Hi everyone! I had an unplanned pregnancy, but wouldnt change a thing :) I'm a 20 year old student and college athlete... trying to get back in shape to play college soccer again! Need to lose this extra baby weight! Feel free to add me! I lost the majority of my weight really fast and now I have hit a wall. Need to lose fifteen more pounds, but no matter what I do it seems to not go anywhere. My little girl turns five months on July 08 and I thought this weight would have definitely been gone by now.


  • Mommy_Time
    Mommy_Time Posts: 256 Member
    what a cutie! I have 5 kids ages almost 2-8 and I just turned 30.
  • hadrianplott
    hadrianplott Posts: 28 Member
    Added you! I need new "mommy" friends trying to do the same thing!
  • nks798
    nks798 Posts: 71 Member
    Feel free to add me :) Just had my second son 7 weeks ago and I'm trying to get the last 15 off also!
  • hadrianplott
    hadrianplott Posts: 28 Member
    Just added you! :)
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    I'm not a new mom, or a mom at all, but I'd like to say your daughter is undeniably adorable. :)
  • hadrianplott
    hadrianplott Posts: 28 Member
    Aw, thank you so much!
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    I'm not a new mommy yet but i will be in October. I am 23 and trying to make sure I will be able to lose what I gain easily by making it mostly healthy. Feel free to add me! Congratulations on your adorable little one :)
  • hadrianplott
    hadrianplott Posts: 28 Member
    You're smart. I had never had a problem with weight, so when i got pregnant I ate WHATEVER I wanted. Weighed a healthy 140 when I first got pregnant, and went into the hospital the night of the birth at 192. I added you! Congrats on your little one too :)
  • Congrats on that beautiful baby girl! I'm 23 with 3 kids (ages 5, 3, and 2 months). Feel free to add me if you want
  • Fiercely_Me
    Fiercely_Me Posts: 481 Member
    Congratulations on having a beautiful daughter, and your weight loss thus far! I am a new mom as well, and my son will be 5 months on July 14th! Even though you're at a stand still with your weight loss, keep pushing forward. Mfp is a great that will help you.
  • hadrianplott
    hadrianplott Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you! It's just frustrating because I have never struggled with weight. It's the first time in my life I have had to watch what I eat. I have a serious sweet tooth!
  • cdcooper321
    cdcooper321 Posts: 157 Member
    Feel free to add me!
    I have two beautiful little girls ages 5 and 14 months.
    I'm working on losing my "last" 20lbs.
    Let's do this!
  • hadrianplott
    hadrianplott Posts: 28 Member
    Awesome! I just added you!
  • admhedri
    admhedri Posts: 1 Member
    My son turns 11 weeks tomorrow. I need motivation to lose 30 lbs. can I add anyone as a friend for motivation?
  • maytalharrosh
    maytalharrosh Posts: 16 Member
    Hey! Im a 23 yr old momma of two cute girlies ages 3 and 9 months:) still trying to lose another 20! Feel free to add me!