When to buy new clothes when you are losing weight?



  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    invest in a belt with holes going all the way around it (that's what I did) and wait :) I went from a 16/18 to a 3/5....I did go to Goodwin a few times. I just didn't want to buy anything new because I wasn't planning in staying that size.
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    They always recommend to buy new clothes as you go. Buy dresses that can be belted, so when you lose a little more, they will still look good. Wearing dowdy clothes doesn't do anything for the self esteem. Go buy some new clothes. It will make you super happy that you are fitting into a smaller size. I buy a new dress every Friday. When I started I was at a size 16 dress (18 pants). Now I'm in a 12 dress, 14/15 pants. My goal is a size 9/10 dress. (I still have 15-20 pounds to go). I will go on a shopping spree once I hit it, but for now I am slowly updating my wardrobe. Take $20 a week and go buy yourself something new. I spend a bit more than that, but I don't have any kids, so all my money goes to me (or the bank).
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    with work clothes I need them to fit and look right, I just can't have them look like crap when I interview others for a living. So I buy when I need it. Also I try to buy dresses/skirts...they seem to last alot longer because you can use belts to pull it in to make it slimmer and such.

    Other clothes like jeans I wear to they fall off...then get clothes from my mom/friends or such and buy things on sale or thrift.
  • absinthia70
    absinthia70 Posts: 56 Member
    My jeans were literally falling off me, and my belt I couldn't even get on before was on the fourth notch in! I found 2 pairs of jeans for $1 each at a garage sale the other day, in a size smaller than I am now (motivation!). For summer clothes I got dresses at old navy, most were $8 on sale. For upcoming vacation, I did get a 2 piece swimsuit at Marshall's with a *tiny* bit of muffin top showing but should easily be down to fitting properly within the next month. Once I reach my goal weight I will get a whole new wardrobe (and a tattoo!) as a reward :)
  • fat2strongbeth
    fat2strongbeth Posts: 735 Member
    I just started hitting the clearance racks at my favorites stores. Some of my pants were falling off me. I bought some dresses too that will still look okay when I am a size or two smaller. I don't plan on replacing my more expensive suits/work dresses until I'm at goal.
  • worldsbestauntie
    worldsbestauntie Posts: 280 Member
    I have a trip planned to Value Village in another week or two with a friend. In the meantime a newly purchased belt is helping to keep the dress pants/skirts up.
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    I'd say at least every two sizes. You can always set a spending limit and go somewhere cheap. I bought a bunch of cute stuff at target the other day for next to nothing. Search the clearance racks, I found some adorable dresses, shirts, and jeans that were between $5-$20.

    Bonus points of you're a "weird" size (smaller than a 4 or bigger than a 14). I find cute zeros on sale all the time because nobody buys them.

    Hmmm..... I am a 10/12. Butt is usually 12, sometimes 14, hips are a size 12 sometimes 10, waist is closer to an 8... Jeans end up being tight on the butt with about 4-6 extra inches of material at the waist/hips.

    Buying pants is a B!TCH. I kinda hate it.

    My upper body is about an 8/10 depending on the brand.

    So I don't wear a weird size, I just have a weird body that's 4 different sizes....

    This is why I hate shopping.
  • groundhawg
    groundhawg Posts: 121 Member
    At 20 pounds down I took my clothes to a tailor. Not all of them, but my favorite jeans, my dress slacks for work, a few shirts/skirts/etc.

    Tailors are your friend, and I got about 10 things tailored for only 50.00 dollars. Its a lot cheaper than buying new clothes.

    I also sometimes buy "lots" of clothing on ebay, and I shop at the garage sales in SUPER nice neighborhoods.
  • reneewill
    reneewill Posts: 62 Member
    What a wonderful dilemma! There have been too many times to count that I have shopped to buy bigger clothes. It is wonderful to shop because you've lost weight! When I shop for smaller clothes, I shops the consignment shops and thrift stores, but I also buy some new things too, because I consider it an incentive/reward! By the way...CONGRATULATIONS! :)
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    If you can afford to buy clothes twice whether regular priced, clearance, goodwill, or the season's latest, I'd buy a set now just so you can throw away the big ones (or donate them) and solidify this current size as the real you. And no going back. For sure. Then you can look great and indulge in all the compliments which might motivate you more as you continue onto your goals. I notice it's hard for people to see your weight loss when you're wearing baggy clothes or silhouettes bought when you were bigger that were meant to cover problem areas. I notice this because this is my current MO since I don't want people to notice on, comment about, or start conversations up about my weight or goals or efforts. So it's from experience but on the other angle of someone trying to hide it still. If you're clothes are that baggy though, the compliments you get may make you feel wonderful. Plus you will look more presentable for work or whatever you do with your days.

    There are even styles you could choose that will look great now and be forgiving as you slim down and won't look so off so soon.

    Example: Dolman sleeve tops, stretch leggings, like the ones from Hue, Summery dresses in colors that can transition to seasons and be worn with tights and boots later, sandals now. Just nothing with sleeves that are too structured or tailored. Something like this, you can see how as someone slimmed down it would still look nice. There are no sleeve seams right at the shoulder to start falling off when slimmer/smaller.

