Back in shape after baby

Hi everyone! Just had a baby June 19th and am trying to get back on track just eating for one! :0)
I was on here before getting pregnant and lost 25 pounds. I am hoping to lose an additional 25 pounds and complete my journey.
I do much better with extra support from friends, so please add me!


  • Myleighlouise
    I'm trying to lose the baby weight as well so feel free to add me - we can encourage each other!
  • cambam84
    cambam84 Posts: 59 Member
    Me too I just had a baby May 13th and need all the mommy help I can get! I am exclusively bfing as well!
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    Feel free to add me. I had my baby quite a while ago but am still struggling. :)
  • Rangersgirl6720
    Rangersgirl6720 Posts: 16 Member
    My "baby" is 14, but I'm still working hard!:laugh:
  • shbecl
    shbecl Posts: 1 Member
    Yes! my baby is 3 months old and I had the initial loss at the hospital, but have been static since then.
    I just returned to work so I'm working out now - but I have 15lbs of baby weight and then 50 of my own to lose.
  • BayleighPaws
    BayleighPaws Posts: 24 Member
    Hi ladies!

    I had my little dude last August! I gained a ridiculous amount during pregnancy, and have lost almost 100lbs (pregnancy weighy and then some!) since October with MFP! Would love some mummy friends for motivation! I'm a stay at home mum... And really, have zero social life ;-)
  • LJP1982
    LJP1982 Posts: 45 Member
    My baby is 20 months old, but I didn't get started til he was nearly a year old. :ohwell: I love mommy support!