*SCREAM* I just can't get under 200!



  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    Follow your program, put your scale in the closet, and mark a date a month from now to weigh yourself. If you can't resist weighing yourself, ask a friend or family member to hold your scale for you for the month. I sometimes go 6-8 weeks without weighing in, because I know weighing in often isn't good for me psychologically.
  • erikkmcvay
    erikkmcvay Posts: 238 Member
    Don't worry, be HUNGRY :)

    I tell myself that when I start to think I need to eat. Working out and doing lots of cardio gets me eating again and when I need to take a break (which we all should do) I have a hard time remembering to: Don't worry, be HUNGRY!

    As long as I'm eating at or under my target (1448 today vs my target of 1450 as long as I stick with it -- which I WILL) then I KNOW I'll lose the way so don't worry :)

    Be Hungry!
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    OP it seems you like bread as this becomes your nemesis. Are you avoiding it everyday and then getting a craving for it and is this when things go wrong?

    What worked for me, and I am not saying it will work for everybody, but was to plan my days eating in the morning. Log all the foods to reach my calorie goal.

    Then I would add my exercise as the day went on and see those as my treats. A glass of wine, a little chocolate, ice cream..so that way nothing is a no go area for eating. Exercise = treats

    That way I didn`t have to cut anything out of my diet.

    I have been in maintenance for around 8 months and it still works for me.
  • krc99080
    krc99080 Posts: 147 Member
    I know how you're feeling! I've been hovering at 200 for a few weeks and it's driving me insane. I've been working out and eating fairly well (sure the eating could be better but I have to eat in a way I can maintain and eating too few calories is impossible for me). I've lost 30 pounds so far and my initial goal is to reach 175 and then evaluate where I want to go after that point.

    Over the past 2 months I've lost 1.5 pounds and that's it. I'm not a fan of the scale at all right now. It'd be nice to just get down to the 190's for a bit. Reaching onderland again will be a huge accomplishment.

    Just keep going and at some point the scale will move in the right direction.

  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    Sugar, you need a goal. Something you want more than breath itself. I had the same issues, and then a surprise goal came my way and I WANT that goal and I intend to GET that goal. On the days I want an extra snack--I go to the track and walk the calories and then I have my snack and get past it. Stay strong and be strong.
  • Bearbrat
    Bearbrat Posts: 230
    Thank you. I'm starting to think I'm CRAZY. I don't want to be 200 pounds! It seems like I have no control over myself. I'll just think in my head, oh a little ice cream wont hurt... and then it does and I get frustrated. I want to see 198 on that scale so bad... I'm about to get post it nots and write myself mean messages on things I shouldn't indulge in.
    DON'T write yourself mean messages. Do you really think you deserve to talk to yourself like that? Would you talk to someone else that way? Try to remember that food will always be there and you can have it later.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Try incorporating some weightlifting into your workout routine.
  • paprikas
    paprikas Posts: 118 Member
    I can relate to this. I am having a very hard time getting my head around my weight loss and keep telling myself that I was rhin until yesterday but today have messed it up. I think it takes a while for your mind to catch up with your body. Take pictures of yourself and shop for clothes. Its a great motivator and helps you to adjust to the new you.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Time to take a break from the scale, maybe? Monitor and track all your food and exercise, but stay away from the scale for a while. Hopefully then, when you do get back on, it will be a nice surprise and you will be under that magic number. I suspect I'll have to keep this post in mind because I can see that being my problem when I get closer too. I think I'm doing it now - hovering around 240 - but just can't get into that next "10". I know I'm doing it to myself. My goal this week is to exercise, stay within my calories, no treat food (because one treat leads to another for me) and hopefully be under my current magic number of 239 next time I get on that scale.

    I am a big fan of this!

    Put away your scale, it is not your friend.

    And yes, for now, a little ice cream can hurt you. I am a big fan of eating, and eating what you want as long as it is not pumped full of crap, EXCEPT in cases like this. Keep your head up, and keep marching forward. Eat good for you foods and keep working out. Do not worry about that scale, it is a bad friend that makes you think bad things will not hurt you. I am a recovering alcoholic, I had a friend that used to tell me "one drink wont hurt" yes, one drink could kill me. SO, next time you think that a little bit of this or a little bit of that wont hurt, think of me and that drink. Would would you want me to do?
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    Looks like a lot of folks can relate, and I'm one of them. The only difference between you and me is that getting under 200 was my motivation. Once I saw 196, it was like my attitude shifted to, "Well, this is the smallest I've been since high school, so this is good enough." And it's not good enough. I want more. I haven't reached my goal weight or my goal body or my goal 1RMs or goal 5K time, etc. There's still work to be done, but I cannot, for the life of me, get past this mental block that 196 is good enough simply because it's the best I've ever been. I wish I had the words for you because I need them for myself! I think the only thing I can say to myself and to you is that I KNOW what I have to do to succeed. I have the tools. It's just a matter of putting it into practice and shutting down the excuses.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I want to start off by saying that I am POSITIVE that this is mental now. I just don't know how to move past it, and believe me I WANT TO! Fat girl problem #3343- I've lost 43 pounds, and that has put me at 200! Yay right? EXCEPT! Every time I approach 199... I shoot right back up to 203, 202, 201. And it's because the SECOND that scale reads 200, I'm pretty sure some brain demon screams "Noooooooo" because bread becomes my BFF and a cheat day doesn't seem like THAT BAD of an idea and Oh I just don't have time to go running today. Someone help me move past this! I don't understand why I'm sabotaging myself, I want this more than anything but it's like my subconscious is rebelling!

