Starting 30DS!

Hey guys!

I've decided I'm going to start the 30 Day Shred this weekend on Saturday. Anybody with me? I could always go for a "workout" buddy that knows exactly what I'm going through!


  • nyboer
    nyboer Posts: 346 Member
    I'll jump on board! I started on Monday but hurt myself and so am taking a few days off - I'd be happy to start on Saturday instead. I'll FR you :-)
  • I'll join, too! I also started 30DS on Monday. Today (Wednesday) I am beyond sore. I'm hoping I can push through it. I did my best to push through the pain yesterday! I thought it would be better today....but my legs are throbbing, particularly when I go down steps.
    Clearly I am totally out of shape :D

    Anyway, I'd love to help motivate each other and commiserate when it's tough.

    I'm new to MFP, so hopefully I can figure out how to add people fairly easily :)
  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    I'm part of a 30DS group on MFP. We started Monday (July 1st) but a few of us are behind a day or two. Check it out and join the fun!!

    Edit to add link:
  • nmon13
    nmon13 Posts: 3
    I started that but only managed to do up to day 25 but i saw great results in the first 15 because thats when i was eating well. In 15days i lost 7lbs and 7inchs in my upper body, this workout is great for the stomach. Add me on myfitnesspal, im new! I'm planing to start insanity on monday
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    Ill join you! I've been planning on starting 30DS as well as C25K. I'm less afraid of learning how to run than I am of Jillian Michaels XD I love her but she scares the crap out of me. I know she'll get me to where I need to go though so... Time to suck it up and sweat it out o.o
  • lotti29
    lotti29 Posts: 5 Member
    Definitely up for this....I tried 30ds a couple of weeks ago but fell firmly off the wagon after 2 days!