gluten sensitivity and advice



  • WalkingMermaid_
    WalkingMermaid_ Posts: 205 Member
    I have celiac disease and a milk dairy intolerance. It's been rough for sure and before my diagnosis I had similar symptoms to what you're having. Since giving up the gluten and the dairy (I'm ok with eggs) I have seen my health improve dramatically. And I've also been able to lose weight for the first time since being diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis four years ago.

    If I were you, I'd omit gluten and see if it has a positive effect on your body. But remember, if you stop eating gluten and then get tested for celiac in a few months, it'll give you a negative result.
  • amazin71
    amazin71 Posts: 28 Member
    Definatly check into the dairy...mine just started this year just a piece of cheese sets me off.. and oddly enough do you actually burp or pass the gas I had the same issues but couldnt get the gas off my stomach after an upper n lower gi...and being told it looked like celiac disease they sent me to have a stomach emptying should take 45min to 1hr for food to move through your digestive system it took me 389min. big fail and it holds the gas in especially in your upper stomach...its something that is common in diabetics which runs in my family but i do not have they are finding it in ppl that do not have diabetis or that are right on the borderline they give you a small pill that helps with it but it can be very bad cause ur food can cause these balls that blocks everything n have to be surgicaly removed just my experience...I started taking a fiber pill couple times a day the doctor said it usually makes this condition worse cause a high fiber can make more gas n bloating but i find it helped so she said i cold keep taking it...good luck!!
  • perrinjoshua
    perrinjoshua Posts: 286 Member
    I think you should see your doctor. You may have wheat sensitivity that is causing you discomfort or you may have other medical issues such as a gall bladder problem. Mine was removed at 21 and I only had one attack but actually had six stones. I hope you find your answer. It's no fun to be in pain every day.
  • phoenix7039
    My husband had many of the same symptoms you have. We discovered that he has IBS, plus some gluten and dairy sensitivities. So our whole diet changed. We cut out red meat, eat mostly gluten free and dairy free items. We try not to have things with artificial sweeteners in them and I try to buy all natural and/or organic whenever I can. He has been feeling much better with the diet change in conjunction with the medication the doctor prescribed for his IBS. I've noticed how much better I've been feeling as well. Not just the weight loss, but the way my body processes food is much better.
  • Dfracassa
    Dfracassa Posts: 318 Member
    If you think you are sensitive to gluten perhaps you should get checked for siliacs disease.

    I will be doing that, but before I do, I want to try a few things out on myself. And honestly, having a piece of my small bowel taken out is a little scary (though I know it's what has to be done). Plus, my health insurance is god-awful. Like, seriously god-awful. I will put up with it, though, and go and have the testing, once I learn a little more about the way things make me feel. It might even be a dairy sensitivity, actually, since every time I eat something with gluten in it I'm also eating something with dairy. So...there's another possibility.

    Why would you have to have a piece of your bowel taken out?

    I was tested for Celiac. It was a blood test. It was not a big deal at all. If it comes back positive, you may have to have an endoscopy just to be sure, but it's not really as dramatic as it sounds when you say "having a piece of my small bowel taken out."

    You need to have the tests done BEFORE you do your own experimenting, because if you haven't been eating gluten then the antibodies won't show up on the blood test. If you choose to just cut things out on your own, that's fine, but just be aware that it could affect your test results if/when you do go for testing.

    Also, I took a look at your diary. I went back about a week. I know you say you don't think you're eating a lot of gluten, but I didn't see a single day where you weren't eating gluten. Fiber one bars, kashi cereal, sandwiches, chicken wings (if they are floured or battered, which many are), McDonald's... I can't eat any of that stuff, and if I do it makes me feel like crap.

    If you are going to try cutting out gluten, you need to go full-on cold turkey to get any kind of real result, and you need to do it for at least a few weeks to a month (or more), because it can take a while to fully get the gluten out of your system. Remember that Celiac/gluten sensitivity has dozens of different symptoms, and can manifest differently for different people, so just because you don't have the same symptoms as someone else doesn't mean you don't have the problem. Just make sure you do your research on what has gluten and read all labels carefully, or your elimination test will be faulty.

    Good luck!

    Yeah, last week I gave in to several temptations (no grocery shopping done, so...burgers? it's fiance's 30th birthday and he wants...chicken wings?) so I know I can do better. I usually do. And I put somewhere up there in the responses that I didn't mean a surgical resection, just a biopsy, which I have never had done before. Scary, for a surgical newbie. The only doctor I see is my gynecologist, yearly, and a pulmonologist every 6 months or so. I'm getting married in like 50 days, and then going to Italy for two weeks, so gluten free...isn't much of an option for that particular honeymoon. I know stress can make everything worse, and planning a wedding -- being at the finish line, practically -- is stressful, sure.
  • epie2098
    epie2098 Posts: 224 Member
    Definitely go see the doctor. Even if you don't go for a biopsy, blood testing can show you have celiac (or strong possibility). Make sure you have had gluten daily for 3 days before testing so that you show sensitivity.
  • LiftHeavyWeights
    LiftHeavyWeights Posts: 336 Member
    Do a search on food combining. There are charts provided that tell you what food should & should be put together. For example don't eat starches at the same time as proteins. I found it really helped me.
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    I found that I am intolerant to wheat/gluten but when I would have that together with dairy then I would suffer horrible pains, cramps and nausea and heartburn.

    Since cutting out both PLUS other things, I find I can have some cheese, say on a burger, ONLY if I do not have gluten with it. If I combine the two it is painful!

    I hope you get things worked out!!