  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    If you have the extra money buy new. Then when you need to buy the next size down you can donate fairly new clothes for someone else to get at a bargain. I usually go with thrift stores or hand-me-downs from friends.
  • mestacy010
    mestacy010 Posts: 577 Member
    Bump bump bump... Single mom on a budget
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I actually love the clothes I got from Goodwill - I've never thrift shopped before, but it was a lot of fun. :D The only thing I've bought new so far are bras, underwear, and socks, understandably. I need new socks because I wear through mine from all the walking.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Good Will, Plato's Closet, Thrift Shops!! don't buy new till your to your goal weight!!!

    ^This. (with the exception of underwear, bras and socks)

    I usually wait to buy new clothes until I'm struggling to keep the ones I have up.

    edit: I should add that I do occasionally buy clearance clothing. Like the other day I decided to buy a pair of shorts (for the first time in years) to run in and spotted a clearance rack at walmart.

    Danskin Shorts : $2.50
    and a few clearance shirts nearby for : $3.00
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Yes. Go pop some tags at the thrift shop. :glasses:

    Great, now that song is in my head, LOL. I do thrift stores too. I may, on occasion, pick up the odd thing new, but it'll have to be on sale. My pants are getting to the falling down stage (so I bought a belt - problem solved, LOL). I find it's very hit and miss in thrift stores for larger sizes. I'm not going to settle for just any old thing because that's all there is. I'd rather keep wearing my too big clothes. I don't want to spend the $$ on a whole new wardrobe until I'm where I want to be. That is still a long way off. At some point, when even the belt isn't enough, I may have to splurge on some new pants, but we'll see. I know I won't fill my closet with new stuff until I'm at goal. Maybe I can actually learn to live with less clothing in my closet. That really wouldn't be such a bad thing.
  • bluelena
    bluelena Posts: 304 Member
    Old Navy has been a Godsend, for both casual stuff and workout stuff. I shop their sales quite often. I stopped buying their jeans, though, because they're full of spandex and give me droopy-butt after about 10 minutes. I'm working on finding denim brands that don't have as much "give". Instead of jeans this summer, I'm opting for ankle/cigarette pants. They're cute, comfortable, and can go from work to casual - they can work with just about anything. Sandals, high heels, etc.

    I usually wait to buy pants until they're falling off, but lately, I've started buying a little sooner. When they're too big, they just look sloppy and actually make you look bigger than you are.

    JC Penney and Kohl's have some pretty awesome deals and clearance racks. I just don't go overboard. A pair of pants here, a couple of shirts there.

    I have a rule in my closet regarding tops: If there are no more available hangers, there is no room for new tops. It's forced me to get rid of stuff I love but looks bad because it's too big. It's liberating to "free up" space for new stuff. I've saved a few long-sleeved things in case they'll still look good going into fall/winter, but other than that... if it's too big, it's got to go.

    I don't buy smaller things that don't fit me "right now", either. My body has changed so much, that it's hard to tell whether something will look good on me or not when I size down again.

    Resale shops are awesome, too - as well as Ross/Marshall's/TJ Maxx - but I don't always have the patience to dig through everything to find just a few inexpensive things.

    ETA - If you can find a good tailor, you can still keep some of the more well-made things in your closet. Especially pants. I'm lucky enough to have a seamstress mom, so the pants I'm wearing right now will be altered once theyr'e too big because they were kind of expensive and I love the way they look.
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I've mostly picked up just enough cheap clothing to skate by. It's fortunate, because I'm dropping at a much faster rate than I'd have guessed. Good problem to have, but it makes me glad I didn't splurge on anything.
  • AurraSing23
    I've lost 15 pounds (before joining mfp). So obviously things aren't falling off me yet--but it has been very nice to pull a few things from the rear of the closet and wear them again. I agree with what people are saying hear--buying pants (especially nice ones for work) can be hard. I think I will stick with simple easy fitting dresses & skirts for a while.

    I recently read a tip that suggested getting rid of your big things when they no longer fit, to help keep from back sliding. What does anyone here think of this? (So far the scale has moved up over the years and I never dropped more than 10 pounds.)
  • NeverGiveUpzxc
    Wow! Thanks guys, for all the advices and suggestions. I'll try online shopping though, there isn't a lot of thrift shops in Singapore here, even if there were, it would be temporary, make shift kinda-ish and before I can shop there, it will be gone:( I hope I can find some awesome clothes this weekend! Wish me luck! Hahahaha:)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I wasn't planning on dropping weight- it kind of happened on accident- but about 2 -3 sizes and almost none of my clothes fit- and I work in a big office that requires dress clothes- I just started a year ago- so 1500$ or so worth of BRAND new wardrobe barely fits.

    I've updated jeans- and purchased a few staple easy dresses at Burlington/TJMAxx- just easier- but I plan on going and having my favorite slacks and skirts altered- and my structured dresses.

    WIN- tailors are the bomb.... also going to start sewing again- I refuse to tailor- but I don't have an issue making new clothes. :D