Daily Affirmations

I found this article today and thought I'd share it.

How to Use Affirmations for Weight Loss

By diane_petrella on Aug 02, 2012 10:00 AM in Dieting & You

By Diane Petrella, MSW

Have you noticed a connection between your thoughts and how you take care of your body? A confident mind-set makes the difference between reaching your weight loss goals and struggling year after year. Make your mind work for you, instead of against you, by using the power of positive affirmations.

What Are Affirmations?

An affirmation is simply anything you say or think. We affirm what we expect in life all the time with our thoughts and beliefs. For example, if you believe releasing weight is difficult and impossible, it will be. If you believe it is challenging at times but achievable, it will be.

Action follows thought. Deliberately take charge of your thoughts with positive affirmations so your actions support taking good care of your body.

Positive = Certain

Saying positive affirmations doesn’t mean you deny your true feelings. The word positive also means feeling certain and sure. When you affirm positive thoughts, you strengthen your confidence to feel certain about achieving your weight loss goals.

Notice what is affirmed in these common limiting beliefs about weight loss:

“I’ve tried before and nothing’s helped.”
“I’m afraid I’ll fail.”
“I’ll never stop having cravings.”

Do these words come from someone who will succeed or fail?

Let’s turn these around:

“It doesn’t matter what happened in the past. I reach my goals now."
“Even if it takes time, I am successful.”
“I desire healthy foods that nourish my body.”

See the difference?

Follow These Guiding Principles to Use Affirmations Effectively:

1. Monitor your thoughts.

Many people hold beliefs as to why they think they can’t lose weight. If you can relate to this, replace thoughts that limit you with affirmations that support you.

Use this quick check system to determine if your thoughts help or hurt you:

“Does this thought create fear or doubt?”
“Is this thought contrary to my goals?

If a thought doesn’t support you, change it. For example, “I’ll probably fail anyway, so why bother” becomes “Even if I slip sometimes, I successfully reach my goal weight.”

2. Create affirmations that feel natural.

The power of affirmations increases when you believe in them and they are meaningful to you. For example, if you say, “I release weight easily” but deep down you don’t believe that, create an affirmation that feels true such as, “I am open to releasing weight with greater ease”, or “Even though this feels difficult at times, I am capable of reaching my goals.”

3. Say affirmations in the present tense.

Create affirmations that serve you in the present moment and not some future date. For example, if you say, “I will lose weight” it keeps your progress stalled for some undetermined future. But if you say, “I am releasing weight” you affirm progress today.

4. Use affirmations when you feel relaxed.

Affirmations penetrate our subconscious mind more easily when we’re in a peaceful state. While it’s important to repeat affirmations throughout the day, take some quiet time as well to deepen their effects.

A Daily Practice

Create affirmations that inspire you and say them three to five times, or more, throughout the day. As a reminder, write them on 3X5 cards, add them to your computer screen or use post-it notes to place them in visible locations. Say your affirmations with deep feeling, as if you already possess the qualities you’re affirming.

Suggested Affirmations for Weight Loss

“I am patient with myself and my body.”
“I deserve and accept perfect health now.”
“I love and accept my body.”
“I am listening to what my body needs.”
“I am transforming my lifestyle to a healthy way of living.”

Your thoughts?

What will you affirm today to ensure your weight loss success?

Diane Petrella, MSW is a psychotherapist and life coach. She offers her clients a spiritual approach to weight release and helps them develop a loving, respectful relationship with their bodies. Receive a free copy of Diane’s Seven Easy & Effortless Weight Loss Secrets by signing up for her monthly e-newsletter, Living Lightly, for spiritual insights and tips to release weight with confidence and love. To contact Diane visit www.dianepetrella.com.


  • km2010
    km2010 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for your post. I am looking for these types of daily affirmations to help me in my quest to lose 199 lbs. I appreciate your sharing.
  • hludwig980
    hludwig980 Posts: 102 Member
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I think my most motivating affirmation is "I am losing weight" instead of "I'm trying to lose weight." It's just not an option. I know I will do it because I have been doing it. (:
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I think affirmations are a nice idea, and I'm glad if it works for some (I know it can). But they didn't work so well for me. I couldn't make myself believe things I didn't feel were true, and the smaller affirmations that WERE true, I dunno, I guess they felt a bit silly.
    Action follows thought.

    I've found the opposite to be truer for me. Personally, I found it easier to make positive affirmations when I was *achieving* positive things. Catch 22 you say? Yeah. The first month, I used other motivational tactics to get me through. Mostly, setting process goals ('exercise every day'; 'log every day') and doing my damndest to meet them. At the end of the first month, I had objective evidence to fuel affirmations (my exercise and food logs, and even some weight shifting off the scale, though that was not something I hung on to).

    The fact that my goals were related to process (working out every day) vs outcomes (losing x pounds) made it feel like things were within my grasp. And, they were feasible - I aimed for '30 mins a day of anything, but don't let a day go by w/o doing something'.

    (Telling myself I was 'determined' or 'strong', when in my own judgement, I wasn't, only led to more self-sabotaging thoughts.)

    edit: what PearSquared said.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Thanks for sharing
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    good post
  • dlj1970
    dlj1970 Posts: 186 Member
    thank you!