Immediate Response To Broccoli?

I have always loved broccoli and today decided to make some fresh (steamed) with cheese. The cheese I eat pretty often with other things (eggs etc.) but today when I bit into the broccoli I *immediately* felt nauseous and that I was going to vomit, I got cold sweats and couldn't stop shaking.

What happened?? I've never had a response like this to food. Shortly after I realized I was very hungry so I grabbed a banana and had no problem keeping it down. Why in the world would I have such a very strong reaction to something I love?


  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    Correlation does not equal causation. It could have been 1000 other things. I wouldn't let it worry you too much.
  • itsmyhealth
    itsmyhealth Posts: 11 Member
    Agreed but this was AS it was in my mouth. How could that be coincidence?
  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    A one time occurrence isn't a pattern. If it wasn't a coincidence, it could have simply been the broccoli hitting your uvula initiating a gag reflex.
  • itsmyhealth
    itsmyhealth Posts: 11 Member
    Sounds good to me! I have no desire to stop eating something so yummy :)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Pass the salt, please!
  • itsmyhealth
    itsmyhealth Posts: 11 Member
    Salt? You mean I was dehydrated? I'd been drinking water all morning, I promise! I was on my second water bottle (18 oz each)
  • ngyoung
    ngyoung Posts: 311 Member
    Salt? You mean I was dehydrated? I'd been drinking water all morning, I promise! I was on my second water bottle (18 oz each)

    That is overhydrated, you need the electrolytes. But that is not related to your issue. I would just try it again later. Was the broccoli fresh or been in the fridge a while? It doubt it is an allergy, those take a few seconds to start up usually. Sometimes people get a taste aversion to something and don't recall the cause. Like the last time you ate it you got the flue or something shortly after and now your subconscious associates that food as the cause.