Females Only! hunger during period?



  • Teele86
    Teele86 Posts: 23 Member
    Im right into the choc au lait drink. 45cals for a chocolate drink, better than Milo and youve got your chocolate hit without the added calls.
  • julialdr
    julialdr Posts: 100 Member
    I just go with it and eat without regrets. It's only a couple of days... it won't kill you.

  • jaymibecca
    jaymibecca Posts: 10 Member
    Nettle tea works good for me. Gets rid of the bloat and helps keep my appetite at bay.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    I came in here because it said Females only and every time i say something like this for men only i get a bunch of ladies that can't listen. So i am in here even though you said i could not. Ha ha ha....so there.
  • ebscrebs
    ebscrebs Posts: 17
    Getting mine in a day or so and I am ravenous! I'm trying to just "live through the hunger." I know it won't kill me to just stick with the plan and I'll feel really good about that tomorrow morning. I still have exercise to get in, so I'm going to work on that as soon as "what would you do" comes on. Gotta reach my goal!
  • ebscrebs
    ebscrebs Posts: 17
    I lied. gave in and ate chips. Now I'm gonna do this workout. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5COzZlxaI4
  • morticia16
    morticia16 Posts: 230 Member
    For me, it depends on the month. Water retention, that always happens to me, so I really make sure I keep on exercising and drinking lots of water. But this month, it hit me like a tsunami. I couldn't stop eating, I couldn't exercise and, my emotions were all over the place and I ended up with my weight going up, clearly. Ok, it's settling now but I guess a few more days to get this under control. Oh I hate it when I stumble even when I know exactly what will happen. Oh, and I eat everything that smells of chocolate taht's in the house so I really have to make sure there are no stashes hidden in pantries....
  • Gosh, I just want to eat a lot of food! I get extra hungry when I'm on it :( can someone help me? Question is, should I just listen to my body and eat as I wish? I am still trying to lose weight though :(

    I just give in.
    It's only morning here and I'm already close to my limit for the day all on sugary cereal :noway: Gym later!
    PS when I was trying to lose weight I never listened to my body or I'd never have lost a pound. Just used to grit my teeth, but it was painful.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    I think I must be very lucky as I've never had particular cravings around that time, nor indeed do I get any emotional upheavals or any pain. Mind you, my period only lasts 2 days so it's little more than a blip on my radar (so much so that I can never remember when it's due!)
  • Tflowers34907
    Tflowers34907 Posts: 51 Member
    I just go with it and eat without regrets. It's only a couple of days... it won't kill you.


    LMBO! YES!!
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    I came in here because it said Females only and every time i say something like this for men only i get a bunch of ladies that can't listen. So i am in here even though you said i could not. Ha ha ha....so there.

    So... what do you crave when you're hormonal?
  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    never had this problem since starting fasting diet .
  • BlondeBop
    BlondeBop Posts: 3
    I struggle too.

    The few days before I get massively hungry, but also loads more energy, so I eat more and workout more. I make sure I keep my water intake up too.

    The first couple of days I'm hungry and tired which normally = junk, but I'm building up a small freezer stash to help combat that.

    Does nettle tea really work?
  • photosarah
    photosarah Posts: 32 Member
    I put aside 410 calories on 2 out of the 5 days to eat an entire "touch of sea salt" Lindt chocolate bar :-)
  • MsEndomorph
    MsEndomorph Posts: 604 Member
    A few days before my period I can eat an elephant! Honestly, short of going over my calories by 1000s, I just give into it. If I don't lose that week, oh well. My family is more important than my weight loss, and that can't survive me during PMS as it is...starving MsEndo would find herself alone ;)
  • abbyreciouz
    abbyreciouz Posts: 50 Member
    I came in here because it said Females only and every time i say something like this for men only i get a bunch of ladies that can't listen. So i am in here even though you said i could not. Ha ha ha....so there.

    @jdad1 ...very mature
  • raneylfrick
    raneylfrick Posts: 380 Member
    Well, I wanted to punch a wall the other day because I was forcing myself to not give in to the cravings. I held them off, and then the cravings seemed to just disappear! That's the first time!!!!! I'm gonna try that every time! (I just hope I don't actually punch something!)
  • shadowharuka
    shadowharuka Posts: 92 Member
    Well I get cravings for sweets majorly, and I let myself have some. I find that if I have dark chocolate I eat less than milk chocolate. (stronger flavor I guess) Luna bars are a good replacement for candy for me. Also exercising does help me feel better, though it is hard to motivate myself to exercise during it. Oh and cleaning keeps my mind busy, and distracts me from some cravings.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member


    This ^^
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    I am dealing with that right now. I only get really hungry late in the day but then its like I could eat forever!