Back....Again. Need friends

Hi...I am back again...I need some support. I am 5'2" and weigh 195. Right now my goal is to just start losing and get to 190...after that we shall continue the baby steps. I can't look too far down the road (140lbs) because it frustrates me. I am looking for any friends. :)


  • magnum26
    magnum26 Posts: 356 Member
    Welcome aboard!
  • Hey! We are the same height and have similar weight loss goals - I'm just a little bit lighter at 175. However, I am also younger than you so that's why my goal is 120 :)
    I know how it feels to be "back again"... 2 years ago, I came down to 127 lbs on Atkins, and know I'm back to being fat and unhappy - but we can do this, we can conquer our cravings and come out feeling stronger and happier! :)
  • devillock
    devillock Posts: 1
    Be patient! You didn't put on that extra weight overnight, and you sure won't lose it in a few weeks either. Just under a pound a week is what you should aim for, and at that rate, it will stay off when you get to your goal. Don't waste time droning away at mindless cardio, it's not the best fat burner. You want to build muscle and increase metabolism. Get a good strength training program lifting heavy weight and mix that up with HIIT training. You will gain weight at first! This is normal as you build muscle. The fat will come off after. Number on scale can be deceptive, best to measure body fat % instead. Good luck!
  • Hello!
    Hey there is nothing wrong with baby steps. Just remember if you have a bad day, not to throw in the proverbial towel.
    You can do it :bigsmile:
  • Hi :)
    Im new and back again !
    Your around the same height as me (im 5 foot) and we weight the same too and our goals are the same :)
    Freaky haha
    I hope you get to your goal and im sure you can with help from friends and people on here :) x
  • northkoreanmeth
    northkoreanmeth Posts: 14 Member
    Hey! Only been here a month myself. Will be sending a friend request. :)
  • Orfygirl
    Orfygirl Posts: 274 Member
    Hi! I just started over again about 2 weeks ago. Keep strong! You can do it!
  • bartonk38
    bartonk38 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm just back too. Need to loose 20lbs by October. But need to get active too
  • krystico
    krystico Posts: 104
    I'm in the same boat! I'm BACK!!!! You can friend me! :-)
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    Welcome back... congrats on taking the first step :) YOU CAN DO IT! Feel free to add me :) I'm back for my...... 3rd or 4th time now I think (I've been back since March) :) Hopefully it sticks this time....
  • tracielinn
    tracielinn Posts: 113 Member
    Meee toooo!!! I do so much better when I track my food!
  • viragoeap
    viragoeap Posts: 107
    Hi and welcome back. I like your logic with the mini goals, that's how I work it too! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • eyestylemom
    eyestylemom Posts: 107 Member
    Thanks everyone! I am hopeful and determined this time! Such great support is wonderful and encouraging too!
  • sky15425
    sky15425 Posts: 219 Member
    Hi, Welcome back. Feel free to add me. :)
  • Cfkearney
    Cfkearney Posts: 197 Member
    Anyone here is more than welcome to add me! I understand the back again thing. I still have a few more pounds to lose before my ticker will start moving again. Sigh. We can do this! :flowerforyou:
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Good for you on coming back. That's the first step in your journey. Baby steps is an excellent way to begin. Too much too soon can lead to sensory overload and will knock you off faster then you can say BOO!. I know this because...been there, done that.

    It took me a while to get to where I am (and plan to stay). Go for mini goals and if you would like we can be friends.
  • andreabrabham
    andreabrabham Posts: 116 Member
    Feel free to add me as for anyone else. I am always on here!!
  • dichrodiva
    dichrodiva Posts: 13
    I'd love to be your friend. Welcome back to MFP. I've been here for about a year and a half. We are the same height and I started out at 210. Lost about 20 before a friend of mine turned me on to my fitness. My goal is also 140 so I've got about 20 to go but at this point toning and getting stronger is more of the goal. At almost 60 I may not get to 140 but with each baby step it comes off. It was more about learning a new way to eat and exercise.

    Stick with it and you will have the success you desire.
  • shmary51
    shmary51 Posts: 3
    Hi, I am shmary51 and I have been trying to say that I am trying to lose some weight but instead I have just been kidding myself. I really need some accountability and so thought I would try signing up and letting others know my progress. I welcome other to let me know how they are doing as an inspiration to my own success. Sometimes we just need a little helping hand. Not sure what kind of info is usually posted but here goes; I am 61 years old. I lost my husband of 42 years last September 8th to a motorcycle accident (which is not my reason for being overweight but the depression hasn't helped). I have 3 grown children and 9 grandchildren. A little dog named Charlie. I work and try to stay active but at night when things get quiet that food monster does seem to haunt me. Just bought a treadmill since I live in Texas and it is almost impossible for me to get any walking done before work in the morning and have to wait until it is really late before it starts cooling off that I thought I should just give the treadmill a try. What types of exercise do you use for your activity? I also swim and enjoy doing some exercises in the pool.
  • Me too. We can all benefit from some MFP friends.