Is this enough HIIT for 1 session?

Ok so i just tried out my first HIIT session today and it KILLED me, but im not sure if its really enough? I usually do 50mins of cardio today, which it says burns around 550 calories. However instead I chose to do a session of HIIT.

This is what I did -

Rowing -

2min warm up

20sec/40sec x7

9min finished

Bike -

2min warm up

30sec/1min x 6

9min finished

Now when I had my sprints I was going literally as fast as my body could handle and my legs felt like jelly when I came off but this just doesn't really seem like enough for a whole work out does it? Do people usually do some cardio/weight training after?

Any info is useful :)


  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    When I do HIIT, on an elliptical, I usually just go for 30 mins (1+1) and call it a day. If you do it properly, you'll be exhausted, so won't get a good second workout in anyway. I like to be fresh when I hit the weights, so I can lift as much as possible.

    I did do the "lean body" workout for a bit though that had you doing HIIT after a relatively light weight session. So really, it just depends on what suits you.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    When I do HIIT I pretty much just do HIIT unless I have several hours before lifting...mine looks kind like this (Tabata)...all for speed

    - body squats 20 seconds
    - rest 10 seconds
    - Pushups 20 seconds
    - rest 10 seconds
    - body squats 20 seconds
    - rest 10 seconds
    - Mt. Climbers 20 seconds
    - rest 10 seconds
    - Pushups 20 seconds
    - rest 10 seconds
    - Sprints in place 20 seconds
    - rest 10 seconds
    - Mt Climbers 20 seconds
    - rest 10 seconds
    - Burpees 20 seconds

    Total time = 4 minutes...rinse and repeat as desired. I usually do 3 of these a couple times per week (I have other variations, but you get the picture). Also, it's not all about calorie burn...whether it's enough or not depends on your fitness goals and what you're trying to accomplish. Think beyond calorie burn. Also, HIIT burns more calories after the fact than during because it tears you a new one and unleashes a lot of HGH that thrives on consumption of nasty fat. Also puts your body into repair which burns calories at rest.

    I might go walk a couple miles or something after this with my ruck loaded down...but I might just call it a day and go have lunch.
  • Trytotryharder
    Thanks for the replys! good to see what other people are doing. I definiely dont think i could keep it up for 30mins though!!

    But do you think what I did was enough for a HIIT session?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Thanks for the replys! good to see what other people are doing. I definiely dont think i could keep it up for 30mins though!!

    But do you think what I did was enough for a HIIT session?

    If you're pretty much toast when by the end, you're doing it right. If you have a bunch of energy to go do a bunch more cardio or go hit the weight room and lift with any kind of authority then probably not. I'm quite literally laying in a pool of my own sweat and snot when I'm done with a good HIIT session. I'm not doing anything other than walking very slowly for several hours thereafter.
  • Trytotryharder
    Thanks for the replys! good to see what other people are doing. I definiely dont think i could keep it up for 30mins though!!

    But do you think what I did was enough for a HIIT session?

    If you're pretty much toast when by the end, you're doing it right. If you have a bunch of energy to go do a bunch more cardio or go hit the weight room and lift with any kind of authority then probably not. I'm quite literally laying in a pool of my own sweat and snot when I'm done with a good HIIT session. I'm not doing anything other than walking very slowly for several hours thereafter.

    haha yeah, it destroyed me and it was probably the hardest bike ride back home of my life! thanks :)
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    But do you think what I did was enough for a HIIT session?
    Are you worn out afterwards? If so, then you did. If you feel like you could still do more, than you quit early.
  • Trytotryharder
    But do you think what I did was enough for a HIIT session?
    Are you worn out afterwards? If so, then you did. If you feel like you could still do more, than you quit early.

    no i burnt myself out! had to sit out for 10mins before i left the gym just so i could handle the bike ride home! sounds like it was enough for me then but i guess it just takes time to build up!