    Sounds like you're frightened of the new life you can have. Get rid of the bread. Don't buy any. Eat brown rice as a substitute. Go do something to make yourself happy.... like Zumba or something with a fun touch. You can totally do this!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    3 ideas for addressing your plateau:

    1. increase the intensity of your exercise. I recommend HIIT 2-3x per week. You could go to dailyhiit.com and try those work-outs or you could do sprint interval training outside your house.

    2. add in a 24 hour fast each week. I strongly recommend reading Eat Stop Eat.....or, at a minimum, reading my blog about my experience with intermittent fasting (you can find it on my profile page).

    3. mentally, your mind is somewhere between self sabotage and complacency....not sure which one is more of an issue right now (I think its self sabotage), but I think you have some of both going on. My suggestion is that you put your scale away for a month. You keep doing what you have been doing (until recently) to lose the weight that you have lost. I think if you eliminate the anxiety of a weigh-in day, you will be less likely to self sabotage...and more likely to make the consistent good decisions you have made up until your self sabotage moments. To the extent complacency is an issue, you just have to remind yourself that despite the progress you have made, you have not achieved your goal of sustained good health.....you should remind yourself of all of the reasons you started this journey and remember those things you hated about your life 40+ pounds ago. Basically, you don't want to go back there. Complacency, however, works against that ... so, sometimes, you have to spend the time to re-educate yourself about your reasons for getting healthy and remind yourself that you're not here.
  • Brandei
    Brandei Posts: 119 Member
    If its weighing yourself that is sabotaging you, stay away from the scale for awhile. Just a thought.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    What is your calorie goal set at? Also, are you using a food scale?
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    You just need to have a good reminder of what you are doing this for and also cheat days in moderation are not bad :) A day off every couple weeks is not going to hurt your progress unless you eat 10,000 cals in that day and are completely sedentry to the point that someone shovels that food in your mouth for you and helps you masticate your food and help your throat urge to swallow the food.

    Just keep doing what you are doing and maybe give yourself an extra day that you kick your own butt into high gear and so you can have one day that you get to 'cheat', that might help!
  • faefaith
    faefaith Posts: 433 Member
    Maybe you are afraid of what will happen when you get under 200 lbs. Mariane Williamson's book A Course in Weightloss may give you some insight. Hope it helps, love!
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    IDK. Being close to arbitrary milestones (under 200, 50 lbs lost, etc) always motivated me! I set a lot of short term goals and went for them. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    What is your calorie goal set at? Also, are you using a food scale?

    This and open your diary for more ideas.
  • Hiskhaleesi
    Hiskhaleesi Posts: 53 Member
    I would like to thank everyone who replied, and all the helpful messages and friend requests. This website is one of.the greatest places you could possibly come to find like minded friends. Since I'm on my phone, answering all questions tonight is going to be pretty impossible, but I wanted to.thank you all and I'll pop in tomorrow to.answer questions and weigh in (hehe) on some of the suggestions I was given. I will say that im going to toss the scale (gently so as not to mess up calibration) in the closet for a few weeks, as I've become quite obsessed with it (AGAIN) recently. Weigh in Wednesday tomorrow to see where im starting at and then nothing for at LEAST a week, see of I can make it 2.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I would like to thank everyone who replied, and all the helpful messages and friend requests. This website is one of.the greatest places you could possibly come to find like minded friends. Since I'm on my phone, answering all questions tonight is going to be pretty impossible, but I wanted to.thank you all and I'll pop in tomorrow to.answer questions and weigh in (hehe) on some of the suggestions I was given. I will say that im going to toss the scale (gently so as not to mess up calibration) in the closet for a few weeks, as I've become quite obsessed with it (AGAIN) recently. Weigh in Wednesday tomorrow to see where im starting at and then nothing for at LEAST a week, see of I can make it 2.

    Make it three and we have a deal. :smile: