i need me some muscles

hello everyone!! many of you might see this is similar to another post i posted but i didnt explain myself too well...

so today is the day i start doing weights! before i would only do cardio to lose weight. i noticed that got very thin.

i want to focus on thighs, gluteus muscle, and abs. i am focusing on the thighs and gluteus mainly because before i lost weight i had thick thighs and a butt. sadly now i dont. and for the abs, i just want to have a nice stomach.

any recommendations on what workouts to do and for how long? an hour?
would it be okay if i just followed youtube videos?

if i were to do squats, for how long do i do them for?

im new to this so please be detailed.


  • Maasmondy
    Maasmondy Posts: 54 Member
    Personally, I've done programs like P90X and BodyBeast and have gotten great results in the ab and leg department. And my glutes are MUCH rounder and "perky" for a lack of better term. P90X mixes weights and cardio with yoga to get an all around fitness approach. BodyBeast is based solely on gaining muscle mass.

    Are you going to be working out at home or at a gym? That'll determine what exercises you can perform.
  • rolemodel69
    rolemodel69 Posts: 365
    If you can workout at home and have access to some dumbells or bands, i would also recommend P90X or Body Beast. You don't need a lot of equipment but you will need some to be able to do these programs.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    A good start would be to pick up a copy of the "New Rules of Lifting For Women" (if it's half as good as the New Rules of Lifting it's worth its weight in gold.....)
  • jhgreer
    jhgreer Posts: 145
    A good start would be to pick up a copy of the "New Rules of Lifting For Women" (if it's half as good as the New Rules of Lifting it's worth its weight in gold.....)

    it's more than worth its weight in gold. Although you will need quite a bit of equipment for doing it at home or join a gym. There is a fairly active NROL4W board here as well as on facebook if you're interested.