Ex bulimic HELP losing weight!

Hello all, I am an 'ex bulimic' (as of one month) and have gained a loooot of weight (50 lbs to be exact) due to the bulimia.. I absolutely hate this weight gain, however it seems as if I am having a lot of trouble losing it... It seems like my metabolism is shot or practically nonexistent now, due to the bulimia, and i continue to gain weight (WHEN I DON'T EAT MORE THAN A NORMAL PERSON WOULD).

Does anyone know what could be going on? Why I now gain weight so easily and why I am not losing weight? ANY help would be amazing. Thanks!


  • katmariew
    katmariew Posts: 87 Member
    You probably severely damaged your metabolisms. Eating disorders really destroy your body unfortunately (personal experience). I encourage you to eat as healthy as you can, exercise moderately, and allow your body to heal and reset itself. A month isn't too long so you need time to get back into equilibrium. Then, you will start to see progress. If not, see your doctor!
  • LionneElle
    LionneElle Posts: 15
    Anyone else?
  • emilycarr71404
    emilycarr71404 Posts: 176 Member
    First of all, make sure you are eating a healthy range of foods to build up the nutrition your body needs. From there, I would say to eat smaller more frequent meals throughout the day to see if you can spark your metabolism back into gear. Like the other poster said it will take time. Your body and mind need to heal. I hope you don't give up and I hope you see success.
  • jumasc
    jumasc Posts: 5
    I've been there, done that. It takes time for your body to adjust to normal eating habits. Think of all you've done to it! I thought it would never happen, but yes! my metabolism is normal once again. I agree with eating smaller, more frequent meals. It'll help your metabolism and keep your energy up. Don't get frustrated and overwhelmed. You CAN do it!! Great job for being one month free of bulimia. I know from personal experience that it's a tremendously hard thing to get passed.