Motivation lost

I've been using Myfitnesspal for a while, and since the end of June I have lost 8.5 pounds. I had started and completed the "Couch to 5k" program and completed a 5K last Saturday. Granted I run slow, and for some people the pace that I run is for them a fast walk, but my heart rate gets up, and I do sweat quite a bit by the time I have completed my work outs.

Anyway, I have been going to a ND for a while and was diagnosed with "Estrogen Dominance". So as part of my treatment, have been taking progesterone and other vitamins, and trying to eat more fresh veggies etc. I also get my hormones checked every couple of months, and my last labs showed that since I have been getting treatment my estrogen has not only not gone down, but is actually higher than when I started.

My Doctor is diligently trying to work with me to get the numbers down. She started asking me about my diet and exercise routine. I told her about running the 5k and I told her that I workout 4-6 times a week. I run for 45 minutes every other day, and on the off days I do core exercises. I also told her that I use this site and am using it to track my calories etc.

I know that there are a lot of people that workout way more than me, but considering what I had accomplished, I was feeling pretty good about where I was going with my weight and exercise. Especially since people with estrogen dominance have a very difficult time losing weight.

So she wrote up my treatment plan, and I glanced at it, but didn't really read it until I had gotten home. One of the points that she had written was: "Weight loss is top priority for managing estrogen dominance. Consider ramping up cardio. Remember that anything less than 3 1/2 hours per week is considered 'sedentary'."

So this statement really took me by surprise, and really has totally de-motivated me.

Is really what I am doing sedentary? If so what is the point?


  • nanmosta1
    Find a new doctor! You are doing amazing, 45 minute run 3-4 days a week is great. I had a nutritionist tell me because I run 2-3 miles 3-4 times a week I was considered very active. SO who's right? A second opinion is always benefical. DOn't lose your mojo
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    Wow, I thought running was cardio!! Uggh.....Drs and mechanics, they aren't happy unless they find something wrong!! lol!! Don't lose your motivation! You have done well. Just figure how many hrs of cardio you're doing and proceed accordingly. If you need to do a little more, then do it, don't let the Dr get you down! Remember, if you work out 30 min a day, that's 210 min or 3.5 hrs per week. I hope you regain your motivation and remeber, we're all routing for you!!
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    first, so sorry that you have such a non-caring doctor..
    Second, congratulations on loosing the weight and on being active and taking care of yourself.
    As you said yourself, people with Eastrogen dominance have difficulty loosing weight quickly.. the key is consistency and perseverence. Please don't let one "bad" doctor bring you down. You have done wonderfuly and just stay with it.
    As far as increasing your workout routines, you will know when it is time to do so as your body will let you know. Once it becomes comfortable to do the routines you are doing, then it is time to increase the intensity and/or duration.
    Keep it up and you will get there. It is Your journey and surround yourself with motivating and positive people.
  • mamapili
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement! This is the first time I have used the community, and I do feel better! :smile: