"SLIM IN 6" - thread for July 2013 (& intros)

Hello! I know there are some other people on MFP doing the "Slim in 6" program by BeachBody, so I thought it'd be helpful to have a dedicated thread each month where we can check in and keep each other motivated! : )

I'll introduce myself and give a little background on my history with Si6:

I actually bought the Slim in 6 program about 9 years ago and have done it off and on through the years. But when I first got it, and was very dedicated about using it, I lost about 80lbs when combining the videos with running and food control re: binge eating. (I gained that weight back over 2-3 years for other reasons which is why I'm here today!) So for those of you who are new to it, it really DOES work -- at least for me. I can already feel my legs are so much stronger just in the past week of doing "Start It Up".

Now I'm in week 2 of the program, doing "Start It Up". I'm doing three days on, one day off (doing the "Slim & Limber" and "Slim & Sixpack" videos that day), then three days back on. It's been a good pace for me so far because doing 6 days in a row is just too much for me. I'm also the kind of person that if I miss one day in that 6 I'll throw in the towel and promise myself to start again on Monday (and I won't). But I can definitely do 3 days at a time and it gives my body a chance to rest. I'm also walking a total of 5-6 miles a day and monitoring my food intake as well. I've always seen the Si6 program as my "strength training" and that works for me since I hate lifting weights.

On Friday I start "Ramp It Up." Gulp.

So where are you guys? How is it going for you? What are your goals? Are you doing anything else alongside the program? Do you understand yet why Debbie's nickname is the "squat nazi"?? ; )


  • crazeedeysi
    crazeedeysi Posts: 21 Member
    Hey! I am trying to lose 40+ pounds ( I never lost the weight after my last child ALMOST 8 YEARS AGO!)
    I just started eating clean and working out, I'm going on my 6th week.
    I just started Slim in 6 2 weeks ago, I'm also moving to stage 2 Ramp it Up this Friday and I'm scared lol.
    Along with my SI6 I also walk/jog 5x week for 25-30 min.
  • SGJ86
    SGJ86 Posts: 31 Member
    Hello! I'm new to MFP. I started doing slim in 6 today along with doing the elliptical 20 minutes. I bought the program a couple of years ago but never stuck to it :( Hoping I have better luck this go round! I know it's effective, it's just so boring! I have 70 lbs to lose, so it won't be easy. But I know it will be worth it ;) Good luck ladies!
  • jaq_attaq
    jaq_attaq Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, SGJ86! And hello my friend, crazeedeysi. : )

    So today I started "Burn It Up" since I didn't have time to do the 47min workout yesterday morning. It was a hard upgrade from "Start It Up" -- but I finished it without passing out. And I remembered that I actually really enjoy the band work. Finally working on my arms is great. But those squat-kick combo things are freaking KILLER. I'm looking forward to 2-3 weeks from now when "Ramp It Up" becomes as easily doable as "Start It Up"!!

    How are you both doing? Anyone else out there doing Si6 right now?
  • carrielynnefl
    Hello! I will join this thread. I have been doing Slim in 6 for a little over a month now. I plan on getting back into the 6 day a week again next week. I have lost some weight and inches and I can see a difference already. I started Ramp it Up at the end of the first week. I plan on doing it for at least another 2-3 weeks. I am also having trouble with the squat kick combo!! I feel so uncoordinated when I do it! I don't want to move on until I master it...
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    I've ordered my dvds and need to read thru when I'm on a pc