Semi-new and need some support!

So I've been using MFP for awhile now. Over the past year I've lost a little over 80lbs. I'm proud of it, I own it and think its great BUT as of late, (month or two) I've been feeling really down and have had no motivation.
I'm 25 and work long late hours which isn't a problem just hard to wake up early in the AM and push myself to workout. I don't have much of a support system as no one in my circle of family or friends diet whatsoever.
I feel now that I've hit a plateau and since the weight isn't coming off like it used to I'm getting discouraged. I have PCOS so losing weight for me is a little tougher and that's ok. I'm just desperate for some friends or folks to talk to when I'm feeling lethargic or feel like giving up.
I'm open for new food and exercise tips. Any help would be awesome and greatly appreciated :)


  • gigidowden
    gigidowden Posts: 2 Member
    I get the feeling. That is so awesome though of your progress! Keep it up, plateaus are hard but remember to keep pushing through it cause eventually you WILL start dropping again. When I plateau I change around the things such as:

    - am I using oil or butter when cooking meat? I'll cut that out
    - drink two more glasses of water than I normally would
    - change up your foods all together, try tuna instead of chicken and asparagus instead of broccoli
    - *last resort* i'll skip dinner, when I do that, and stay good the next day I end up going down.

    I am having motivational problems as well just because i've been the same weight which seems like forever, i'll eat right, work out 5 times a week and haven't budged an oz. it seems.
  • MoodyFoodie23
    MoodyFoodie23 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks so much. I'll definitely look over my foods and see what I can alter and exchange.
    Its just mega hard to get the energy to even get up and workout sometimes. Ugh.