowerforyou:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    I dont have 100 but am going for 70. This sight is amazing, all the support and it makes it easy to keep track. Keep up the great work. :flowerforyou:
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