THAT'S IT....NO MORE false starts of P90X...

feisma Posts: 213 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
...This SATURDAY I will start, and carry through to completion, a full round of P90X. I have started, and restarted so many times but have not yet completed a round. This time I am putting it out to MFP to "go public" and be held accountable. :happy: So, with that being said...anybody want to join me for Wk 1, Day 1 this Saturday???? BTW, I'll be doing P90X classic...


  • bnading
    bnading Posts: 8
    How far did you make it the other times? I was planning on starting Sept 6th...but I'm kidn of talking myself into Starting Tuesday the 31st..I kind of want my day 7 to be Monday (because I have body bar) there a reason you want to start on a Saturday?
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Been there, done that between my second & third rounds of P90X but that was due to a recurring bicep injury from pullups. Best of luck!!! :drinker:
  • jenny2x
    jenny2x Posts: 7
    I do! I've started and stopped a few times, and I want to stick with it this time. Count me in!!
  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    I'm currently in Week 11 of my first roung of P90X. I almost stopped a couple of times actually but just kept pushing through. So Good luck!!!! You'll get awesome results I promise! I didn't stick as closely to the diet as I should have since I was running alot and needed the carbs. I've still lost almost 10 pounds and lots of inches. I got easily discouraged when looking at the scale but felt better after measurements so don't forget that the weight is not what matters all the time, it's the inches! you're building muscle and burning fat!

    Have fun!
  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    Good luck, and I'm in your same boat. The first time I tried, I made it to the end of round 2, but got frustrated due to lack of results (my fault, didn't watch my diet enough). I tried again at the begining of this year, but suffered two injuries not related to P90X and had to stop.

    I'm going again, starting today. Day #1 tonight. By my calendar, that will mean I finish the day before Thanksgiving. Hopefully it will be good motivation to stay sane diet wise through the holidays, which is a time I usually pack on 10+ pounds.

    Good luck!
  • feisma
    feisma Posts: 213 Member
    How far did you make it the other times? I was planning on starting Sept 6th...but I'm kidn of talking myself into Starting Tuesday the 31st..I kind of want my day 7 to be Monday (because I have body bar) there a reason you want to start on a Saturday?

    I made it about five weeks in one time and then stalled in the first month the other times. I am notoriously bad about wanting to "tweak" the program and then I start making excuses for why I can't do it the way I'm supposed to. I'm starting Saturday because that will give me a couple of days to get used to getting up early again (I'll have to get up around 4-4:15). When I try to do the workouts in the evenings they never happen...I work 8-5 and have a commute plus two kids...
  • feisma
    feisma Posts: 213 Member
    Good luck, and I'm in your same boat. The first time I tried, I made it to the end of round 2, but got frustrated due to lack of results (my fault, didn't watch my diet enough). I tried again at the begining of this year, but suffered two injuries not related to P90X and had to stop.

    I'm going again, starting today. Day #1 tonight. By my calendar, that will mean I finish the day before Thanksgiving. Hopefully it will be good motivation to stay sane diet wise through the holidays, which is a time I usually pack on 10+ pounds.

    Good luck!

    Good luck to you as well...I look forward to seeing your updates and progress :happy:
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    I've started it. I'm on week #2. Although I KNOW lots of weeks I won't be able to do it everyday in a row like you're supposed to. So i just plan to do as many days in a row as I can. If it takes me 8-9 days to get through the "week" I'm ok with that because at least I'm getting them done.
    I think lots of people start it and then for some reason have to miss a day and then feel like they have messed it up because that's not how the program is set up to be done so they eventually just give it up totally... but let's face it most of us have many other priorities to deal with.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    There is a lot of P90X support on myfitnesspal. Also, you may find people on the Beachbody web-site forums starting at the same time as you.
  • I started this morning on p90x. This is my first go around EVER with the program. I did CoreSync this morning. It was a hard work out for sure, I'm glad that I had gotten into the rhythm of hitting the gym and built up some endurance with cardio before starting. Best of luck!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I started this morning on p90x. This is my first go around EVER with the program. I did CoreSync this morning. It was a hard work out for sure, I'm glad that I had gotten into the rhythm of hitting the gym and built up some endurance with cardio before starting. Best of luck!!

    Huh, the very first workout is Chest and Back. Unless you're doing the lean version.
  • Yeh doing the lean version.
  • st27
    st27 Posts: 101
    YOU CAN DO THIS !!!! I am on my 2nd round of P90X . And I will finshed this week coming up.I will be starting round 3 on Sept 13. I w ould love to be there for you. You can get thur it !Just get your mind set and follow the nutrition guide and workout guide.good luck. hug.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Im starting week 12 tomorrow!!! I love :heart: p90x:heart: and ive had great results... ive lost 20lbs as of today since starting MFP and about 15lbs is due to p90x..... i didnt do the diet, i just logged my food on here!!! I cant wait to start my second round of p90x, im going to take a 1 week break between this round and the next!!! Best of luck!!!:flowerforyou:
  • jwporcaro
    jwporcaro Posts: 2 Member
    How far did you make it the other times? I was planning on starting Sept 6th...but I'm kidn of talking myself into Starting Tuesday the 31st..I kind of want my day 7 to be Monday (because I have body bar) there a reason you want to start on a Saturday?

