Trying to conceive

Hi there! This post is aimed at anyone who is trying to conceive or has conceived. I'm looking for advice/suggestions on what foods I should be eating to prepare my body for a baby. It'd also be great to meet other would be mothers like myself!

As a little background, I'm a bit of a sugar/junk food addict with hashimoto's thyroiditis. Unfortunately, this isn't such a great combo. I'm currently trying to curb my cravings and replace the junk with whole foods. It's my hope that in doing so my thyroid will calm down a bit and let me have my baby, darn it! (and yes, I'm on my thyroid meds)


  • Mommy_Time
    Mommy_Time Posts: 256 Member
    feel free to add me. i have had 5 kids and just turned 30.
  • nytius
    nytius Posts: 173 Member
    Feel free to add me. Always looking for TTC buddies:)
  • ashdawg8790
    ashdawg8790 Posts: 819 Member
    Bumping - I'm also trying to conceive, although I don't have a thyroid condition... Good luck to you!
  • erikalanem
    erikalanem Posts: 48
    Im working on getting pregnant too :) I started my prenatal gummies a couple of months a go, and have been advised that I need to be eating at "maintenance" and not "deficit" to conceive and for the health of baby once I do... So I suppose my weight loss journey may be on pause for a while ;) no prob with me tho, I can't wait to have some little rugrats!!
  • jheater07
    jheater07 Posts: 15 Member
    I have a beautiful 6 year old daughter but we have been TTC a second child for 5 years. I have PCOS and am hoping that but getting healthier and losing a large amount of weight will help! Feel free to add me :)
  • 1duffwf
    1duffwf Posts: 76 Member
    Hubster and I are going to start very soon! I have been taking a prenatal (with DHA) for about 6 months. I also eat lots of spinach (Folic acid), drink 2 glasses of unsweetened almond milk a day (calcium), and have salmon/tilapia a few times a week (Omega 3's). I've cut down my caffenine so I don't have to worry about going through caffenine withdrawal.

    But one of the biggest things I'm doing is focusing on eating healthy whole foods. I refuse to let pregnancy be my excuse to eat junk. So no sweets or chips for this gal!

    Excited to see what everyone else is doing!
  • erikalanem
    erikalanem Posts: 48
    Im just hoping I don't gain a lot of extra weight in the process (like in my arms and legs) so I am going to continue tracking to make sure I am not using pregnancy as an excuse to excessively over eat.... Although I hear breasfeeding literally sucks the baby weight off, so Im thinking I am going to breastfeed for at least a year and see if it does me any good!
  • jillymas33
    jillymas33 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm actually trying to lose weight so that I have a healthy place to grow a couple of babies, too! :) I got pregnant last summer on the first try and 6 weeks later miscarried. The doctor told me that it was a chromosomal problem that had nothing to do with my weight but I decided then and there that I would lose weight before our next attempt. The thought of having another miscarriage is so scary to me that instead of jumping on the weight loss sooner rather than later I kind of just ignored it. I've now set a goal of Spring 2014 to lose the majority of my weight so that we can try again. :) I also have thyroid problems and Lupus that causes me to have some metabolic problems. I've found that I need to work out twice a day (hard) and eat a strict diet of 1300-1400 "good" calories in order to see any progress. It's hard as heck but I'm doing it for my babies, that's what keeps me going!

    Feel free to add me as a friend! I've only two other friends on here (one who isn't active) and would love to have somebody to help encourage and be encouraged by!

    Jillian (in Texas)
  • mscott1781
    mscott1781 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks! Good luck to you as well. I'll have my fingers crossed for you. :smile:
  • mscott1781
    mscott1781 Posts: 19 Member
    Im just hoping I don't gain a lot of extra weight in the process (like in my arms and legs) so I am going to continue tracking to make sure I am not using pregnancy as an excuse to excessively over eat.... Although I hear breasfeeding literally sucks the baby weight off, so Im thinking I am going to breastfeed for at least a year and see if it does me any good!

    From what my best friend says, you're right! Breast feeding does suck the weight off. Unless of course you're eating way too much. I've read somewhere once (so don't quote me as fact) that you burn an extra 500 calories a day from producing breast milk.
  • mscott1781
    mscott1781 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks to all you ladies who have responded so far and suggested we buddy up! I get so depressed some days thinking about all things baby. It's nice knowing that I'll now have people I can talk to about this who are in the same boat! My husband is wonderful support but it's just not the same. Plus, he tends to get a glazed eye look about him after about 5 minutes of my ranting on the subject. LOL
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    I breastfeed both my sons till they were 15 months and those were the healthiest years of my adult life. Just make sure that you drink plenty of water!

    I am currently trying to get as close to goal weight before we start trying for our third and last in August. My 30th birthday is in August, so after the party it will be baby making time. Good luck to all of you trying.

    @erikalanem - I plan on tracking too just to make sure that I am eating a balance diet. My first trimester is always really really rough and I lose a ton of weight from being sick and lack of apetite. My goal this go round is to make sure I am eating healthy. Last two I lived off of saltines, dill pickles and lemon/ginger tea at the beginning.
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    Feel free to add me if you would like.

    To answer your question, you are on the right path of just trying to eat healthy. Make sure that you take your vitamins and any other meds recommended by your doctor. I was extremely sick with both of my pregnancies at the beginning and the worse for me was meat. Knowing this the second time around I cooked a whole bunch of ground beef and diced chicken had them in 8 ounce serving ziploc bags that would last me a couple of months. That way when I would cook I could just add the meat and not have to deal with the smell of cooking meat. Plan on doing this again when we start trying as well as making some hotdishes and freezing them for suppers those first couple of months. I also was fatigued and usually just went home and slept in the evening. Did not have the energy or the want to eat.
  • mychellelynne
    mychellelynne Posts: 122 Member
    I am also TTC but have PCOS. I figure the more I can get off of me the better my chances are.

    Anyone can add me, I am here everyday.