Havent lost a thing!!!!!

Ok so its been a month since ive buckled down and really started trying to lose weight. I HAVENT LOST ANYTHING!!!!!
I try and net 1200 calories, and burn 4-800 calories 3-5 days a week... I started at 182 and went down to 177, im going with that was water weight and that was the very first week. I dont eat exactly the healthiest but its not to freaking outragouslu bad lol.

Is there some kind of weight loss trick im missing or somthing? Am I just doomed to being the fat girl forever????

And should I satrt taking a weight loss pill to jump start thing?


  • SmittenKitten70
    SmittenKitten70 Posts: 3 Member
    I hit a plateau around that weight EVERY time.. as a matter of fact i'm stuck right now so i'm not an expert by any means.. but I do better when I keep my protein a little higher with lean sources.. I do better when I limit my carbonated drinks, salt, and sugar. Maybe take a closer look at your specific nutrients and make sure you're getting in enough water and fiber and not too much salt. Also, when your sore from working out you retain water. I noticed you're burning a lot of calories. I retain 3-4 lbs when my muscles are sore and repairing themselves.. even more when it's my legs that are sore. Good luck and no, you're not doomed! :)
  • Putcake
    Putcake Posts: 93 Member
    First things first - don't take a pill. It might be a short term fix, but that will be all. You will not get any results that will be long lasting.

    Sorry to say, but 1200 calories just isn't enough. I told MFP that I was "sendentary" when I started at 170, and I was advised to eat about 1200 calories. I was starving and despite exercising, lost nothing for 2 weeks. I switching to "lightly active" and I was upped to 1480. I try not to eat back my exercise calories, but there are some days it happens. I started in March and while my exercise level hasn't been as great as I would like, I've lost 10 lbs. I'm down a pant size and I'm noticing that my stamina has definitely increased.

    It might seem weird to eat more calories, but from experience, I can tell you that it works.
  • cinrn68
    cinrn68 Posts: 215 Member
    No, there is no weightloss "trick", and no, you will not be the fat girl forever. However, fit and healthy people generally eat healthy food and exercise regularly. It sounds like you've got the exercise part under control, so now you need to focus on eating better. Try eating foods with less carbs and sugar, and increase your protein intake. At your weight you could be aiming between 70-90mg of protein per day. Increase your water consumption to at least 2 litres/day, and drink a little more when you exercise. And no, there's no need to take a diet pill to jumpstart anything. Read the message boards -- there are tons of tips on effective weightloss. I started in January and I've lost 42lbs so far. It takes time. Be patient and stick with it. It WILL happen!!
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Do you use a food scale? Log everything accurately?
  • trayceemcknight
    i usually drink 1-2 gallons a water a day so i dont think thats an issue lol. and yes all my food is weighed and counted! I guess I just dont know how to eat healthy lol.....
  • magnum26
    magnum26 Posts: 356 Member
    Could you put up a typical day's food intake? Do you do any exercise?
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Opening your food diary will get you more answers.
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    I was at 183 for so long, I put one of my grandkids on the scale to see if he would weigh 183! lol no he weighed 33 lbs. I'm now stuck between 174 - 178. You just got to stick with it. :flowerforyou:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Chances are you are underestimating your consumption and/or overestimating burn. 9 times out of 10, that's what it is. Where you getting your "burn" numbers? 800 calories is huge...what are you doing exactly and where are you getting that number? If it's from the data base, it's most likely bunk...even a HRM is only about 70% accurate or so. I always ate back 70% of the calories my HRM said I burned to account for BMR calories and estimation error.

    Also, weigh and measure everything that goes in.

    You shouldn't be at any kind of plateau in a month...like I said...9 times out of 10 you don't have your calories tracking properly. Otherwise, go see the doc and have some blood work done.
  • trayceemcknight
    i just made it viewable....
  • prairiewalker
    prairiewalker Posts: 184 Member
    If you are truly eating at a caloric deficit then get your thyroid checked now!!!! If you do have hypothyroidism or hashimoto...you will still have to keep dilgent with burning more than you're ingesting. I've been doing everything right for a year now and my progress is very, very, very slow...I did the same exercising and eating regime when I was younger and went from a size 12, 36% body fat to size 5, 22% body fat in 3-4 months!!!! This go round I'm still the same size after 11 months..but I'm much stronger..lifting heavier weights..and more toned..but the fat is being very stubborn...and the scale is ridiculously cruel...but I am not stopping until the fat burns away to reveal my wonderful muscles below....that is my life with hypothyroidism. Think of this as long term... til death do you part.. :flowerforyou: Good Luck!!!!
  • trayceemcknight
    i have a polar hrm that i use... i never go over 1500 calories and if i even get that high i dont eat back my calories... Everything i eat is measured and tracked....
  • prairiewalker
    prairiewalker Posts: 184 Member
    i just made it viewable....

    Too many processed foods..too many carbs, not enough food...
    Eat more fresh veggies and lean proteins...boiled egg whites should become your new best friend..and raw almonds and fresh fish!
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    i just made it viewable....

    Too many processed foods..too many carbs, not enough food...
    Eat more fresh veggies and lean proteins...boiled egg whites should become your new best friend..and raw almonds and fresh fish!

    this. and this again.
  • prairiewalker
    prairiewalker Posts: 184 Member
    also...unless you're doing an intermittent fast..which is fine..you should eat 3 small meals a day with small, high protein snacks in between... think plain greek yogurt with berries, or almonds or hard boiled eggs as your snacks....
  • magnum26
    magnum26 Posts: 356 Member
    Looking through there seems to be a lot of pop (Soda to some of you) and things like chocolate brownies, pie slices, pizzas etc. These aren't the foods you should be dieting on. Some days your log is over 2000 cals. Try just having cereal for breakfast, a sandwich without sauce for lunch and dinner something like chicken breast with veggies. If you get hungry snack on fruit or a handful of nuts/seeds.
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    There's very little actual food in your food. Everything seems to be ready made or fast food, IOW, highly processed. Make some eggs, grill some chicken with some veggies, have some fruit as a snack.

    ETA: It's fine to have those thing once in a while, but they are making up the bulk of your daily menu.
  • trayceemcknight
    there isnt any soda on there lol, and the brownie things are fiber one bars 90 calories.... wow yall made it sound like i eat straight trash lol and i dont... and i had a moemt of weekness once and ate 2000 ish calories and went and workout like crazy!!!!!!!
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    i have a polar hrm that i use... i never go over 1500 calories and if i even get that high i dont eat back my calories... Everything i eat is measured and tracked....

    If you are using MFP you have to eat some of you burn calories back. As someone mentioned above its very likely that and under over estimate is going on, so if you burn "800" calories eat 500 back. I know this sounds weird eating more to loose but if your body isnt getting enough calories it will hold onto what little it is getting just to keep you alive, because thats what your body is best at doing, keeping you alive!
  • trayceemcknight
    let me add lol.... i dont burn that much every time its usually like 400ish