Staying active in the summer

I usually slack off in the summer because it's so hot. any tips/advice for staying motivated?


  • jaecamp1
    jaecamp1 Posts: 120 Member
    Try something fun that is indoors. I took my kids roller skating the other day (it was 118 here) and we had a blast. My legs still burn. Lol.
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    If you exercise out side a lot instead of indoors you could start going to a gym, skating rink, or start going to a pool to swim or join an exercise class for in the pool (some places have them), you could stick a bottle of water in the freezer and take that on runs with you just to put up against any parts of you that feel really hot, you could try one of those hand held fans some of the stores sell, or you could change the time of day you do your outdoor exercises to a cooler time of day.
  • klight1236
    klight1236 Posts: 69 Member
    Omg I know exactly how you feel I live in Georgia and the summer temps can be 95+ and humidity at 90% man do i sweat on those days when i run and but what i like to do is run at like 6-8pm just when the suns setting so its cooler and the suns not beating down on me so much b/c if i had to run at 11am-2pm i would just collapse in a heap of sweat. I motivate myself to actually go out by bringing my dog cause he's always ready for a run so maybe you could try getting a running partner of some kind?
  • nuts4elephant
    nuts4elephant Posts: 21 Member
    thank you for the advice, everyone! i'm going to try everything starting today :)