Supportive friends!!!

Hi! I'm new here. I'm 19, 6'4" and 195lbs. That might not sound bad, but I have a very bad muscle/fat ratio. So even though I am technically inside the "healthy" range, I have way too much abdominal fat and practically no muscle.I going to change my life, but some friends to help encourage me along the way would be helpful, so I don't fall away from my plan! I'd especially like friends who have similar problems/goals as I do, but everyone is welcome!!!

Thank you!!!


  • lilcassers
    lilcassers Posts: 163
    I understand! No matter how skinny one is, we always have that one "problem area"

    do you plan to start lifting?
  • isaacsemrad
    isaacsemrad Posts: 8 Member
    Oh yeah, I'm looking to loose about 20 lbs in fat and gain about the same back in muscle! I know it will take a long time, but all worthwhile things do don't they?!?
  • isaacsemrad
    isaacsemrad Posts: 8 Member
    I do, I don't have access to a gym now, but in the fall I'm going to use my university's gym. So for now I'm doing bodyweight exercises.
  • luv4cjandnilah
    luv4cjandnilah Posts: 7 Member
    I am here with you! I gave birth 6 months ago and still have that problem area. I would try and get in 100 crunches a day to start. You can do this standing or on the floor.

    Please add me...I need all the help I can get! Thanks luv4cjandnilah