Introducing myself

Hello to everyone. I am new to MFP.

I am 34 years old. I have been married to my wonderful husband for 13 years and we have 4 great kids. 3 girls and 1 boy, 12,11,8,and 6. I am a stay at home Mom but I also work with my husband who has a Irrigation business. The best of both worlds, home with my kids and work when I'm needed.

I joined at the end of May on my Dr. advice. I went in for a check up (the first since my 6 year old was born) and weighed in at 358lbs. I had not stepped on a scale in a very long time and was shocked by what I saw. On the upside of that appointment I found that overall I'm healthy for my size. I explained to the doctor that we eat healthy. I make all our meals and we eat lots of fruits and vegetables with good lean proteins. I don't fry anything and use good oils (coconut, olive oil) while cooking. I bake our bread (whole grain no added oil or sugar). We do not keep snacks or sugary things in the house. No soda or Juice. In fact I could easily give up sweets altogether and not miss them much. My children are very lean and healthy.

To my long lament he simply answered that you can get fat even on good food. At first I was grumpy and indignant. I thought of all the people we know who eat out all the time. They drink soda like water and scarf Pizzas the way we do salad. Then I gave myself a mental slap. I could be angry but the truth was that I was way over weight so I was doing something wrong. I decided to do things his way for one month. 1,200 calories a day and very little fat. I did not weigh myself again until my next appointment.

On June 21st I had my next appointment. When I stepped on the scale I saw 332.4.(26 lbs !!!!!!) Wow shocked again. I had not changed the type of food we eat just the portion size and no added oils. If I had not seen it with my own eyes I would not have believed it. I was amazed and motivated!!

I am now working on month number 2 and have 25 days until my next appointment and weigh in. I still have not bought a scale and don't plan to anytime soon. I know that this time it will not be as dramatic as the first time and I don't expect those results on a regular basis but it did show me what is possible. I am in for the long haul. My goal is 180 so I have a long road ahead of me but I am taking it one day at a time.


  • mittens817
    mittens817 Posts: 14 Member
    You are heading in the right direction by already eating the right foods! My problem is I don't care for vegetables and love sweets! Feel free to add me.
  • kpick41
    kpick41 Posts: 81 Member
    You've taken the right step and are doing amazing!
    I wish I could not get on the scale each day, it's a bad habit! Feel free to add me!
  • Wow - that is an amazing success story. Your doctor sounds a lot like mine - my mother is very obese and whenever we go in, she tells him that she does in fact, eat healthy foods - which is somewhat true. It is definitely the portion sizes that can kill you!
    I think that you're going to do very well for yourself, just based on what you've said here. Your family seems very happy and healthy and you are on the path to joining them. I applaud you for being a hardworking mom and being able to take the time out to care for your own well-being. If you ever need anything - feel free to message me! I myself am seeking good friends, support, and guidance :)!
  • Amyrose716
    Amyrose716 Posts: 17 Member
    Agreed... portion sizes in our society are really out of line! I am the same way... eat pretty much healthy I just have always eaten way too much food! Feel free to add me! And good luck... you can do this!
  • tattoogal77
    tattoogal77 Posts: 72 Member
    That is so awesome for you that you are taking control of your portion sizes. I can't wait to hear more about your journey!!
  • ecotime47
    ecotime47 Posts: 7
    That's a great start! I'm looking forward to hearing more good news from you in the future.
  • I'm really proud of you. You're right about the whole anger thing. It is probably what has held me back. It's nice to know that I'm not in this alone. Thanks for sharing. Love.