I really want this but I know I need help

Hey everyone I am 25 and have no motivation to workout...Im in a slump and need help getting out. I know what I have to do to lose weight, but I have no interest in doing it. I eat very well during the day while at work, but as soon as I get home I have no control and eat a so much that I ruin my calorie count for the day in like 20 min.


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    The main part is getting your diet under control, that is 80% of weight loss, but you have to want to do it.. it all starts and ends with you
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Are you eating enough during the day? If so what are you eating. If your not then that can cause cravings and overeating at night
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    everyone is motivated by different things and in different ways, but it might help to do some imagery. Just close your eyes and think about your next vacation or party that you are invited to and how you are going to look in your new outfit that is 3 or however many sizes smaller. Also reading some of the success stories on here might motivate you. Or finding a diet partner that you can help motivate each other and keep each other accountable. You need to find what works for you. Good luck on your journey to finding the smaller , healthier you....
  • velvetechos
    No one can tell you how to find the motivation to work out or to eat right, because those are things that have to come from within, and for everyone it's different.

    There are some tricks, such as making working out a commitment that involves someone else (set up an appt with a friend, schedule a session with a trainer or class) so it is harder to cop out.

    Throw your workout gear in your car so you don't have to stop at home on the way to the gym

    Make sure you find something you enjoy - swimming, dancing, volleyball, whatever it is that will be fun for you! Working out doesn't have to be boring or a chore.

    As far as blowing your cals when you get home - don't keep junk around the house, clean out your pantry and donate or toss the unhealthy stuff. Make your meals during the day substantial. If you're starving at the end of the day, of course you will binge on whatever is handy. Keep healthy snacks out in reach for when you get home, like fruit or veggies and hummus, that way those will be what you reach for.
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    It's hard. I know. But it's really about self-control. I don't think anyone can really "help" you. You've got to help yourself with this one. I just wanted this really bad after struggling for my whole life. After losing 40 lbs and going to the doctor and getting a "normal" blood screen, it made me realise how important all of this is. That was motivation for me to keep going.

    Something that could help you would be positive self-talk. Instead of saying, "Don't do this/that.", "Don't stop." (both are forms of negative) Try telling youself to, "Keep going." I do this when I run and it really works! I see why too.. When someone tells me don't do something, I want to do it even more. You're telling me "don't stop", now all I can think about is stopping.. lol. I'm an Aries. So in your head say, "keep going".. It's the only way that I've been able to keep going.

    Good luck with your journey. Don't beat yourself up... Today is another day and tomorrow is another one too.. But focus on today. Focus on self control. Want this so bad you can feel it. See your "skinny" self in your head and get it.

    love and light. xo
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    You know, what everyone is saying about finding the motivation is right. It took me several years to find the right motivation. Until it clicks for you it just isn't there. I just finally decided I didn't want to spend anymore time in my 20's feeling cut off from life!

    But as far as not over eating when you get home, I think you should try and have a plan of attack. Maybe that includes bringing in some healthy snacks to work (an apple, carrot sticks, nut butter...) and eating that right before you leave. Then in your car ride home, drink a cup of water or two. When you get home have a plan for what you will eat that night. If you need another snack before it is supper time, have one! Just make sure you have healthy, quick access snacks in your house so you don't eat the bad stuff.

    Most of all though, you have to want it bad enough to start making yourself do these things.
  • TraciMAtchison
    TraciMAtchison Posts: 1 Member
    I try not to let myself get too hungry. I plan an afternoon (and sometimes morning) snack so that I'm not starved when I get home. I do the same thing as mentioned in another post...I keep my gym bag in the car and stop at the gym before I go home. Once I get home, I'm not really motivated to get back out. Taking the first step is the hardest. I use to avoid the gym because I thought I didn't have a couple of hours to spare. I finally decided that something was better than nothing and just ran in for 30 minutes of cardio then added to that. Over time I got into a routine and met friends at the gym to help keep me motivated. Fortunately, we have a gym at work...so there is always someone at work asking me if I'm going to the gym or mentioning they haven't seen me in awhile. You have to find your own motivation. Just don't give up!
  • Autumn256
    As soon as you get home from work, bypass the refrigerator and have your workout clothes ready to put on. Suit up, and start your workout!! Of course, you will have laid out your clothes so they are ready to go and planned your workout. I find the exercise DVD's so helpful. I put on my sweats, plug in my DVD, and start moving. Once you begin, you will see that you are almost done, b/c that is the hardest part of it. STARTING! Or just head out the door with your headphones and walk! There are free workouts on Fitness TV on cable (of course, that is assuming you have cable, which is NOT free, lol)
    Plan your work outs. Pencil them in to your calendar. Reward your self with a non food treat for meeting your workout goals. A new book, a pedicure, a bubble bath, etc...........
    So, if you avoid the after work noshing, you will save calories. Then, by working out, you will burn more calories. That's a win-win situation!
    And if you "blow it", forgive yourself and get right back on track, I think that is the key. Which is what i myself am doing today! :smile:
    Please keep us informed as to how you are doing and Good luck!!! :heart:
  • somethingvague
    Besides supporting you and giving you inspiration or information, it's definitley not something someone else can help you do. It's one of those situations where "You can't be helped until you want to be helped". You have to really want it. I've made tonnes of false starts toward weightloss, but this time something just clicked, I couldn't not not do it anymore.