    I made it about five weeks in one time and then stalled in the first month the other times. I am notoriously bad about wanting to "tweak" the program and then I start making excuses for why I can't do it the way I'm supposed to. I'm starting Saturday because that will give me a couple of days to get used to getting up early again (I'll have to get up around 4-4:15). When I try to do the workouts in the evenings they never happen...I work 8-5 and have a commute plus two kids...

    Count me in--except I'm going to start on Monday, August 30th (I like to work it so Sunday is my day off of P90X--I have more energy to devote to playing with my kids that day). I got about 70 days into P90X (classic) and then started a new job and quit doing P90X. Three months have gotten past me since then and a lot of the weight loss and muscle gains from that first round of P90X have reversed themselves. I'm finally in a place at work where I am not having to devote all of my time to learning the new job, the new company and a whole new industry, and I miss how I felt when I was nearing the end of my first round of P90X. It's time to get back to pressing play!

    tsydow, I can completely empathize with your needing your workouts to be in the mornings. It's inspiring to hear you not make excuses for having a busy life! I, too, have an 8-5 job and a commute. I have four kids, so weeknights especially are crazy now that their school is getting ready to start again. I'm glad to hear that others have made the commitment to do this early in the morning.

    I am coming up on 40 next year, so I figure that now is the time for me to get this right. And after so many years of not taking care of myself, it's taken a toll on my body. Time to reclaim some time for me--even if it is at 4:30 or 5:00 a.m. :-)
  • feisma
    feisma Posts: 213 Member
    YOU CAN DO THIS !!!! I am on my 2nd round of P90X . And I will finshed this week coming up.I will be starting round 3 on Sept 13. I w ould love to be there for you. You can get thur it !Just get your mind set and follow the nutrition guide and workout guide.good luck. hug. are seriously rockin' the "X" :wink: I actually ended up starting today (Sunday) instead of yesterday but I did chest and back, ab ripper x, and I threw in a 30" run since I enjoy running. I am SO tired now! Gotta make sure I get the rest of my calories in so I don't "bonk". Thanks for the encouragement!
  • feisma
    feisma Posts: 213 Member
    How far did you make it the other times? I was planning on starting Sept 6th...but I'm kidn of talking myself into Starting Tuesday the 31st..I kind of want my day 7 to be Monday (because I have body bar) there a reason you want to start on a Saturday?

    I made it about five weeks in one time and then stalled in the first month the other times. I am notoriously bad about wanting to "tweak" the program and then I start making excuses for why I can't do it the way I'm supposed to. I'm starting Saturday because that will give me a couple of days to get used to getting up early again (I'll have to get up around 4-4:15). When I try to do the workouts in the evenings they never happen...I work 8-5 and have a commute plus two kids...

    Count me in--except I'm going to start on Monday, August 30th (I like to work it so Sunday is my day off of P90X--I have more energy to devote to playing with my kids that day). I got about 70 days into P90X (classic) and then started a new job and quit doing P90X. Three months have gotten past me since then and a lot of the weight loss and muscle gains from that first round of P90X have reversed themselves. I'm finally in a place at work where I am not having to devote all of my time to learning the new job, the new company and a whole new industry, and I miss how I felt when I was nearing the end of my first round of P90X. It's time to get back to pressing play!

    tsydow, I can completely empathize with your needing your workouts to be in the mornings. It's inspiring to hear you not make excuses for having a busy life! I, too, have an 8-5 job and a commute. I have four kids, so weeknights especially are crazy now that their school is getting ready to start again. I'm glad to hear that others have made the commitment to do this early in the morning.

    I am coming up on 40 next year, so I figure that now is the time for me to get this right. And after so many years of not taking care of myself, it's taken a toll on my body. Time to reclaim some time for me--even if it is at 4:30 or 5:00 a.m. :-)

    It is difficult to find that balance between work, family, etc. BUT I figure all the rest of it will go a lot more smoothly if I take care of myself by eating right and getting into shape. One thing I realized today after the workout was that just a couple of months of not working out can totally diminish the gains I made previously...I was nowhere near the number of reps and weights I ended at when I stopped doing P90X last time. Wow, definitely incentive to stick with it this time!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I highly recommend making a cerficate for yourself after each round completed. We got certificates when we were kids, so why not now. I made a P90X certificate for my husband and I after we finished round one. walks you through. I just made an Insanity completion certificate this weekend.
  • Jen7301
    Jen7301 Posts: 4
    I've heard alot of people using P90X. I have bad knees and back and was wondering if this would bother me? Just curious before I decide to purchase.
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    I was thinking about starting round two tomorrow because I have to have Monday as my rest days too... BUT I have two weeks before we complete building our new house (which is what has been consuming all my time since the completion of round 1) so I may wait for 2 more weeks to avoid dropping the program... we shall see.

    Good luck, I loved the program and can't wait to do it again, just BETTER this time ;)

    I kept a blog and tracked my results...
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