Did you clean out your kitchen when you started?

Grldisney Posts: 6 Member
edited September 21 in Success Stories
I am just wondering what all of you did when you first started. Did you clean out your kitchen????? Start Fresh? You are all inspiring...


  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    No. It's all about moderation...I pretty much eat everything, I just pay attention to serving sizes and labels very closely.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    Nope. I still eat everything I did before, I just watch my portions and don't eat the unhealthy stuff as often.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Nope. That would have been so wasteful for me. I just control my portion sizes and make better choices at the next grocery trip.
  • sharonuk10
    sharonuk10 Posts: 277
    Ditto the above two answers. Scratch that.. above 3 answers
  • No. The food I had at home was somewhat healthy. It was the food I was eating at work that was fattening.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Nope, I live with my boyfriend and he should not have to go with out the stuff he likes. I have to learn to deal with what ever is in the house. Life isn't going to clean itself up just because I am watching what I eat. On his own my boyfriend has chosen not to bring home any fast food. I told him I appreciate the gesture. I still cook his meat and potatoes the way he likes, I eat them too, just in moderation and will have vegies or a salad if still hungry.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Yes, I definitely did clean out my kitchen and gave all the processed foods that I wasn't willing to eat anymore to my mom to feed to my younger brothers. There were a few things that I did keep and those things were eaten in moderation. Most of them didn't get replaced, or if they did get replaced, they were replaced with healthier substitutions. A few things I remember getting rid of were all my sodium packed rice and noodle mixes. So yummy, but far too high in sodium so I choose to just eat plain rices and pastas, or make my own sauces to go on top. Also, rice made with salsa is really good too. I gave away all my canned soups and soup mix packets, again way too much sodium, better to make homemade. From my freezer I gave away the seasoned french fries, and all other snacky type stuff like cheese filled pretzels, pizza rolls, mozz sticks, too high in sodium and not worth the calories. And yes I could have kept the stuff and eaten it in moderation, but then it would be sitting in my freezer taunting me and it was better to just get it out of the house.
  • No I am using what I have and when I go shopping I replenish with healthier stuff or different stuff. I did make the choice to stop buying the cookies, even though I can have 3 and it still be under 100 cal. I mean seriously who can eat just 3 cookies when you got a whole box ~ LOL :). As you go through the program you will learn where your strong points are and what would just be best to avoid all together (i.e. cookies or chocolate - neither of which can be eaten in moderation at my house). Good luck with the your life style change.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Yes, yes and yes! My journey stared with my husband because he was diagnosed as prediabetic so EVERYTHING that was not diabetic friendly went IMMEDIATELY. We now only eat completely "clean" . . . if you keep unhealthy food in your kitchen you WILL eat it . . . so why even have the temptation?
  • magdalena1976
    magdalena1976 Posts: 12 Member
    I just joined this week but now that you mention it.... I reorganized my pantry, I put all the healthy stuff on one shelf, so they are easy to see, and I put all the junk on the lowest shelf ( I have a 3 year old so I have some not so healthy food as occasional treats for him, and a hubby who keeps buying sweets for himselft), but the main thing I did was find all my long lost measuring cups, spoons and water bottles! I am learning to measure everything to control my portions and I am working hard to keep up with drinking water. That has been my problem, too much coffee and not enough water.
  • Julbella78
    Julbella78 Posts: 161 Member
    Nope. I really want this to be a life style change and not a diet where I feel deprived. I do have some processed foods (bag rice/lipton noodles/soups) that are still sitting on the shelves. I like to think that if I have the calories and I watch my portions that I can have them. I also have a 4 year-old so I try not to keep too many snacks in the house.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    We gradually changed our habits, it wasn't an instant thing. I'm constantly learning and finding new things to eat or do that benefit us. To get where we are now, took a year and a half.

    As we used up our enriched pasta, for example, I bought whole wheat to replace it. I started buying whole grain bread, then upon further research, realized almost ALL of the breads on the shelf contained HFCS, which my husband simply cannot have (diabetes). So I found Nature's Own Sugar Free whole grain bread, which we eat now. We switched to No Sugar Added ice cream, then dropped that from our diet too, as we decided to wean ourselves off all 'sweet treats' as a habit. Slowly, we replaced our cheeses, lunch meats, chicken, ground beef, etc. with organic, unprocessed, etc. versions. We changed to no sugar added jellies (sweetened only with juice). We increased the quantity of food bought at the farmers market and decreased what was purchased at the supermarket.

    I'm happy with our overall diet right now, it has very little processed foods in it, and what is processed...is fairly natural in it's process state (like Kashi go lean cereal).
  • omidgett
    omidgett Posts: 11
    I agree with what most everyone is saying, but I know for myself I had to get rid of things I knew I couldn't resist (bbq chips for example) and I just can't keep them in the house. Again it's all in moderation but you don't want to tempt yourself to binge.
  • ephay
    ephay Posts: 74
    I didn't exactly clean it out. Before I really "started" I made it more readily accessible so it would be eaten first. Cookies, chips, soda...all of it.

    Now that it's all gone, I refuse to permit myself to buy anymore of it. And it's a good thing. I find every now & again I want to cheat. I'll go to the pantry to seek out some trashy snack...and NOTHING! lol
  • we donated all our ramen noodles, cake mixes, brownie this, brownie that, instant crap, cookies, chips, pastries, nachos, full butter popcorn.... speghettios... and the likes lol
    we ended up giving away 7 boxes to salvation army. they came and picked it all up and everything =] it was so nice.

    so YES! i believe the things i mentioned shouldnt be around some1 esp when they are STARTING.
    not that im at my goal weight, i have more freedoms to eat a few cookies or something but when i was trying to get over the addiction, no way could i eat those things "im moderation"

    give it away!
    start fresh!!!

    *******make ur grocery cart look like what ur plate will look like.************
    mostly fresh veggies and fruits
    a quarter lean protein
    and a quarter of healthy grains.
  • ladytap
    ladytap Posts: 36 Member
    I absolutely cleaned out my kitchen. There's no way I could see the chocolate cake sitting there and not eat it. For me, it was about cleaning up my diet completely, so I had no use for all of the junk food....so it had to go.
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    Before I started one of my biggest problems was eating out too much, so I didn't have a lot to get rid of from the house. But I did get rid of a bit. Now I do enjoy treats in moderation (for the most part) but I usually don't buy more than I can afford to eat at once since I know my triggers. I use the bulk section to get a bit of candy and I try to buy crunchy things (instead of chips) that are more healthy to snack on.
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