C25K Freakout...how's it possible!!!



  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    You can do it! Slow down if needed and just keep going. I always complete the day because I don't want to do it again - so once I get past a certain # of minutes I'm NOT going to stop and repeat it later - I just have to keep going. Put on some upbeat tunes and just keep going.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    I just came in the door after finishing Week 7 Day 1, which is 25 minutes of running, no breaks. I'm not a runner by any means, I've got a ton of weight to lose and I've been doing this program successfully. The 20 min run is more of a mind game than a physical one. And once you do it, you'll never be the same. After you do it there are two more interval runs in week six, then just running for the rest of the program and I was actually glad when I finished those interval runs because it's more fun and easier to just keep going. I also found I no longer like running on the treadmill. Sounds weird, but it's true.

    My advice - lace up your shoes well, take a bunch of deep breaths before you start and tell yourself how great it's going to be at the end of it. Go slow - I did 1.5 miles, slow your breathing down if it gets ahead of you. I'm more concerned with endurance and duration at this point, later on the speed will come. And when the 20 mins are up, throw your hands up and squeal. I did.
  • stetienne
    stetienne Posts: 560 Member
    Relax! You know you can do sessions over until you get through them, right?
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    Gah! Don't freak me out! I'm only starting week 2 tomorrow... lol I had a rough time even jogging the 1 minute... but now I do it and sometimes (in the first half) I get surprised that it beeps so fast for me to start walking. I'm sure once we get there, it will be hard... but not as hard as we fear. And hey, if we have to walk a bit... so be it. Next time we just try to make it longer. And longer, until we CAN do it. :wink:
  • SlimdownMommie
    SlimdownMommie Posts: 4 Member
    I have been exactly where you are right now. I am currently in week 6 of my c25k app. When my friend and I started we could barely do it for 1 minute let alone 20. And we did the same thing....Looked ahead! and every week we said "How are we ever going to make it happen" BUT WE DID!! It is challenging and at times I felt like I was going to die. There were times when I though to myself that I should just quit. BUT I DIDN'T.... and I survived. I am on week 6 now and I KNOW that I can make it. I have also added core training to help with my breathing. Just tel yourself that you can do it and your body will achieve it. I truly believe it. Don't look at it like you can't because for the most part you already have by taking that first step! Good LUck :happy:
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    I am freaking out at the prospect of running 20 minutes in week five
    Yeah, this is the exact reason I quit C25k twice in the middle.

    First thing you need to know is that you are allowed to repeat weeks! If you are struggling, just do that week over again. Better than quitting in the middle. Now, you may find you do fine once you get to it, just a suggestion.

    Second, a lot of the freakout in running is mental. You think you can't do something, but it's just your brain holding you back.

    Third, slow down. Even if it seems ridiculous, you have to get used to the motion of running and get over those mental hurdles and slowing down will help. Then once you're used to the time spent running and you're over the mental/breath issues, you can concentrate on getting faster and there are a million suggestions out on the internet to help you do that. Just don't worry about it right now.

    Hope that helps! I have been doing a program at the local fleet feet and running with other people that has been immensely helpful and I have a 5k scheduled for Thursday. Whether or not I end up running the whole thing, I am MILES ahead of where I was a couple months ago. So good luck and I'm sure you can do it!
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I did w5 last week. You can do it! It was a struggle, but def doable.
  • Guarantee the biggest obstacle to running for that 20 minutes is your mind. You CAN do this. Just slow it down from the pace you've been doing and put one foot in front of the other.

    It will not be easy. You will want to stop. Many times! Push through that. It's nowhere near as bad as you imagine it right now.

    And like someone else said you will feel incredible when you finish it!

    I'd say "Good Luck", but luck has NOTHING to do with this. Go kick some *kitten* and do this!
  • jlynneh91
    jlynneh91 Posts: 15
    Don't worry about what tomorrow brings. :) (or, next week)
    I was completely a non-runner and wasn't doing a whole lot of exercise when I started either. You CAN do it!
    I have the c25k app on my phone, so I just ran while listening to my music and then the program cut in to just remind me to walk, or run, or whatever.
    Yes it's much longer than what you're used to, but like others have said, go ahead and redo an earlier one if needed to build up more endurance. And, if you have to stop & walk for 30 seconds and then keep going it's ok.
    I'm not fast at all, but just making it to the end is a great confidence boost.
  • Nightterror218
    Nightterror218 Posts: 375 Member
    Dont freak out, lower your pace and go at the speed you need to so that you can do 20 minutes. After doe the 4 weeks leading up, it is easier then you think. It is mostly mental thinking you can not do it. Just go for it and do not keep track of your time (best thing i ever did was stop watching the time and just do it).

    I went from week 5 to doing a 5k. Now I just going for 20-30 minutes runs.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    When you get there, your body will be ready. You will be able to do it. You'll need to break through the mental issue of "I can't" because YOU CAN.

    I was a complete non-runner when I started the program and Week 5 had me worried, too. Just know that when the time comes you are ready and you can do it.

    If I can do this program, you can too. It's a mental challenge that you can overcome. You are going to feel awesome at the end of that day.
  • madacali
    madacali Posts: 29 Member
    I know exactly what you're talking about. I thought the same thing. When I looked ahead I almost had a heart attack. But here I am on week 7. I'm 60 years old and in the obese category. I ran 30 minutes yesterday. I did it and you can too. It's true, what everyone is saying is true. It IS a mind game. My brain said "You can't run for 20 minutes,,, you'll die!". Except, my mind said I couldn't run 90 sec or 2 min or 5 or 8 or 10 minutes or I'd die... but I didn't die. There is a mental barrier. Once you break through... it is so freeing! You can do it. I run on a treadmill and needed to slow down the pace and lower the incline.

    I tell myself, if everyone else on MFP can do it, so can I. If people who aren't in any better shape than I am can do it, so can I. Just do the best you can. Just take it one week at a time. Good Luck and have fun.
  • WAHMto5
    WAHMto5 Posts: 375 Member
    You can totally do it!! I was the exact same way and couldn't run if my life depended on it, thought for sure I would never make it. It is so much a mental (as well as physical) challenge. The main thing is to SLOW down, it is not a race! Just think how great you will feel when it is done!
    I would never have made it this far if it wasn't for that program;)
  • WilBSkinee
    WilBSkinee Posts: 41 Member
    I just put this app on my phone!! I am excited to start......but now you got me frightened!! I love all of the success stories I hear and all of the good advice on this! Good Luck and please keep me posted on how it went for you???:flowerforyou:
  • thatjeffsmith
    thatjeffsmith Posts: 110 Member
    Don't look ahead!

    When I got to the 20 minutes straight day I freaked out a bit. Then I went out and ran it.

    Felt pretty damn good about myself afterwards.

    They've got this system down - it works!