Workout Regime


I have been trying to lose weight and get fit now for a couple of months now. Gradually losing the weight through exercise and watching my diet. I started training for a charity run I was taking part in and found I enjoyed it. I have now become member at the local gym :-) I have been doing Sunday to Thursday (an hour a day) at the gym doing a mixture of power/strength training and cardio. Then two days off (Friday & Saturday). I know some people say you should do 1 day on 1 day off etc but you hear different opinions. I would appreciated any opinions on the regime I am following??

Any advice would be really appreciated.



  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    This is all good. You can do cardio 7 days a week with no issues. On the resistance training, you just need to be sure that you are giving your body some recovery time... If you are working on upper body exercise on Monday, do lower body on Tuesday, etc...
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    This is all good. You can do cardio 7 days a week with no issues*. On the resistance training, you just need to be sure that you are giving your body some recovery time... If you are working on upper body exercise on Monday, do lower body on Tuesday, etc...

    Assuming it's low or no impact (ie you could bike 7 days a week) ; even after 5 years of running I wouldn't run 7 days a week.........otherwise completely agree.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    You should be doing different things back to back want to give your body repair time. This means you wouldn't want to lift every day...or if you did, you would split the body up to allow for rest...typical split is 2 days on (one day upper the other lower), rest, then two days again (one day upper the other lower). Typically someone following this type of split might throw in 30-45 minutes of "light" cardio in 3x weekly and maybe some HIIT a couple times per week.

    Personally I do a 3x weekly lifting split with shoulders, upper back, and triceps on Tues, Legs on Thurs, and Chest, lats, and biceps on Saturday. On Mon/Wed/Fri I do a 10K trainer which has me running 30-45 minutes save for long run days are a little longer. Sunday is a low impact "rest" day...I play a little golf and do some recreational lap swimming and that's about it.

    You definitely don't want to over-train. Particularly with lifting, the benefits of the lift come with rest. If you just work the same muscles and groups of muscles everyday, you're wasting your time because they never repair...and the repair is where the benefit is.
  • lindsbarry77
    Thanks guy's all very helpful advice.