    And some days I really have no motivation, and I'm tired from work or whatever and I think how "easy" it would be to skip my workout and eat fast food and just not care anymore. But I don't, even when I'm not motivated - I just make myself do it. Because there are going to be a lot of days where you don't feel motivated or excited, changing your lifestyle is really, really hard work and a huge commitment. You have to do things even when you don't want to, and you have to be aware of it all the time. It's a huge undertaking, but totally worth it.

    It's understandable if you hate to work out, but if you find something you even moderatley enjoy and do it for even just half an hour a day 3 or 4 times a week, the longterm success is going to blow the shortt erm hardship out of the water. I've only been going at it for 3 weeks, and how I feel now from a month ago is a huge difference. One you lose those first few pounds and realize you CAN do it, it won't be as hard to be motivated.

    Everyone on this site is the same as you, they can all do it and so can you. You're going to have to make sacrifices and sometimes you're going to have bad days, but in the end you're going to be so happy you did it.

    If you want to add me as a friend, feel free. Good luck!!

    ps) If you want some inspiration, just spend a few minutes reading through the "success stories" forum. Anytime I think losing 130 pounds is going to be this impossible thing, I duck in there and see how many amazing people have done the same thing, or more.
  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I myself am in a little slump. Today was my first day day working out in about 3 weeks. I know what I need to do but I just cant seem to find that push to get me to do it. So this morning I woke up and decided that it was now or never. I didn't get to finish my workout since my kids woke up but I did enough to make me feel good. I think you just need to find a fun workout to do, something that you will look forward to. For me its Cardioke. good luck
  • amarie36
    amarie36 Posts: 65 Member
    One thing that helps me is setting little goals for myself. If I have a trip or function in the near future I'll see how much I can lose by that time. Or my mom and I will make a competition by seeing who can lose the most weight by a certain date. Whoever is the loser has to buy the other person dinner...or whatever we decide should be the reward.
  • Michelle_isthebestest
    this is my normal day mon -friday:

    breakfast: 1 cup of greek yogurt-sometimes with furit sometimes with out

    snack: i try to do a piece of fruit, but sometimes i have some pretzels

    lunch: a weight watchers smartones

    dinner: whatever the family is eating

    i always feel full during the day but there is something about 4:30 that makes me what to eat everything insight!
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    Maybe you should open up your food diary so that we could look at it and get a better idea of the calories and serving sizes. Also, how much water are you drinking everyday?

    One question I have about your breakfast is whether you are getting enough calories. You should try and eat some protein along with your yogurt. Getting a solid breakfast in really helps make the whole day go smoother.

    Your weight watchers lunch seems like it should usually be under 400 cals, which is a good amount, but means you will definitely need some snack before supper, so you need to plan on having a healthy, satisfying one!

    Snacking on fruit is good, but it shouldn't be your only snack choice. I really recommend you choose a non fruit snack for 4:30 that is good for you. A tablespoon of Nutella only has 100 calories, a wedge of laughing cow cheese only has 50. Another good afternoon snack is about 100-200 calories worth of nuts (maybe mixed with raisins or dried cranberries). And it might not be the most attractive thing, but eating carrot sticks really is a great way to get your jaw tired so you don't even feel like eating the unhealthy snacks afterwards.

    After you have your healthy snack do your workout! Run, walk, dance, jump, whatever you're going to do. Drink lots of water. Being hydrated, high on endorphins from exercise, and having adequate blood sugar should really help you get past the munchies.