Anyone use Weight Watchers along with MyFitnessPal?

Just out of curiosity. I've done well with Weight Watchers last year, but I fell off the wagon so I'm starting again, well, tomorrow. I was 121 lbs last spring. (Had to restart my weight log-ins too since I couldn't erase the old data, etc.) - I am only 4'9", so I have to lose some weight so I feel healthy and better again. I am looking to lose at least about 12lbs or so. And hopefully keep it down and stay in shape, gain some muscle and lose the fat. So my question is, does anyone use Weight Watchers along with the MyFitnessPal app? I used WW and I did so well with it that I lost 10lbs in just about probably 2/3 months after I started, but I gained it all back from stress, etc. etc. close to the New Year (losing my grandfather, being unhappy, things like that) Just wanted to hear your input! :)


  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    Just out of curiosity. I've done well with Weight Watchers last year, but I fell off the wagon so I'm starting again, well, tomorrow. I was 121 lbs last spring. (Had to restart my weight log-ins too since I couldn't erase the old data, etc.) - I am only 4'9", so I have to lose some weight so I feel healthy and better again. I am looking to lose at least about 12lbs or so. And hopefully keep it down and stay in shape, gain some muscle and lose the fat. So my question is, does anyone use Weight Watchers along with the MyFitnessPal app? I used WW and I did so well with it that I lost 10lbs in just about probably 2/3 months after I started, but I gained it all back from stress, etc. etc. close to the New Year (losing my grandfather, being unhappy, things like that) Just wanted to hear your input! :)

    I do WW online but can't use the apps because I do not have an iphone. I come here for the forums and support. I just started again a month and a half ago after I gained 100 lbs last year alone. I am so embarrassed.
  • kaleforlife
    kaleforlife Posts: 23 Member
    I have been on weight watchers since the beginning of April 2013 and have watched my weight fluctuate 3 pounds. I was discouraged and frustrated because previous ww programs helped me lose weight, not ww360. I recently signed up with myfitness pal in addition to weight watchers. I feel that myfitness pal is more helpful in keeping track of foods' calories, fat, and general nutritional requirements. Just today I cancelled my weight watchers membership after weigh in. I feel more discouraged than encouraged. Most of the leaders know no more than I do; they are courteous and want to help. I think group support is a fantastic idea, but it is a business. Some obsess about fat-free food regardless of all the artificial additives in fat-free. One leader would routinely ask how people messed up during the week, sort of like confession, then push the weight watchers products as if she was getting kick backs. grrrrr...:mad:

    At the end of the day you have to do what works best for you.

    Wealth of health always,
    Linda S. :bigsmile:
  • Linda I did not do well on the 360 plan either. I had done great on Points and PointsPlus and when a "new" program was introduced last fall I was looking forward to it as a kick start to reverse my gaining, but it was not helpful for me. I think I got all out of Weight Watchers I could after being on and off it for ten years. The fact that I am now squeezing into my "skinny" clothes and I have seen some recent unflattering photos of myself are my motivation to stick with this now. Plus I just did not want to pay any more.
  • maab12
    maab12 Posts: 65 Member
    I did very well on the point and core but the points plus and 360 was not working out at all.
  • gogirl53
    gogirl53 Posts: 1 Member
    I have belonged to WW many times in the past. With the old PointsPlus program fruit was all zero points. I got used to eating a lot of fruit and did lose weight when I stayed on program. Now with this program, I have a hard time seeing all those fruit calories mess up my day. Just started yesterday, so I am sure I will get in sync.
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    cupcakes_and_cardio Posts: 369 Member
    I used to to WW, but after using this site I no longer do that program anymore - I found this a lot easier to follow and more flexible and far as what you can eat goes. Good luck!
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I started cross tracking on here two months ago to get the information on my macros that I was unable to track on Weight Watchers.

    The tracker on here is much more user friendly, it's nice to get more information other than how many points I used and the social interaction on the boards and on your own page is a lot better as well. Also the emphasis on real fitness is not based on selling products.

    I cancelled my WW membership last week.
  • BobbiG35
    BobbiG35 Posts: 15 Member
    same here, I did really well with ww on the points program but once they switched it, i stopped losing and could not er back into the groove! iam finding more success and accountability on mfp!
  • YES, I'm using MyFitnessPal and WW at the same time. So far, so good although I just started a couple of days ago. I feel I will stay in control of my eating by counting the calories in fitness pal and monitoring the WW points in a tablet. I'm on the treadmill for 45 minutes everyday. I have approximately 60 pounds to lose so I have a long way to go but I feel I'm going to be successful this time after many false starts in the past. Good luck to you.
  • coffee4me57
    coffee4me57 Posts: 195
    I have done WW numerous times in the past. I joined WW again last June and lost some weight but soon stopped following the program. I started double tracking here and on the WW site. After a week, I cancelled my WW membership. I find that I can eat a larger variety of foods on MFP and don't take "the hit" for carbs. I also find the data base here far superior and the tracking of calories easier to follow. I am currently doing TDEE-20% and this works for me.
  • Just to clarify, I'm doing WW Points program from several years ago on my own along with the FitnessPal website. I have not rejoined WW because I was not getting the motivation I needed to stick to the program from the meetings and I felt it was getting too expensive every week. Also, I tend to eat simple foods and I was not interested in all of the WW foods, condiments, and desserts the program would like you to purchase.
  • girlfury
    girlfury Posts: 27 Member
    Im on ww as well...thinking of deactivating as i find mfp easier to log my food entries..

    You could add me as a friend if u like
  • I also have done WW and lost 20 lbs..I lost the motivation because I got tired of counting my pts..The this I find difficult is that on WW most fruit and vegetables were free but on MFP you need to count them. And that is my problem..either i follow the old WW program or switch to MFP and count everything..
  • brendapalmer146
    brendapalmer146 Posts: 22 Member
    so for those who are using MFP and WW are you using your 49 extra FP's each week?