Insanity Pain

I just wanted to see if anyone else was experiencing this before I go see my doctor.
I'm starting week 3 of insanity and I'm getting a lot of pain in my legs when I use my muscles. I've had this ever since I started.
Did people find the pain would last this long?


  • roodledoodle
    roodledoodle Posts: 183
    Hi, when I first started insanity I found my calf muscles especially hurt so I added some extra stretches at the beginning and at the end. Further through I also added some quad stretches too and on my rest day on a Sunday done some foam rolling. All of that helped a lot.
  • Hi there, I have done Insanity in the past and I am also an Insanity instructor. Where is the pain located? If you don't have proper shoes (I recommend cross trainers) this could be adding to the issue. When I first started I was using my running shoes and developed severe shin splints.
  • The pain is in my thighs and sometimes calves. Mostly when getting up or sitting down.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    If it's muscle soreness and not joint pain, then yes, it's normal. It's not one of those programs that gets a lot easier. You will be sore. Take some rest if you need it. I recommend a foam roller too.

    Edited for typo
  • Sorry for the ignorance, but what is a foam roller?
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    Sorry for the ignorance, but what is a foam roller?

    It's like a little roller you lay on the floor and use to stretch. Google it.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Here's a link to a youtube clip for foam roller exercises.

    I just started week 3 of Insanity yesterday. During week 1, I had incredible soreness, first in my calves and then in my thighs/hamstrings....but the soreness was largely gone by week 2. I did get calf sleeves that I use during the workouts...but by the time they arrived, the calf soreness had pretty much vanished. Still, considering all of the jumping in the workouts, I still put on the calf sleeves.

    Anyway, if you're still experiencing "soreness", you might have hurt something....or you might not be doing one or more exercises with proper form.
  • pbsask
    pbsask Posts: 5
    Are you ingesting protein after you do it? I had lots of pain in the first couple of days, started drinking protein straight after and all the muscle pains are gone, now I just have knee issues.
  • its called a good *kitten* burn... :)... it happened to me the first time i did tons of squats.. i was in extremeeee pain for atleast 4 days///
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Learn to tell the difference between muscle pain and joint pain. Muscle pain is normal. Joint pain is not. Joint pain means you should stop because you're doing SOMETHING wrong or something your body can't handle and persisting could lead to severe injury.
  • Hey,

    Thank you for the foam roller link. I will try grab one from a sports shop tommorow :)
    I'm not taking protein as such after a work out, due to the expense, but I am having 1/ 0.5 of a slim fast shake. Is that maybe not suitable?

    Lol, contingencypl, where there undertones of sarcasm in that first line? I do know the difference between muscle and joint pain. However, joint pain can also be felt diffusly through a muscle distribution, or as a form of referred pain. I ask not because I don't know the difference, but I don't know what is "normal" given my personal circumstances.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    No, there weren't undertones of sarcasm. It was meant exactly as stated, as advice.
  • In which case, thank you for the advise :)
  • SusanB148
    SusanB148 Posts: 72 Member
    I have not done Insanity, buy my advice is to take some extra rest days, and when you go back to Insanity, scale down the leg part of the workouts and don't push so hard.
  • aberlett
    aberlett Posts: 1 Member
    I recently started Insanity and have been taking ibuprofen for swelling and doing extra stretching (before bed, in the morning and before working out). It hurts when sitting down or getting up, but it's bearable. Hope you feel better soon!
  • Ibuprofen! That stuff scares me! Are you eating something before you take it?
  • haziexxx
    haziexxx Posts: 7
    Are you doing all your warm ups, stretches, and cool downs properly? You have to do those. They're are super important. If you can't finish a workout, fast forward it to the cool down. Stopping immediately after a workout will hurt your heart. Also, your form is vital. When doing Insanity, you have to remember that your form is crucial to these exercises; otherwise, you can definitely hurt yourself and it's basically cheating through the workouts. For instance, if your body is hunched due to exhaustion, just stop and make sure to do child pose or just take a quick 5-10 sec break and breath. It's better to go through your workout with great form and not finish all the reps than doing all of the reps, but with terrible form. Lastly, make sure that when you do the workouts that require you to land on your feet (i.e. jumping jacks), that you land softly and proper. If it's sloppy, you risk greater chance of hurting yourself. I hope this helps. :) I'm in my 3rd week of Insanity, so yay me. :)
  • Hey.
    I'm doing all the warm ups and cool downs.
    I usually have to take a quick break, as I['m not that fit. hahaha

    I'm on week 3 too :D
    I'm going to do my session in about an hour. Atm, I'm dying from all the housework! hahaha
  • pbsask
    pbsask Posts: 5
    I am def no expert but my experience was that the protein helped, it apparently helps the muscle recover, try a mars milk 400ml (not the thick shake) drink it within 30 minutes of finishing insanity and see if it helps.
  • pbsask
    pbsask Posts: 5
    Ibuprofen is not meant to mask muscle pain, if you injure yourself your likely to mask the problem and make it 10 times worse, stop taking it!