Restarting yet again.

saoirse32 Posts: 33 Member
Restarting MFP again and really hoping to be good in logging and going to the gym. As I have posted elsewhere, I have just been diagnosed with depression again (third bout) and have also been having panic / anxiety attacks as well this time. I am also having difficulty sleeping at the moment which is playing havoc with my energy levels etc.

As part of my recovery I am on meds but have also made a concious effort to exercise more so I can help myself get better, so if you have any ideas, or indeed have been in the same boat as myself then please add me.


  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    Best of luck but have a question. You mentioned panic attacks and trouble sleeping, which was an issue I had up until about three months ago, which doctors were treating with anti Psychotic medicines. Went for a routine physical and doctor discover I had contracted asthma at age 50. The masthead was kicking in when I went to sleep causing me to wake up in a panic and then I found it difficult to go back to sleep. Just a thought.............
  • saoirse32
    saoirse32 Posts: 33 Member
    Best of luck but have a question. You mentioned panic attacks and trouble sleeping, which was an issue I had up until about three months ago, which doctors were treating with anti Psychotic medicines. Went for a routine physical and doctor discover I had contracted asthma at age 50. The masthead was kicking in when I went to sleep causing me to wake up in a panic and then I found it difficult to go back to sleep. Just a thought.............

    Panic attacks are triggered by certain things which are linked to my depression and from doing a bit of reading on the meds I am on some of the side effects is insomnia which I think is being worsened due to the side effects, I am hoping these ease off once the meds start to work.
  • sandraggy
    sandraggy Posts: 1 Member
    :smile: I've restarted and restarted....kudos for doing just that!
  • manders376
    manders376 Posts: 53 Member
    Welcome back to MFP :)

    Consider asking your doctor if it is safe for you to take melatonin. It is a natural supplement that aids with sleep. I take it because my antidepressant causes me sleep problems as well.

    Good luck!
  • saoirse32
    saoirse32 Posts: 33 Member
    :smile: I've restarted and restarted....kudos for doing just that!

    Thanks really hoping to stiick it this time, trying to set myself acheiveable and manageable goals to stay focused
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Aside: You share the first name of the child actress in "Atonement."

    All I can think of is that although your mental hygiene comes first, make sure that your doctors and caregivers understand that you are concerned about any side effects that could cause weight gain or prevent you from losing weight. You have to live in the real world, and part of your mental attitude and mood will be affected by how you feel about your body or are perceived by the external world. Don't let doctors try to make you feel that this is a vain or trivial or cosmetic concern.

    Find a good eating and exercise plan and take each day at a time. Even if you have to restart 30 times it's better than giving up.

    Good luck.
  • saoirse32
    saoirse32 Posts: 33 Member
    Welcome back to MFP :)

    Consider asking your doctor if it is safe for you to take melatonin. It is a natural supplement that aids with sleep. I take it because my antidepressant causes me sleep problems as well.

    Good luck!

    Thanks, I am back at the doctors next week and will definately discuss alternatives if things don't improve.