Serial dieter...hopefully for not much longer :D

Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hey people, I'm kinda new to this place, I initially had the app for my android and decided to check out the site.

My name is Yasmine, I'm a 19 year old college student from London. I study Art and Design, animation.

Man, I have been doing this diet thing for years! XD getting really bored of it now to be honest, but I can't stop until I get down to size 10. I've had issues since birth with my weight, I came out of my mothers womb weighing at 13lbs. So I was a BIG baby LOL. Years went by and my weight just got higher and higher. It was when I broke up with my ex boyfriend at 17 years old that I was desperate to lose weight. So I went on a diet called Lipotrim, where I wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything other than what was given to me by my pharmacist. So that meant no food for 6 months about desperate.

It did work but at a price, I became weak, sick, I looked gaunt, I was in pain when I sat down, even when I lied down in my own bed. I fainted a lot, had dizzy spells up to 10 times a day, and I was so badly constipated that my excrement was stuck inside both of my intestines (sorry for being so graphic). It was bad. The worst part was that I gained half of the weight that I lost back on, but thankfully, I'm not how I first started.

From the very beginning of my journey I weighed 15st 10lbs (220lbs), I got down to 10st 4lbs (144lbs) but have gained weight back up to 13st 8lbs (190lbs). But since following Weight Watchers and counting calories I had a sneak peek at the scales and I have gotten down to 12st 11lbs (179), so it's all good :)

I hope to reach goal by January.

I look forward to seeing all you guy's progress to help keep me motivated. I hope that I may motivate you guys too.

Good luck! xxx


  • I definitely understand your struggle I have taken some drastic measures to lose weight in the past through using any and every diet pill I could afford and get my hands on. But, now I have learned that through proper eating and exercise I can do better.
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    Definetly, it took me ages to accept the long way. Ah well, at least it'll pay off. I used to want to take diet pills when I like around 11 years old or so. Never got the chance though lol
  • roddernation
    roddernation Posts: 48 Member

    Thanks so much for sharing your story. Was very transparent and honest. Cant wait to see how MFP helps you on your journey. :) We'll be right there with ya!!!
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    Aww cheers mate, I hope to stick to it and keep the numbers smaller as the weeks go by :3
  • d3king
    d3king Posts: 4
    I've done the different diets (Atikins, South Beach, low-carb, low-fat, no sugar, etc etc) and tried all sorts of diet pills. They all had success, in one way or another, but none were sustainable and I always ended up right back where I was when I started - or a few pounds heavier!

    This time, it's different. I've decided that I have my whole life ahead of me to get and maintain the weight I want. (I'm 26). I don't need to lose 5 lbs a week! I've started eating healthier, not dieting. I've started walking whenever I have the chance. I also joined a gym to start doing some more regular workouts.

    I've lost 3 lbs in the first month. Nothing huge, but a step in the right direction. And I'm having no issues sticking with my healthier eating and I've been adding more walks and more workouts because I want to - not because I think I have to. What's great is that it just becomes a way of life and you don't really have to think about it or try hard to stick with it. And you're WAY less likely to give up and gain the weight back. When you take it slow, once the weight's gone - it's gone!
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    Wow! I wish I was a little more satisfied with small weight losses. You're the first woman I've seen who is happy with a 3lb weight loss in one month. You must be a very positive person :)

    Congrats on finding the better way. I wish more people would see it that way.
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